Wednesday, May 31, 2017

America Headed Where?

There are those who say they think America is doomed to a bad future. In some ways that can be said of any nation or society state. It is especially said by those who think the current trend of political ideology is all wrong and is certain to destroy what we identify as our nation or society at the time.

I suppose some of this gloomy thinking could be true. Certainly what is happening now in Washington DC is not a positive from my perspective. We have a congress that is inept and gridlocked. We have a president in the White House who pretends to be a leader but is rather a bully and clumsy thinker on the world stage. We have an economy that grows in some sectors but not in all, especially in those sectors that will promise good growth for the long haul.

The same gloomy thinking can apply to Illinois, a state that has political gridlock in its capitol. Illinois is a state that shut its eyes when legislators balanced the budget year after year by not properly funding state-owned pensions – school teachers, university employees, state workers, and municipal workers throughout the state. Thus the investment pool guaranteeing pension payouts were short and now the state is behind at least $50 billion. This is technical bankruptcy for the state of Illinois. And both parties let this happen, indeed, gladly used the ruse to pretend the budget was balanced.

Did they do this with unseeing eyes?  No, the pensioners in the system lobbied the legislature to stop this practice. I know; I’m a retiree of the University of Illinois and thus a beneficiary of the State University Retirement System (SURS). All of the pension plans are molded from the same plan. All were shorted current payments into the investment fund that endowed each plan. We university staff analyzed what the legislature was doing back in the 1970’s and 1980’s and every year before and after. But the legislature blithely continued the practice.

So we can label Illinois a broken state. And we can label America a broken nation, at least in terms of finances. The federal debt is enormous and growing. And the annual budgets are deficit in plan, and actually in deficit when the books are closed at the end of the fiscal year. Both political parties blame the other but in truth they are both to blame for not managing this aspect of American life better.

Yes, America is broken and much demonstrates the truth of this statement.

But I am essentially an optimist. I believe it can be fixed. When is the open question. But the fix will occur when the electorate demands action to mend broken methods and processes. Getting the electorate to that position is the gaping hole that is difficult to estimate the timeline. 

Once the fix is made of course, it will take many years to actually mend the broken promises and budgets. But we will hope that the elected leaders will continue to mend this problem and many other issues that feed off of the core of why we allowed ourselves to become broken in the first place.

Optimism is the hope that right things will get done.

I came across a quote from Foucault, a French philosopher, who said: “The work of an intellectual is not to mould the political will of others; it is, through the analyses that he does in his own field, to re-examine evidence and assumptions, to shake up habitual ways of working and thinking, to dissipate conventional familiarity, to re-evaluate rules and institutions and to participate in the formation of a political will (where he has his role as citizen to play).”

That’s a mouthful but it means – rethinking what is done in the name or citizens so that the actuality and factual truth is known and evaluated properly, is the proper means by which a political body or nation state if managed well. It takes citizens to make this truly implemented and effective.

Foucault would have each of us monitor, evaluate and think constructively about our nation state and insist our elected officials do their jobs properly. If this is so then Foucault believes the nation state will be healthy and fix what is broken, or even avoid the brokenness in the first place.

I think this works. I think this can work. But in our current situation, at least those of us living in Illinois, we have two main arenas in which to exercise our citizenship: in the state house and the governors mansion in Springfield; elect people who will do the people’s will, not pander to the lowest common denominator and fears; and in the US Capitol and White House elect people who will fix the broken and dishonest political gamesmanship, while governing with purpose and forethought for the ages.

It will take fortitude and work to study and monitor all of this. But it is our duty as citizens to do so.

So, to arms, folks! It’s time the elected understood the minds of the electors. If so the broken will be in repair mode and our hopes of the future will be made whole again.

May 31, 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Can we Talk?

Alert: this is not a rip off of Joan Rivers. I really do need to talk with you. I need you to listen, and hopefully you will respond so I have something to listen to as well.

Here’s the situation: I see my nation and society – and all of its subdivisions and subdivisions of those subdivisions – ignoring what’s happening. To all of us. Not just me. And I know you will say “its happening to me, too” so what’s the big deal.

Well, the big deal is…simply put…no don’t get angry or miffed…no one is doing anything about what is happening. Don’t say you are doing something about it; I’ve been on the front lines of this and I see far too many people ignoring the realities. So, please listen up!

Two things are happening that give me angst.  The first one you know about – Trump and his supporters and family. I think they are harming our nation, but I also know our nation has rules, laws and procedures to handle this problem. This is not political. It is not ideological. Although both of those are major issues involved with Trump-ism, I think what’s happening is quite basic. Control of our nation is the name of that basic issue. And we have tools at the ready to manage the situation.

Yes, the courts – both of oak paneled walls, and public opinion – are already in action. Soon enough the nasty business of impeachment will be placed into action.

So, although I’m upset with Trump and Trumpism, I think it is containable and manageable.

So on to the other happening that is riling my otherwise peaceful mind.

Change and adaptation to it.

All too many Americans are ignoring this. Yes, change is everywhere and 24/7/365. Always has been. The only difference between now and any other time is speed of change. The pace is rapid and unstoppable.

If we aren’t ready to change with the flow, or adapt quickly enough, we will be run over and spit out. Then rebuilding our lives will be much more difficult. I’m talking basics here.

Are you ready for keyless cars? They’ve been around now several years. But are you ready for keyless homes? Yes, that is coming very very soon. Are you ready to open your home via electronics, phone, eyeball reader, or fingerprint reader? And then, what do you do when you lose some of those things, or the power is out? [Yes, you can lose an eye and a finger along with the 'print' of same! So then what do you do as Plan B?]

I thought of this specific think and came up with back up battery power for my locks or power grid for my home. That may be too costly for me, so I’d better have yet another Plan B!

On an even more basic level, however, what are you going to do for a job, an income? If technological change upends your employer, what then do you do for a living? Are you prepared to help your employer adapt to the change and survive? Or is it too late for the employer’s business and it will be swept away entirely?

You should be keeping up on such changes. You should be reading about what’s happening in the world and keep an eye and ear attuned to what might be of special importance or threat to you personally.

Career change is a real issue. Just ask guidance counselors at high schools, and intake counselors at admission offices at colleges and universities? What does the student plan on doing for a career or life’s mission? Does such an activity exist in the world of commerce to snap up his offering to work? What will the student need to study to prepare for a career she loves and will adapt to all the changes that will undoubtedly occur to that career profile in time? Will such students – once employed after graduation – be alert to changes that may dislocate them from the activities and interests they love? How will they handle such intimations of change?

I think our community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, should be championing this entire arena. It is a major challenge now. It will continue to be one for the long term. How do we prepare and nurture students to survive and prevail through thick and thin?

Remember: we have millions of dislocated careerists this very moment. They lost their jobs in the past 9 years since the onset of the Greatest Recession. Those folks are not faring very well. Many are working at jobs well below their education and training. But that education and training is not appropriate for the new jobs popping up as a direct result of change.

Imagine that! My thesis is proven. So what do we do about it now?


May 30, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Fallen Loves

Today is Memorial Day. A day set aside for all of us to recall the personal sacrifice of life and limb of young people fighting for their country in battles all over the globe. Fighting for freedom and justice and future hopes for the rest of mankind. Yes, they believed this and fought for it and died. Or came home severely crippled and damaged.

They gave their all so we may hope and live in freedom to be ourselves. They cannot do this now; but we can. That’s why we remember them on Memorial Day each May.

And they were lovers of others, and loved by many others. They are our national loves lost in the struggle to remain uniquely American. That is a very important subtext I wish my readers to ponder.

They gave their futures so that we would have our futures. What are you doing about that? What have you done with that opportunity? Have you made the most of it? And what about the rest of you? How will you use this opportunity to be the best you can be? And earn and experience the rewards from same?

Futures are funny things. We say we prepare for them but we actually do very little of that. We get an education that hopefully prepares us for the future, but how can we know that from the perspective of today? What will the future hold? Will we recognize it as it is happening? Will we then prepare better at that point? Are we willing now to make that investment in ourselves? And later in life, will we be as willing and empowered to make a fresh investment in ourselves?

Education is actually a process that should be teaching students about themselves and their own identity. It should teach how to adapt to changing circumstances. It should teach how to learn so we can do much of this change business ourselves as it happens, not after when so many chips have been lost.

Yes, folks. We are responsible for our own education and life planning. No one else can do it for us. Others can help us, teach us, guide and mentor us; but only you and I can do this for ourselves. You know this fact of life. So do I. I mention it only because most of us don’t really live as though we understand this basic fact of life. I know you know this is true.

So what do we do about that?

I think there are several things we can do.

First, get the best and most education you can afford.

Second, invest time and concentration in keeping that education current throughout your life. Read and study important writers and speakers on matters that matter. Enroll in an occasional class in your trade association, community college or alma mater college or university. Feed the mind and the career and life plan will take care of itself; maybe.

Third, invest time and concentration in reading about current issues that may be hallmarks of changes pending. Our cars are more automated now than ever before. Talk is rampant about self-driving cars. Will this happen in our lifetime? Will it affect how we earn our living? How we drive? Will we buy a self-driving car? Or will we rent one, or time-share one? Now rethink how this change might affect the economy and thus your job and career!

Fourth, help education institutions keep up with these issues and challenges. Be prepared to fund them through our tax system for these good ends. Also prompt employers to prepare for career change among their own staff and labor pool. Perhaps they will train the next generation of employees?

Fifth, be involved with your community’s life. This is where your friends, family and neighbors are living lives similar to your own. What affects you affects them and vice versa. So speak up and engage in life’s process of change and adaptation. It is not all bad.

No; it is not all bad. This will provide excitement and intellectual challenge that will reward you for the remainder of your life. Such a good reward for doing the right thing in the first place.

Now wouldn’t our fighting men and women who didn’t return home be proud of what we did with their legacy? Think about that and remember them today.

May 29, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

Summing Up Donald

As the days go by the toll Trump has placed on American life keeps growing. The looming effect of all his machinations are becoming huge.

We can include here these items:
  • Russian contacts during the election campaign by campaign leaders
  • Russian contacts after inauguration by White House staff
  • Gen. Flynn’s flawed appointment to White House Security staff
  • Trump’s firing of Comey in an attempt to kill the FBI probe of White House wrong doings including contacts with Russia
  • Trump pressuring his intel chiefs to push back against the FBI probe
  • Selling strategic oil reserves to pressure gas prices down when they aren’t that high in the first place
  • Mixed signals toward North Korea’s missile tests raising war threat unnecessarily
  • White House attempting to block inquiry into ex-lobbyists appointed to White House staff
  • Trump proposed budget slashes aid to poor, offers huge tax cuts to the wealthy
  • Trump’s manipulation of relationship with Israel that blocks peace with Palestinians
  • Trump’s arms deal with Saudi Arabia that inflames Middle East tensions further
  • Trump’s business deals totaling $360 billion with Saudi Arabia may be in exchange for ending the 9/11 law suit waged by 9/11 victims’ families
  • Trump’s misappropriation of the term Religious Freedom to return discrimination against currently protected classes of people often discriminated against
  • Trump’s major military budget increase at the expense of social service programs for the elderly, handicapped and poor
  • Appointments of cabinet chiefs with views directly opposed to their assignments: Energy, EPA, Education, etc.
  • Cutting funding for alternative energy research
  • Cutting funding for the National Institutes for Health
  • Cutting funding for the National Endowment for the Arts
  • Pressure on economic advisers to raise interest rates so investors can gain higher earnings; forget that trillions of surplus cash abound in savings accounts and corporate treasuries
  • Cutting tax rates which will benefit the wealthy the most and create huge federal budget deficits AND a large increase in the national debt 
There is more to add to this list. But the direction and tenor of the actions are clear.

The Trump White House is all about entrenched wealth and industry. Oil, military and banking are the favorite industries. The average US citizen will not benefit from such largesse. Only the white, Anglo-Saxon, wealthy will benefit. Last time I checked that accounted for a very small portion of our nation’s population.

Furthermore, those citizens who aspire to the upper 5%, let alone the top 1%, will have a more difficult time of it. If the top is favored by huge tax benefits, those who have will get more, and those who don’t have will get less. The challenge to move up is made more difficult, not easier.

I think the Trump voter pool may be seeing a view of their candidate that is now more clear. It is a perspective that does not favor their values. In fact it is just the opposite.

And those opposed to Trump knew this all along. What we feared during the campaign is now becoming a reality. Very few people benefit; most of us will lose.

It is up to the Congress to change this. Blocking a lot of Trump initiatives would help. But the best action would be to reverse the entire Trump era by impeaching him and removing him from office.

While they are at it, they should include the Vice President as well. This would place Paul Ryan in the unenviable position of rising to the presidency totally unprepared, but then we have been there before. We will endure.

But first, impeach; then remove.

Thank you for your kind attention!

May 26, 2017

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Immigration Issues

I have to say one of my favorite and emotional pieces of literature is the poem inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty: 

      “Give me your tired, your poor, 
            Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 
            The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. 
            Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: 
            I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Emma Lazarus wrote those words. She was a high society New York woman who was a serious writer of poetry. Somehow she captured the meaning of the Statue of Liberty precisely.

Her poem has long stood as an open welcome and entreaty for foreign strangers to enter and adopt our land as theirs. We may have adopted limitations along the way to better manage the enormous flow of immigrants, but the intent has not changed.

America was built on immigrants coming to our shores and adopting us entirely. Their perspectives, cultures, histories and biographies not only merge with those already here, but have built and expanded the breadth and depth of who we are, who Americans are. Our talents are renewed and refreshed with each new immigrant. Our knowledge and genius is expanded as well. Who we are as a nation is defined by who lives, breeds, and aspires here.

The very notion that we would withdraw our welcome mat to newcomers chills my heart and soul. To the core.

Liberty is all-welcoming. It is the purest form of America I can think of. I know massive resettlement of immigrants taxes our communities and states. It is chaotic at times, especially for those towns and cities where the largest groups gather. In time, however, these new citizens spread to other parts of the country and blend in. They learn our culture and change it all at the same time. They bring new ideas to our well traveled past. They perk up our thinking and adaptation to change.

Throughout our history, however, blemishes on our handling of immigrants have happened. We have pushed people away when we weren’t sure of their loyalty to America. We have placed quotas on entry when the numbers were overwhelming. And once in our land immigrants often faced terrible discrimination. The Germans, Irish and Italians know of what I speak!

In time these embarrassments have ebbed for the most part. Their sting remains but fresh discrimination is now a trickle. Unless you are Hispanic and fresh over our southern border. They settled in as migrant agriculture workers and day laborers. And then the call of ‘illegals’ was shouted out in political circles. Another age of discrimination emerged and now our land is debating afresh what to do about the illegals.

Damn but this is short sighted. And cruel. Over 11 million immigrants may be illegal, that is, not conforming to the entrance procedures. Instead of attempting to correct this matter in a humane manner, rude demands of deportation are sounded. And acted upon. Families are divided making this even more cruel.

This is a political issue more than it is a procedural one. The political pose is still rude and uncaring. It is discrimination pure and simple. The illegal status of many current immigrants have survived decades of living in our nation and building a life, career and family. Uprooting this success is unconscionable. These good people have paid their dues and earned their entry to our nation.

Call it amnesty or call it hospitality, acceptance and correction of their status should be accepted and documented.

If the illegal immigrant is not invested in a career, education, or family, and if that same person has been found guilty of a serious crime (felony), then deportation may be considered. Otherwise, let them remain and add to our company. They should be welcomed.

Because they are welcome!

May 25, 2017


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Actions For Peace

I continue to think about the issue of world peace. I get kidded when I steadfastly answer the question of “What do you want?” and I say over and over again ‘world peace.’ Yes, I say this in jest partially, but mostly I mean it.

Peace is a good thing. Properly made and maintained, peace is a comfort and a joy. After all, peace gives us the freedom to use our assets for good, not war. And war is war when it is hot, and cold when it is defensive to keep peace; but it is still war, just without the bullets flying.

The largest portion of the American annual budget is for military preparedness. We think of it as defense posturing, but such is unrealistic if we don’t imagine how the preparedness would work in a time of hot war. So our preparedness is decidedly capable of hot war conditions using our military. It costs us over $700 billion annually.

Yes, our military preparedness has kept the peace for a long time. Short term skirmishes have broken out from time to time, but these were not all out war. Today we have live skirmishes in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. There are military bases scattered over the globe so we are ready for action at a moment’s notice. The Philippines and Japan are two; so, too, South Korea.

$700 billion. Think of that figure! What could it buy if not used for military purposes?

A lot. A lot of medical care for the billion or so people on the globe without adequate medical care. A lot of food for the 3 billion hungry souls on the face of the earth. A lot of infrastructure for those nations without adequate agriculture capabilities, or for fresh water.

Healthy people are generally happy people. People who are not thirsty or hungry are generally happy as well. People who feel they are able to maintain their own family’s well-being are happy too. Sharing life and cultures throughout the world is rewarding. Helping those same cultures become educated and capable of self sustaining their nations is even more rewarding.

$700 billion. Per year. Spent on basic human needs over time will solve a lot of problems that usually lead nations to war. That is the peace I dream of. Not guns and missiles, but food and water and commerce and jobs. Self sustenance. Self respect. Peace.

$700 billion. Instead we spend this money on war and preparation for war.

I wish this were not so. But it is. There are unfriendly people on the planet who do not mean well for us. So we protect ourselves. We see this as a necessity. And we see mutual aid agreements with other nations as a parallel need as well. We build peace and maintain it with such agreements.

We must ask from time to time, “To what end do we maintain peace?” And the answer? So we can love and be loved. And do good for others.

This is what we have been asked to do by every religion and culture since the beginning of time. Yet we act and live at odds with this answer. Something always leads us off track toward the violence or prevention of same. But prevention assumes violence is a real and present danger.

What a wasteful reality this is.

When might we try peace at last? Or will we only gain lasting peace when the world itself has been destroyed by man’s weakness for violence?

Now there’s a question for the ages.

Anyone care to answer it?

May 24, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

World’s Goal

Who speaks for the world? Or rather the world community? Anyone?

Well yes, I think the United Nations speaks for the world in one sense. That organization works to support the aspirations of all peoples on the face of the globe. Those people cannot live lives of purposefulness or pleasantness with fear of being subjugated by other people. So peace is one goal the UN struggles with.

Marauding tribes in one nation attacks the villages of another nation. Why they do this is maybe cultural; perhaps resource envy or lack of their own resources. People seek food, shelter, clothing, and other things like most people; they gather into families and villages; they learn to work together to create comity. Others without these same things eye those that do. Tensions may arise between the two groups but most such encounters are positive and charitable. People share good things with others. They act with hospitality toward the other, the stranger. They welcome the stranger into their homes and inner circles. They seek friendship and a basis for bonding.

That bonding is what builds peace among strangers and among nations. Why then do we still have war? Marauding? Piracy on the high seas? Crime?

Is the perpetrator of such behavior in need of life’s basics and doesn’t know how to ask for it and accept such bounty with gratefulness? Or does the perpetrator think he is owed these riches? And why might he feel that way?

Some answers of course are greed, power, and wealth. So how does the world community treat such a person or nation?

Most of the time we reach out to them and provide them with aid – food, medical assistance, funds, education, and a helping hand to build their infrastructure and commerce. Such aid is designed to provide self sustainable behavior long into the future.

Does this work? Yes it does, but only in some countries. In those that are unsuccessful, most likely the aid has been diverted to the hands of a few. Those few become wealthy and powerful. They use their power and wealth to get even more. They are the greedy ones. The rest of the nation continues to suffer. Think Afghanistan. This has been their history for hundreds of years. Yet the world continues to arrive at their door and provide aid.

The African Continent is another example. Many successes there with foreign aid, but many examples of misspent assistance and continuing struggles, poverty and war among nations. Somalia is an example. And many, many others.

The United Nations has its hand full of such matters. But they continue to pursue peace in those outposts of life; and they pursue peace among the large nations as well. The unsteady peace of the globe is endangered by attitudes, slights, and petty arguments of the giant nations. Giant because they are armed to the teeth with fierce weapons of mighty destruction. The very presence of such armaments are the tools of influence and force.

Rattling the weapons from time to time reminds people of the nation’s great ‘strength’. Skirmishes are created from such actions. Play acting, mostly; but occasionally a hot contained war arises. Think Crimea and Ukraine, here. For what purpose are these skirmishes waged? And the consequences of such? Any? Did the world react other than with language?

The world community is capable of much good. This includes hospitality and welcome. It also includes comity and quality of life.

The opposite is annihilation. Total destruction and death.

Such consequences are unimaginable. Yet we continue to play a dangerous game of chicken. When might an unstable leader of a giant nation misstep and cause such consequence? Or a pretender like North Korea?

In our current condition, this could happen at any moment. Is this what we want?

If the answer is no, then what should we do about it? And why haven’t we done something before now? When do we figure this out and take appropriate action?

May 23, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

Getting to Future

This keeps me up at night. Usually in the middle of the night. The question that pops up over and over again – what do people think about the future? How do they move into it? With intention or fear and dread? I think the latter is the most common answer; but I don’t really know that.

Thinking back on my own life I know I had fears of the next day’s events unfolding; what I was responsible for and how my preparation would play out and affect the outcome. Would the results be positive? Would they be appreciated? Would they provide a platform for the following day in this matter? Or would the ‘issue’ go on and on for a few weeks?

For the most part things worked out. Slowly at first and then more smoothly. Of course the connection to previous actions helped smooth the surface operations; connecting actions and facts builds process, orderliness. That is appreciated by people involved in unresolved procedural matters.

Getting to know people with behavioral problems offered a better view of this interest in ‘future’. Alcoholics self medicate with alcohol. The question is: what is the object of their medicating? Why do they suffer? Speaking with them as they plumb their angst we find resentments, regrets, and fear of the unknown. Much of the unknown is a lack of confidence in themselves. Wondering about their own worth they build up fear and dread. Low self esteem?

Getting the alcoholic to accept self without judgment is achieved over time. Replacing low self-esteem with neutral feelings is a start. None of us can control much of life. We want to and often think we can, but in the end we do not control life. Life happens. We live it, in good times and bad, with confidence or not. Accepting that simple fact is the start of good mental health.

From that point an individual can examine life’s elements, the good ones and the bad, those that excite, and those that cast dread. In the end, though, the healthy mind knows how to process these elements and make sense of them. Making sense of these things allows the individual to work with the elements and create other elements, new options, inventions of opportunity. These very small transactions in the mind are the seeds of the future.

We often say “curiosity feeds the active mind.” The active mind goes on to what? The future, of course! Or at least that’s my thesis.

Think about it. How many people do you know who don’t think about the future of things because they simply don’t know about those issues, or don’t want to? They avoid such talk. Such things are unknown and uncomfortable to them. Pie in the sky talk bothers them. 

But change that into wondering what might happen and asking myself how I could affect the happenings, places us into a dream process, a ‘what if’ sequence of thinking. That is not something we hold people responsible for. It is a free act and a free use of the mind and tools of logic. It can turn into a game. It is fun.

And for people who truly want to catch a glimpse of ‘what can be’, this exercise of the mind is often a sheer act of creativity.

Think of the artist starting with a lump of clay; hours later it is an object of beauty, function and purposefulness. It is a creation of thought. The artist has made a statement in something real that once was merely an idea in his mind. An expression of the inner voice. A creative outcome.

Such are moments of future as well. Now it is not here, a moment later it is present. From present tense to future tense. A blip of an idea. And now something exists.

I work with teenage drug addicts. Most are in rehab unwillingly. They would rather use drugs because it became a way of coping with life. It was their way to feel OK about being of the ‘hostile world’. I think most of us believe drug use is an escape. But from what? Well that is the question, isn’t it?

To be successfully rehabbed, the drug addict has to follow a process of discovering himself free of the drugs to begin the process of building a realistic model of himself living in the world.  

A rehab program keeps drugs out of the hands of the patient. Testing randomly for the presence of drugs keeps the patient honest; those who sneak use of drugs are caught and challenged to change or leave the program. Yes, there are failures; stubborn cases in which the patient was not reached. But that is a matter of time.

Time for the person to encounter himself squarely and honestly. Once done we are on the way toward better health. Not done? Drug use will undoubtedly continue. Or the alcoholic will resume drinking. Addiction is addiction no matter the substance. The behavior feeding the addiction is the issue to uncover. And that is deep within the patient.

I observed an addict the other night. Intelligent, young, vigorous. A blank sheet of emotion. He states what he fears, and then does nothing about it. Facing that is worse than the outcome of using drugs. So back to drugs he goes. Talking about options does not move him. He is adamant about not facing the problems head-on. He just doesn’t do it; won’t even envision it. Or rather, the envisioning offers no good image; so he continues to avoid it entirely. Puts on headphones and listens to music, smokes a little weed, or pops a pill. The encounter has been avoided and life is OK. Not perfect, but OK.

The future does not offer enough reward for this person. He cannot fathom a future of good, just bad; so he avoids it at all costs.

In time the answer will be nothingness, death. That is the only logical outcome for such a person. It is a slow spiral that draws him down, down, down. And finally darkness is permanent.

Lighting the spark that changes his thought process is elusive. So, too, creating the future. For those of us of normal mind, such is cause for excitement. We are bringing good tomorrows into being. And that is good for everyone, not just us.

Why don’t we all relish this way of being?

May 22, 2017

Friday, May 19, 2017

Moving Fast

So now we have a special counsel for Russiagate. William Mueller is a trusted and capable person for this assignment. It is also a good start on sorting out  the facts and fiction of this whole issue. For those people who support Trump or blindly support a Republican in the White House regardless of who he is, I say it is time we all knew what is true, what is fiction, and what is fact.

Clearly Trump says whatever is on his mind and shapes the message instantly for approval or shock value. Whatever he has said in the past is now suspect. We simply don’t know if his comments and statements are true. Literally, he misspeaks, propagandizes continually, and shades the facts. In frustration he claims anything unfavorable to him to be fake news. Perhaps even his frustration is fake?

Nonsense! He has so clouded his credibility that nothing he says is believable. And that’s the problem in a nutshell.

A special prosecutor that we all trust will help us find out what is believable.

In less than 120 days in office Trump has brought all of this on himself. It is an amazing display of hubris and narcissism. It is so over the top it is hard to believe what has happened. But the American people insist on a credible person in the White House. And that’s what we will get with or without an impeachment.

I don’t know if Trump will be impeached. I wish we could get this over and done with quickly because the not knowing and time delays only serve to damage our nation’s reputation and ability to conduct serious business. I am not a trump supporter and never have been. His campaign rhetoric was off the track and libelous against all of his primary candidates, and certainly against Hillary. The campaign showed us the type of person Trump is. And was. And will be. The stripes do not easily change.

My take on all of this is get rid of him and find a replacement – the Vice President? – and get back to business. Even that is clouded. Mr. Pence is beginning to come up covered in doubt now.

None of this will be easy but it is necessary to live through and survive.

May 19, 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Lyrics of Life

Day by Day is a song title, a pop tune that lilts its way into the mind and heart of listeners. Other song titles pop to mind as well. Later those tunes and lyrics emerge in my thinking, you know, the idle sort of thinking we all engage in from time to time. While sitting at a railroad crossing waiting for the train to clear the crossing, or when waiting a long time at a busy commuter intersection, these themes come to mind.

Even later in the day we find ourselves thinking on the words, perhaps not the original intent of the artist who brought them to us, but just the same, food for thought.

Mulling over random ideas and words is more than a pastime. It is like idle work that often yields results. Sometimes we think upon topics that are very complex and difficult to explain to others. As an explainer I will use any tool to help express myself so others can understand the point of view. Pop tunes and song lyrics are handy for that!

So, day by day we live out our lives. One moment at a time and one major task or project at a time. Sometimes these are crises, and the drama for us is quite real. Are we aware this is happening ‘day by day’? Or are these things taken for granted as we struggle and sweat the details?  I think the latter. Maybe months later – or even years – we think back on these matters quite by accident. And the meaning then comes home full force. Aha! Yes, another one of those Aha moments!

Two days ago I posted my Impeach Trump message on my blog. I am very serious about this posting. I think trump is very dangerous to himself, us, the nation and the world community. I get the point that maybe trump's presidency is a rude awakening and shock to the system that might provide some clarity and guidance moving on into the future. But I shudder at the sloppiness and irreverent disregard he has for history, protocol and balanced views.

There is an orderly process to follow. Just ask Kissinger and a dozen or more Secretaries of State. They crafted their messages very carefully. They built relationships intently so we could forge ahead with history with certainty and care. That does not describe what’s happening in Washington DC at this very moment.

No; trump is outside of every box, square, process or protocol that ever existed in White House practices. His disregard seems total; it is this aspect of his behavior that informs me he is out of control and a clear and present danger to our nation and global community.

Look, it seems the crisis posed by North Korea has been abetted and supported by both Iran and Russia. Do I have proof of this? No; but the CIA, and other intelligence agencies do. Iran has been feeding military secrets to North Korea so the latter can appear to gain nuclear capabilities in threatening the US. Iran wouldn’t dare do this on her own, but through North Korea, you bet. Looking passively in the other direction is Russia. Putin foments trouble all the time. It is his nature and role to do. Russia is not strong enough to wage a World War III; but if it upsets the balance enough throughout the globe he will have partners in his nonsensical ‘plan’. And then watch out!

I don’t have an answer to North Korea other than building a global peace force that strips North Korea of all of its military capability. After that we all go in to rebuild their nation’s ability to support a quality of life for its people.

A peaceful Korean Peninsula should be our goal. The ‘war’ has been quieted for many decades (1953?) and peace has been present in name only. It is time to make it real. This cannot happen without removing the tools of war and actually acting like caring human beings to the North Korean people.

Now, that’s what I think about North Korea’s threat to the world. How we get Russia, Iran, and the very troubled middle eastern nations to cooperate and collaborate on a peace plan is the larger issue we all need to be working on.

Obviously the UN could be of great assistance here, but it has burned up its credibility value through many years of dumb agreements, pacts and protocols. Talk about resetting or rebooting an organization!  The UN should be doing this right now if it is going to play any meaningful role in reaching and maintaining peace on a global basis.

Day by Day, indeed. For patient people this is a snap. For the rest of us, it is excruciatingly painful. Now where’s a lyric that would salve this open sore?

May 18, 2017

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fixing Things

There is a lot that’s wrong these days. The biggest wrong is a government incapable of doing its job because it is gridlocked over political nonsense. Lost in this wrong are the citizens and the nation. To wit:

  • Illinois has messed up its finances and budgets for many decades; each side of the aisle blames the other when they are both equally responsible for creating the mess. They made this happen by not paying current actuarial requirements into the pension funds of state employees. The employees paid their share; the institutions paid their share; but the state did not ante up it’s contractual payment. Result: $50 billion of unfunded pension liabilities; some estimates place the total at $100 billion. No one will compromise to fix this specific problem, or get back to the major tasks left undone. Meanwhile the state is technically bankrupt.
  • Congress is gridlocked with republican and democrat power brokers calling the shots. We have temporary funding agreements so the daily business of government can proceed, but policy decisions continue to be deferred until they can’t any longer. The disruption in agency work due to this dysfunction is very real. The IRS is underfunded so it cannot do its audit function properly. Medicare is continually borrowed from by Congress to pay current bills, thus undercutting Medicare’s ability to properly and quickly fund healthcare provider invoices.
  • With Congress in disarray social programs that under-gird health, welfare and education are stymied. These programs are the building blocks of a strong quality of life. The job is large enough that only the federal government can provide the kind of assistance and policy focus that makes such programs work. The real horsepower of these programs, however, are provided by state governments, and local volunteers. The central leadership and resources, however, come from the federal government.
  • Military takes the lion’s share of the federal budget. That alone is well funded at the expense of all other programs and functions of the federal government. The arguments against social programs are lost in the enormity of other spending programs. Social programs are a mere drop in the bucket in comparison.
  • International Relations and foreign affairs are a total mess. Current White House handling has bungled the job so badly that those who have invested their careers in the ‘foreign service’ are leaving and abandoning ship. This occurred in George W. Bush’s administration as well. At this point the foreign service staff is young with neophytes learning their jobs while on the clock. Not a stable or healthy condition.
  • Economics is not understood by many who are charged with administering and forming policy related directly to it. The lack of policy is deplorable. The presence of unworkable policy is worse. Political ideologies are thus played with economic policy threatening our nation’s very stability. Free trade is a paradigm to be sought. Macro economics is the policy center for international operations and national strategies. Microeconomics is the policy center for individuals, firms, and non-central state operations. Politicians think in microeconomic terms while they should be dealing in macroeconomic terms. I believe this to be the fundamental problem plaguing American economic policy today. Trump cannot run our federal government as though it is a corporation. It is a very different thing entirely. His controlling personality is cowing his advisors who are not directing his attention where it is needed most.
  • But the worst apparatus broken and in need of repair is the role of the White House. That is purely trump-based at this moment in history. And it is operating in a manner sure to do damage to our nation. 
Our country has invested much in education and research and development. The gains from these activities are great. However, we do not extract the maximum good from the gains because we do not catalog them and have them at the ready to use when needed. Better use of this accumulated knowledge and wisdom is needed. That doesn’t mean the government will use the knowledge properly. That’s where specialists enter the picture and need to be used.

Leadership comes from both Congress and the White House. Both, however, are hampered by invested positions of ideology and thirst for power. They see the nation and world in such terms at the expense of what really counts.

We need to regain our footing using actual facts and proven theories to craft policy and protocols that will work. For now we are adrift. The world is watching. The dissolution of America’s strength is very real and watchable by our enemies and frenemies. Not good. Not good at all. Why else do you think North Korea, Iran, the Philippines and Putin are testing our resolve?

We live in a dangerous world. Our first priority is to maintain safety and credibility. Both of those are in doubt under the current White House rule.

Who will step up to challenge trump and either correct the situation or remove him so we can get back to business?

May 17, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Constitutional Crisis

I don’t think I’m mistaken. An historian specializing in American presidential history would know for certain, but I believe we are smack dab in the middle of the greatest Constitutional Crisis of our nation’s history.

We have a man sitting in the chair of the President of the United States of America who is unfit, unstable, unprepared, and totally living outside the reality of his position. He has a staff that doesn’t believe that to be the case but the more time they spend with him the more they realize the hopelessness of their situation.

Being an outsider in politics does not require one to be an alien. The job of President is to lead the nation by persuasion and actions, not edict. The position does not have the power trump pretends to have. In his own corporate world – the owner and chief leader of his own enterprises – trump does have the power. In the Presidency of the USA he does not. He has 330 million bosses in the citizenry. And he has a job description in the US Constitution. And he has oversight committees galore throughout the Congress and agency protocols under his direction.

The President is not autonomous. Dictators have autonomy. Putin has a great deal of autonomy in Russia, but not totally. Idi Amin had total autonomy until the world unseated him. Same for Hitler and somewhat for Mussolini.

America is not so constructed.

We the people have the power. We are slow to anger and slow to move to action, but the time has surely come to remove the president from office. He has become a clear and present danger to the nation.

Remove him pending examination and due process. We have no time to lose in doing so. The danger is that great.

Trump is perceived to be unreliable among most of our allies. He is perceived as weak and bumbling by Russia and China. Taken together the situation is now dire for world peace. Only shenanigans and offensive military actions can result in this climate.

So, keep the peace and remove the problem; regain our stability with the Vice President taking his place until final actions are explored and decided upon. Under this arrangement Congressional oversight will be specific and great. Perhaps they can even put aide their partisanship to protect and preserve our nation.

It would be wise if all concerned gave much thought to the previous paragraph. We are in the worst crisis of our history precisely because partisan interests took the place of wise persons governing our nation. Too much power and money warped our system.

Democracy is messy. We all know that. People with good minds and big hearts know how to live with the messiness and bring order and wisdom to it. We have come to rely on that polite exercise of power and mindfulness. Generations of us have come to trust that capability. However, our recent history has raised a baleful disregard for logic, manners and poise. We have become greedy and noisy brats.

Best we curb this excess now than later and resume the business of governing a peaceful nation intent on improving the station of all nations on the globe. We have done well with this in the past; let us resume this good journey as our legacy.

May 16, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

Cultural/Political Impact

Awoke early thinking how each of us has impact on our nation, life style, and governance. The concepts of culture and politics insisted their way into my thinking. Over and over again threads of concepts and ‘discussion’ came to mind.

From Wikipedia comes this: Culture can be defined in many different ways. In the words of anthropologist E.B. Tylor, it is “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals…” and so much more. Politics, on the other hand relates to a context of action. Wikipedia offers this definition: “Politics is the process of making decisions applying to all members of each group. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance.”

Culture and Politics. Popping up in my mind over and over. So much so that I got out of bed at 1:20 am and turned on the computer.

Culture and politics share context in every society; some share more closely than others; it depends on the nation and the strength of their culture. Governance follows culture, I think. We all have to coexist within the framework of time and culture. They occur together. We may see our culture differently, and bring different things to it. But the political is our way of navigating through the chaos of ordered minds into the orderliness of society’s functioning. Politics is the driving engine of getting things done in a large and complex society.

When culture and politics intersect the transactions often are messy. The order of governance follows bureaucratic protocols. Often these are set in a complex array of constitutional language, systems and agency functions. It is a way in which to create and maintain order.

It is the order from this process that allows culture to grow, change and morph into entirely new knowledge bases, values and morals as well. How we express ourselves within culture is the enriching emergence of and meaning of belief systems, art, religion and so many other compartments of our intellectual life. Their merging with one another creates entirely new vistas of even more culture.

But running through all of this is order. Order brings stasis to our thinking so we can code and archive – save – what has been and what is emerging. The lifeblood of culture is intellect, order and process. Governance is part of that order and process. Engaging the intellect in all of this is natural and unnatural at the same time.

Many people are uncomfortable dealing with intellect. They are much more at home with process and functions, or action. The meaning behind all of this, however, is intellect, and it requires its own protocols to function well. It is all about values, beliefs and networking of concepts to create new thoughts and workable ideas.

Perhaps the angst of modern day is the ill-fit between culture and politics. Each of the components – culture and politics – homes in on a different set of elements to survive. Politics tends to focus on day to day function and action. Culture is much more free-based within our social functioning. The creative side of society is rooted in culture. Any governance mechanism that thwarts culture is a clear and present danger to the wellness of our society and its ability to survive pressure and change continually.

Governance should have its role to protect culture. The two are not enemies naturally. But practitioners of governance and politics do tend to drift toward enemy status.

I had not thought of this in this way before. That alone is a good subject for discussion, but another day! The thing that propelled me from bed in the middle of the night is simply this:

            Current political discourse in America and in many places on the globe tends to
            short circuit culture and its functioning in our society. That is a danger not well
            defined in American discussion.

The source of our society’s genius is in its culture. And that culture must be free-wheeling in its scope and expansion of thought all the time. It is where invention occurs. It is where we all connect with the ‘big picture’ elements of life. We are always struggling to make sense of it and keep it real and practical. The last thing we need is something that snuffs the life out of such intellectual pursuits.

Governance is ruled by politics. Usually politics ascribes to political parties, ideologies, and a host of power networks that obscure what governance ought to be about.

A quick glance at Illinois governance demonstrates how politics has paralyzed the culture and society of the state. This is important to note. The political parties involved are at gridlock status.

The same is true at the federal level of governance in America. The Congress is divided on party lines and some ideological lines. The situation is frozen in gridlock. The big things of government are locked in a battle in which little gets accomplished.

On some basis this may be good to protect and preserve the battling ideas and beliefs. But at some point society and its culture moves on. The amorphous gestalt of our nation continues to change into whatever it will, inventing new industries, new arts, new ideas, new knowledge bases. If government and its ruling politics doesn’t bend, what is the result?

And how long does that result hold sway?

America has need to find a workable agenda in which to fulfill the needs of the American people, all the while not smothering the creative genius that resides within. The current political gridlock is not helpful and must be set aside.

Important work needs to be done. Here are a few of those agenda items we are leaving in the dust:
·         Reform of the justice system so it serves our nation fairly and justly
·         Enlarge access of education to all people throughout their lives to support life-long learning
·         Improve educational systems to uncover and magnify the natural talents of each person in our society
·         Allow and nurture an unbounded creative energy within business and commerce so it addresses needs clearly and economically
·         Quality of life in thought, deed and health is constantly rooted in our being

We are seemingly on autopilot. The craft in which we travel is in motion and flying without sensate authority. Without knowledgeable and intentional guidance the craft will run out of fuel and crash.

And that will be the end of both culture and politics. Contemplating this state of affairs I conclude this simple fact: culture never gets in the way of politics; but politics does get in the way of culture. What then does society do to fix politics?

May 15, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Call to Action

Let’s see what is transpiring. Not all set as yet, but the movement is underway and intentional:
  • Healthcare legislation is set to remove Affordable Care Act features and access
  • Uninsured citizens will once again soar; estimates are 20 million and possibly much more
  • Poor, elderly and those with pre-existing conditions will lose healthcare coverage
  • Remaining coverage will have higher premiums, reversing the decline and then stability of recent years
  • Cost savings to the federal government have not yet been estimated; indeed, it is thought the costs might skyrocket; and all for less coverage!
  • Insurance companies once again come out ahead
  • Death panels feared by republicans prior to the Obama presidency will be back but in the form of both republican congresspersons and insurance claims administrators
And this is just on the health side of things!

Other items to consider:
  • Freedom of religion executive order gives rights to churches to teach their political ideology and urge congregations to vote for specific candidates up for election and for referenda and other measures appearing before voters
  • Religions now have complete freedom to act as they wish among their own; and even proselytize among non members; but with more freedom they have the right to lobby for legislation to enforce their religious beliefs on everyone else in the name of not restricting them in their own beliefs
  • Access to education is lessened by reduction of scholarships and lower aid to educational institutions thus making them all more expensive
  • Tariffs on foreign goods will raise the price on all goods in the marketplace, thus beating down free trade opportunities
  • Tariffs will help preserve current domestic manufacturers and employers but those industries are already dying so their demise is just a matter of time; the tariffs will have been used for what, then?
  • Without Planned Parenthood healthcare for women – especially those with lower incomes – will be restricted; unwanted pregnancies will once again rise and overload existing social services
  • Women continue to lose freedom over managing their own bodies so that others gain freedom of their religious beliefs; this is the new face of freedom!
  • National Institutes of Health have funding cut so research in disease and breakthrough medical treatments is reduced, even stopped in key research areas
  • Pharmaceutical industry has all trade and regulatory restrictions removed; they now can charge whatever they want and can sell anywhere they want for any price they can get; all while not having oversight protections for the rest of us 
These are only the surface items so far ‘gained’ by the trump administration. All of these things benefit his supporters – remember the disenfranchised middle class suffering from slights in the past? – in what ways?  Seems they are among the worst affected by the new regime. Their prices will be higher; their jobs will disappear just the same; their educational preparation for adjusting to change will be made more difficult to find; etc. Remind me why they supported trump? Seems to me they will be the biggest losers.

Power and politics. Ideology and ‘free enterprise system’.

Unrestricted free enterprise in America has a long history. It didn’t work then. Corporations took advantage of customers back then; ethics and values were not used; only profit motives were served. Greed and danger to the public good was in full force. We learned our lessons. Regulations were written to bring order and justice to the marketplace. Standards of living rose but corporate profits declined.

All in all reasonable results came into being. Now the rush is on to undo all of that. In 1999 the Glass Steagall Act was rescinded; the great recession in 2007-08 was a direct result of that action.

What other horrors lay before us with the antics of this Congress and this president?

One trembles at the prospects. These are unintended consequences brought to you by people who simply do not understand the nature and role of public policy.

Fools all. It will take at least one generation to recover from this nonsense if global warming doesn’t get us first.

Thanks trump supporters. You now have what you said you wanted. But are you sure what that is? Exactly?

Seems to me all opposing views now have a need to take action to preserve and protect the United States of America. Who out there is up to this job? Who wishes to lead it? Who among us will support this Call to Action?

May 12, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017

No Comey, No Trump

First let me say I don’t like Mr. Comey. Too cozy with his own truths and not enough professional management to do his job without being leveraged himself. It is an ever present danger for one such as he in such a job. Not easy and I appreciate that. But facts are facts, cause/effect/result are what they are as well, and that spells some uncomfortable situations.

Spin only buys time in such ‘situations’. And Comey’s time ran out. He tried to duck and cover too many times and became the story.

But the real story is this: some highly suspicious issues involving Russia, Trump, the Presidential campaign and internet hacking have all come together to require – I said, require – a thorough investigation of this issue. Most Americans get this. Trump preferred to side step it, but the press – not fake news – is insisting on the right move forward: study the Russian influence thread and its interference with our national election.

By firing Comey, Trump legitimized the issue’s very existence. It is real until it is proven not true.

Trump cannot do that. Comey was damaged goods based on his own actions and positions. But now, in a classic move of raw power, the trump has trumped yet another public servant in order to obscure facts and satisfy his own pique.

That’s what Nixon did with Special Prosecutor Cox. That move swung the forces into synchronization and it led directly to impeachment threats directed at Nixon. So severe were those circumstances, Nixon resigned his presidency. End of story? We all thought so, but now comes Trump strutting his kingly stage issuing edicts and using his power in ways not American.

He must go.

I’d rather he went quietly, but the machinery of impeachment should now be oiled up and made ready. To bring proof to that action, a special independent prosecutor must be named and assigned the task to learn as much of the Russian/Trump/Election issue that is possible. When the truth is known, then let the impeachment begin.

This is how the US Constitution is designed to work. Each of us is citizen. That includes the President. He does not have royal power to make up his own truth. His is a position of law, policy, persuasion and discernment. So far trump has failed at each of these. He is unfit to be president and so we the people need to push him out of office. The Constitution provides impeachment process. It should be used. And quickly.

If successful that means we will have a new president in Mr. Pence. That is poor choice indeed. But somehow I think Pence will do better in the halls of Congress than Mr. trump did. And I sense, as well, that Pence knows protocols of legislation and state craft that trump never did see, let alone master.

It is time for the people to rise and speak and be heard. We are the masters of our land, not one or two elected officials. So make this truth be felt.

Action from us now. Impeach.

May 11, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Values Showing?

Secretary of State Tillerson said the other day that America’s policy and values are two different things. When I read that headline I was shocked and dismayed, but then went to the article and read more.

Turns out Tillerson made a reasonable statement. He meant that our nation’s policies have desired outcomes targeted. Think peace, order, and accessible diplomatic channels in which to communicate and come to agreement on a myriad of matters.

Values, on the other hand, reflect what we as a nation hold dear – access to adequate healthcare, education, and such as those topics. We believe in a free press. But we would not insist that our negotiating partners mirror our beliefs or values just to come to agreement on a trade pact, or military mutual aid pact. We don’t insist the Middle East nations be Christian before we make legally binding agreements with them. So, policy and values are different things and can be separated in diplomatic negotiations. Just like Tillerson stated.

But let’s take a step back from this. Values we share in America are evidently not of equal support or policy aim internally to our nation. Take healthcare as an example. It seems there are different standards held high among our fellow citizens.

Republicans evidently believe healthcare should be available but not every one can have access to it unless they can pay for it themselves. Poor people who have no insurance or poor coverage will just have to make do or suffer pain and death. Wealthier people pay for their coverage and get whatever medical attention they need, or want.

Funny thing about this is: our national policy on healthcare access for African nations is American paid medicines, doctors and healthcare delivered to the villages and cities where poor people do not have access to proper care. In our own nation we don’t do this unless it is a response to tornado, flood or earthquake – that is, humanitarian objectives. In normal life circumstances access is denied based on ability to pay.

Democrats see this issue differently. Liberals and conservatives see the issue differently. So too centrists. It would appear that centrists and liberals favor healthcare access for all regardless of ability to pay. They see this as a function of government – guaranteeing a standard of living and quality health care that supports human dignity.

The latest political shenanigans in the halls of the Capitol prove that republicans do not care for their own countrymen unless money jingles in their pockets. How very sad.

Our national debate on healthcare is not about healthcare. Or medicine. Or research for breakthrough treatment for stubborn health problems.

Our debate is about the role of government and who pays. The wealthy think they pay for others. They think the poor are poor by choice. They think suffering is the punishment the poor deserve because of choice. In all this talk no proof of these claims is evident. Just political posturing that belies the principles being touted.

Healthcare is about human dignity and alleviation of suffering – for whatever cause. We don’t make judgments about people, patients or politicians. Just healthcare when and where it is needed because it is the right thing to do. Period.

How did we become so callous? How did we construe healthcare to a political party or ideology? Is it because the healthcare chaos was improved upon by the efforts of a black man in the White House? Is it this basic? Is our racism showing so clearly?

I don’t have to answer that question because I know I’m not a racist. I know I’m not an elitist when it comes to healthcare.

I think every religion and spiritual discipline throughout the history of mankind states that alleviating suffering and pain among our brothers is a primary function. Furthermore, we are urged to treat others as we would want them to treat us. Is this ‘Christian’, Muslim, Jewish faith statement in error?

How did we become so upside down in our own values and policies? We don’t hold our foreign brethren to the same standard.

How odd. How very odd.

May 10, 2017

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Losing Our Way

It is official: America has lost its way. It no longer cares about its people, old or young, healthy or sick, mentally fit or in deep despair, poor or middle class. The only people cared for in today’s America are the rich. And they are not always the best educated, either; in fact, many are below mediocre students having had much in life given to them on a golden platter. Or from blind luck.

For some reason those who have been left behind by changes in their employment and disappearing industries, have sided with the rich and the arrogant to give them power to reshape our society and government. The outcomes are not our outcomes, but theirs. Yet Trump supporters still don’t get the big picture and what they are now losing.

The repeal and replacement of Obamacare is a political stunt. The Affordable Health Care Act was a legislative answer to provide affordable health care to the masses. It did that; not entirely, but it was well on its way. And it saved the nation tens of billions of dollars privately and again in the federal government’s treasury. The system was imperfectly created due to political opposition, but it was still working and could easily have been improved and repaired.

But no, republican politicians attempted to embarrass President Obama by removing his signature piece of legislation. I think they have embarrassed themselves in this act of perfidy. Along the way opponents of this move have declared war on Congressional Members’ health benefits. So fearful of losing their own cherished benefits, they exempted them specifically with the new legislation that kills the ACA. How generous of them. Stab the American people in the back but protect your own!

And that, folks, is why the Congress must be replaced. They have forgotten who they work for and who elected them. They must be removed and replaced.

I would also suggest removing the president. He has accomplished nothing but chaos in his 100+ days and demonstrated not only callous disregard for his own people, but a totally uneducated understanding of American governance. And history!

Haven’t we had enough of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Trump? Isn’t it about time we get back on track and serve the people of the nation as we are supposed to do?

Or are you still one of those people too lazy to truly learn about the issues, read deeply of them, and research cause, effect, result of the many missteps currently underway?

Just how lost are we as a nation?

Timely question. What are the answers?

May 9, 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017

Keeping Focus

First, I am so pleased at the outcome of the French national election! France, you have my heart and best wishes for a job well done. You have focused on the right things and taken action!  Good Job!

And now onward to my post for the day:

It is easy to be interested in several things at once. Some topics are naturally riveting and relate to many other topics as well. This makes focusing difficult. Add to that our relationships with family, neighbors, friends and work associates and the pressure to split our attention among many expands exponentially.

Yes, I know; so much of our attention does coalesce with common themes with each of our areas of interest. Differentiation by gender in our society is one interest; why is this such a difficult issue when we all have mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and so on, not to mention deep friendships with women of our acquaintance. And this is just gender issues held by men about women. Now add the same by women about men! We all have these issues to ferret out and weigh. Often we have ‘issues’ without knowing. All the more reason to focus on this matter now!

Age differentiations are also a fruitful area to pursue. Youth usually have problems relating to older people and trusting them, too. And the reverse is also true. Elders are quick to discount youth for callowness and inexperience. The strengths and weaknesses of each age group are loaded with opportunities to gain insight. And we ought to make this a serious investment of our time and attention to learn and expand our minds.

Regional cultures are also an area of bias – North versus South in America; British accents establish cultural benefits not necessarily earned; European elevation of education and cultural status is often assumed in our relationships. And of course, there is the opposite bias – Americans are such boobs when it comes to worldliness. And yes, that bias is often well-earned.

Religions often give us trouble. Just believing is a problem for those who don’t believe. Spirituality versus actual religious beliefs and creeds is another. One is specific and the other general. Does one actually believe all that is in his/her religious dogma? And of course there are the different religious traditions that cause disturbance among many – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all the rest. Plus many of these religious traditions are based on geographic areas of the globe that become weighed down by cultural and governmental ideologies. Politics. People being people in their own setting and then having to relate with others from different settings.

The above broad categories provide focal distortions aplenty. Now add all the subject matters we are engaged with: education, poverty, geopolitical understanding, art interests, cultural attraction and travel, economics, careerism and creation of meaningful life paths. These topics only scratch the surface of the things we are individually interested in.

No wonder our public discourse is varied and confusing. There is much to talk about and explore. The first of the discourse ought to be the methodology of discourse so we are fairly hearing one another and processing the multiplicity of ideas.

So, keeping our focus is a challenge. Most likely this has been a major task for all of mankind throughout history. Why should it be any different for us in our day and age? Well, it isn’t any different so we need to heed the call to keep our focus.

In my volunteer work many clients face so many opportunities that it is difficult to choose. And yes, not all options are related, though some are. Often we don’t want to choose to eliminate an option because we don’t want to lose connection with it in the future. Well we don’t automatically lose it entirely; it will remain an interest unless it is pushed out by more pressing issues.

Focusing on what matters the most for us is an individual and personal task of discernment. We cannot be the master of everything; we must choose what captures our intellect and emotions the most and for which we have a natural ability to serve.

And it is not all about money. Doing what one is happiest doing is most likely the most important decision any of us can make. Take the plunge and dedicate your life to those few things that truly engage and expand your awareness. Those are the matters that will prove most successful and rewarding for you.

And only you can do this work of discernment. It’s tough. It’s demanding. But it is also essential you do it.

If it doesn’t work out there are always the other choices you didn’t engage! You won’t know anything about this, however, until you take the initial dive and make the commitment.

We bet you will be pleasantly surprised!

May 8, 2017