Rise. Start the day. Look into the mirror, brush the hair, wash the face, take the pills and wash the hands. Move to the thermostat and nudge up the temp. Turn on some lights. Into the kitchen for coffee making. While the pot works its magic, move to the computer and turn it on.
Soon the day begins. Not without its rituals, but format takes shape. The brain turns on and up. Emails read and answered, text messages answered, internet news digested. Before that, the blog written yesterday is posted and copied to Facebook.
News written and broadcast over the past 12 hours is scanned. World wide and national. Local, too, if available (increasingly not!). Ideas and reactions are forming. A tag is noted for possible blog topics for tomorrow’s posting.
The world is invited into the home. The brain exposed and tender to messages. The crucible of events and feelings awaken. The day is perking along with the coffee. Ah, the coffee!
Into the kitchen to retrieve the pot and pour a cup. Sip twice. Ponder the news of the day as the liquid goes into action. Deaths. Wars. Legislation. Court cases. Development of all the stories. What is happening where and to whom. What are the reactions of the players to such actions in which they are involved? What effect does that have on me? How do I feel about that? Ramifications of these happenings begin to percolate. An idea comes into view.
I write about it.
The stew pot of life – the crucible – melds ingredients toward meaning. We sample it. Taste it. Discern its value and lasting meaning. This is the way of knowing self and context. Challenge. Struggle. We inch forward another day.
Hoping. Longing for understanding and gracious outcomes. We struggle for which outcome? What is our hoped for outcome? Do we really know? Or are we on automatic pilot?
Why is this so hard?
February 28, 2020