I have learned that articulating isn’t always easy; no wonder there are so many points of view! I have accepted that there is too much junk fighting for our attention; I have learned that I can do little alone to counter all of these things. But I still believe that each of us can make a difference so I remain positive.
Those are the big ideas I’ve to terms with. Not dealing with this stuff rankles me; stewing and festering yields some creative energy. Somehow I know some issues are inevitable. Maybe in the long term they may even be unimportant.
The things that are important and in public view don’t always end badly. I’m becoming aware that the invisible public hand eventually allows justice to prevail. Perhaps slowly or late in coming, but eventually, yes!
I guess this means I am a positive thinker. I believe in the basic goodness of mankind.
To the cynics among us this does not mean I am delusional. I know the flaws of being human. I understand how those flaws interact and make for more problems. Somehow we handle them and move on. Someway we cooperate with one another to get good things done. We even know how to collaborate from time to time. Those are high points on the journey! Creative. Effective. Rewarding to see people coalesce for good results.
OK, let me change the channel here. What have I learned that isn’t so good?
Well, to start with, I realize I have been cranking out a lot of material on a daily basis, 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day. And I developed a routine to write daily, and prepare a few days in advance. The more I wrote the more I cranked out stuff.
Not all of it very good. That’s a good thing to realize about yourself!
So, I’m reworking the plan. Write about things that matter, now and in the long term. Unfold it more carefully. Feel the beat of the issue, its own tempo. Don’t push it. Above all, don’t be concerned about how others will react. It is not about others. It is about ideas and what they mean and how they can be used productively with other ideas. No known objective yet; just to keep my mind from exploding, or imploding! This is self therapy in a way. A big way, actually.
Maybe the discipline I develop will produce better content for the blog. Maybe that product will come daily, or less often. Perhaps it will be more attractive for others to dialogue with the material.
I must admit I appreciate comments made in response to the blog, but I haven’t invested the time to respond to comments yet. Too early? Maybe. But I do want the dialogue, so please feel free to comment any time.
I’m also trying to understand what is a good length for a daily article. Is 500 words too much? Or 800? Perhaps the content should be serialized to maintain digestible offerings.
I’ll play with that and see where it goes.
Meanwhile I appreciate those of you who follow this blog. The numbers are not important. But having an ‘audience’ does require me to exercise discipline and temper. It’s important knowing you are out there reading the blog.
Thanks for being a partner!
November 20, 2011
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