It was not always so. There was prehistory of at least 3000 years, maybe much more. Legend foretold the later moment, not with accuracy, but with hope and certainty.
But it lasted for a short time and only for those who were then aware of it. The Christmas Story grew more encased in Biblical clothing. Traditions emerged to birth a tradition that remains 2000 years later.
The trappings of the story take center stage divert our attention from the central meaning of the story: peace on earth, goodwill toward all mankind. God wants that of us and for us; recognition of this will give mankind the peace he wants and needs.
We get the message. At least some of the time. Too bad the rest of the time we go back to the old ways.
The Christmas Story may have come from the Middle East but it is a western civilization tradition. It is not Oriental, nor African, or even South American. Long held traditions from those regions were and are different. Some adoption across cultures has taken place. But the overwhelming remainder is that Christmas is of our western civilization.
The lesson, however, is ‘Peace on Earth’ comes from ‘goodwill toward all mankind’.
The lesson is transformative. To achieve peace on earth, we have to have goodwill toward all other peoples. The question is: do we do that? With all sincerity and energy? Do we really do that? Do we even believe it?
There are many religions, creeds, faith traditions. They are not all like our own. These faiths came from their own seminal truths and legends. If we can grasp that understanding of man’s journey on the planet, I think we can proceed on the path toward peace with better hopes of success.
Let others be with their beliefs. Let all of our differences inform each other of our common frailties. Not one of us knows with certainty what the one true faith is. There are many that hold to be the one and only. But they cannot know. That is one of the big mysteries we must live with.
Letting others be is a start to building bridges of understanding with other peoples. To respect their lives and traditions. To give them the ‘space’ to be themselves. Hopefully they will return the favor. And if so, we can coexist in peace. Believers and non-believers side by side; Muslim, Jew, Christian and all the rest. We are not alone. Neither are we the one.
Peace can be ours if we let others be.
In the short term, may peace be yours at this very moment. May you allow it to seep into your life at least a little.
Now take a deep breath. And let the new day begin!
December 25, 2011
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