Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting the Message Out

There is a message in each person. One that is often not uttered, or written. Not exactly a secret but if it is unshared it is hidden and thus a secret. Intentional or not.

No doubt there are more messages out of sight. Bouncing around inside. Some are mere flashes of an idea; others are a hint of conclusion of varying thoughts that haven’t fit together before now, but are beginning to come together.

Coherent thinking requires work. Forming sentences, then paragraphs. Maybe this is coming into focus, something clear enough to share with others?
Why share? To be ridiculed? To risk judgment? Or to receive feedback, information that will help refine my thought? The process of disciplined thinking begins in solitary; but it is completed in public. It needs to be. An idea hidden away does good for no one. Discourse, discussion…requires more than one brain connecting to another. It provides perspective, challenge and a chance for discernment. It demands discipline, too.

A writer needs to write. A singer needs to sing. An actor needs to act. A dancer, dance. There is a message buried within. It fights to emerge into the light of day. It seeks connection to another person, another being. Perhaps this is confirmation of worth? And what if the acceptance, the confirmation, is not provided? Is the idea or message unworthy, too?

These are contextual responses. We take them for granted most of the time, I think. But they matter because they provide clues to emergent expressions of meanings. The unfolding of ‘now’. The new now.

I realize this is a deep blog today. But I am struggling with a welter of messages that lack coherence with one another. I sense their weight and value. But together they create static that is indecipherable. And too, I sense they ought to have shared meaning.

It all takes sorting out. Making sense of the big picture through the presence of random pieces.

That’s a challenge. Whose business is it to do? Mine or yours?

January 18, 2012

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