Monday, August 6, 2012

Free Markets & Free Elections?

Not anymore. Not in America, anyway. The markets are not free. Neither are elections.

Let me explain these stark statements.

First, markets have not been free for some time. There are plenty of reporters, pundits and financial TV anchor persons who make raving remarks on what is a free market and what is not. Truth be told, there are so many regulations and safeguards protecting the players that the only persons getting hurt are the buyers and sellers of the stocks, bonds or commodities in transaction. A lot of hullabaloo surrounds these markets. But all is staging to make people believe they are entrepreneurs acting on their own free will and will make a bundle of profit or lose it simply because they had the smarts to know when to buy and when to sell.

Bosh! That isn’t the truth and hasn’t been for at least a few decades. And here’s why.

Traders on the floor, and brokers in their offices glued to their computer screens make money when trades are made. They have no skin in the game. They just want people to buy and sell. The price does not make a difference. In past times commissions were a high percentage of the sale price, but now it is a matter of stocks traded, not the price. And those commissions or fees are much lower than they once were. So what’s driving the market? Volume! And what drives volume? Sheer nonsense. Plain and simple hawking by people who want you to think something is going up or down and now is the time to buy or sell. Their interest is not in your well being; they are focused on their own income. I kid you not.

There are still investor firms who coddle major investors and guide their clients to investment choices that will hold value and grow over the long term. These people are becoming rare. But notice: they focus on investors who are growing a significant portfolio. Try and get their attention if you only have $10,000 to $50,000 to invest. They prefer to spend their time in the several hundred thousand dollar portfolios, so they can get them into the millions. But notice again: these are the few clients, not the most.

Thus, Wall Street managers are focused on their own money and that of wealthy clients. Of course they want safeguards that protect them. To hell with the smaller investor. Or even the small firms trying to raise capital to expand their businesses.

The stock market was originally the place you went to sell stock in your firm. That is called raising capital so a business can be big enough to have an impact in the chosen markets of products and services. This is the business that is expanding and hiring employees and making good things happen in the economy. Instead the market is mostly made up of people and firms buying pieces of paper – stocks and bonds – and trading them on margins to make a profit. Not to build a portfolio of growing value and solidity in the economy. No, the traders are in charge; not you the owner of stocks or firms.

Watch the market indicators: Dow Jones Industrials, NASDAQ, Standard & Poors. They jump around on rumor, feelings, emotions. Not fact.  I repeat, not fact. And when that happens, what do you think really drives market prices?  Fear and trembling. And who is spreading the news of such fear and trembling? The stock brokers, stock traders, and news pundits on radio, TV and cable programs.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is all smoke and mirrors. It is stage craft. The newsy folk make lots of money saying outrageous things. Watch CNBC for a few months and you’ll see what I mean. The ladies and gents doing serious talking based on facts and trend analysis, often have much more to say that is important than the opinion people who anchor those TV programs. The latter opine all day long, and turn their news into political policy pap. And almost entirely such pap is conservative republican drivel.

And there is a reason for that. They want controls in ‘their’ economy so they can make money with less risk involved. That’s pretty basic.

Support republican candidates because they will legislate to protect investors, bankers, insurance companies and investment bankers. Their taxes will be at lower rates so they have more money to invest. Their dollars will be protected so they have fewer losses as the US government protects all these people.

If that were true the Glass-Steagall Act would still be the law of the land, or a close variation of it. If the markets should be free of regulation as it was when the latest boom bubble market went bust, then we would have had a calmer, more sensible investment environment. As it was, AIG was protected against loss by the Congress. So were the largest banks in the nation. And too investment brokerages.

Republican politics aside, Wall Street sold the nation down the river and continues to hide its own culpability by blaming Democrats and Obama.

Let’s be clear: Obama had nothing to do with creating the environment that led to the debacle of the home mortgage mess, the banking mess, the decline of the Euro due to the spreading global mortgage mess, the failing of huge banking enterprises, and what not.

Obama was responsible for addressing the debacle. TARP and the stimulus program saved the banking system and the economy from a total melt down. But republicans whined and blockaded every program to save the economy until they had assurances that their protected moneyed classes were held whole. Then, because such policy is rubbish and only adds to the burden of the economy, they blame Obama.

Economists come in many stripes and colors. But on the whole they will support the Obama brand of central government policy over the republican brand any day. Responsible people do that. They are mature enough to know the score and what needs to be done about it. And we have lots of such mature policy thinkers and doers.

Romney doesn’t understand foreign policy any better than he understands economic policy. He is the fox in the hen house watching out for his own kind, not the good of the nation. And he and his republican cohorts in Congress are itching to get their hands on the levers of policy making that will spread the wealth only to their own kind.

America, it is time to wake up and vote for sanity. Keep a democrat majority in the Senate, return the House of Representatives to a moderate course and hopefully pull the majority back to the Democrats. And without doubt, re-elect Obama to the presidency.  Then we will smooth out the policy wrinkles and get the country working again.

The policy that would do this has been proposed over and over again. But the republicans blocked it every time unless they could wheedle changes that would protect their special interests. We cannot let that happen again. It is time to make solid corrections so we can get back to growing both the economy as well as the nation’s spirit of possibility.

Tell the Tea Party they are empty headed. Demand all congressmen to act for the good of the nation, not special interests. Monitor them and their votes closely.

And above all, end private dollar financing of re-election campaigns. No private donations at all. None. No business donations. No PACs (political action committees), no private wealth donations. Just ideas. Just conversations that educate the voters and win the day by persuasion and factual discourse.

It will take guts to make this happen. There are plenty of bad guys on both sides of the aisle in congress. But it is up to us to make sure this horror stops and we get our nation back to a sane course moving strongly into the future.

Bill Moyers wrote:
“We hold elections knowing they are unlikely to produce the policies favored by the majority of Americans. We speak, we write, we advocate – and those in power turn deaf ears and blind eyes to our deepest aspirations. We petition, plead and even pray – yet the earth that is our commons, which should be passed on in good condition to coming generations, continues to be despoiled. The people have occupied Wall Street because Wall Street has occupied America.”

Please, let us stop this travesty!

August 5, 2012

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