Two more bits and pieces. Just commenting on issues that
seem hot in the media these days. Just different perspectives. This is what
makes living in a complex society difficult. So many views. So many truths. Not
all of them pleasant.
Police Violence
A guy steals an expensive car. He takes it on a wild chase
through high traffic areas with dense populations and pedestrians. Police take
chase and corner him. He makes a break for it, smashes through a street
barricade of police cars, and is ordered to halt and surrender. He does not. He
runs for it. More police chases and gunshots fired – first to warn, then to
stop the speeding vehicle.
The kid crashes the car. He makes a break for it and runs
into a neighborhood. Police chase him on foot. They shout their warnings and
shoot warning shots. Finally, not knowing what danger they face in the end,
they shoot to stop the fugitive. They get him, cuff him and take him in. He
dies from gunshot wounds to the back – because he was running away from the
police! – and the city goes hysterical because of police violence.
Give me a break. The kid did everything to attract his
grisly end. The police are charged to protect you and I. I expect them to take
the lead in doing just that. The miscreant be forewarned: you may get hurt or
killed doing your misdeeds. And you know you are breaking the law, right?
If the police are to stand nicely aside while the criminal
breaks the law and wait for him to stop, turn around and shoot them fair and
square, how many police do you think would apply for the job? Who is to know at
the moment the kid doesn’t have a gun? For all the world he does. After all
people are shooting at police and ambushing them, right?
Of course the police could wait until all the excitement has
come to an end and then respond to the emergency call. But what good would that
do the public? Huh?
A little balance please. Just who is the victim in these
matters? The police? The criminal? The public? Or principles that often get
confused in the rush of life being lived in the real world. These are not
simple matters.
Take time before making a judgment please.
Labor Shortage?
Bloomberg News has claimed that there is a shortage of labor
in America
and employers are facing real problems staffing their business operations. I
don’t agree with this.
First, we have a huge number of retiring experts who would
gladly receive fair pay for part time work after retirement to help their
former industries prosper. They haven’t been asked. It would be good for the
retirees and excellent business for the employers. Why haven’t they asked?
Second, there are plenty of young, bright and
technologically savvy people who want to work but don’t know exactly what the
employer wants. So the employer should hire them and train them exactly the way
they want the new hires to do the work. Why don’t they? Do all employers expect
the public to train and educate the young to do exactly what the employers
want? Why? It is time for employers to educate, train and pay the tab for what
they want. Last time I checked we labeled that investment.
Investing in your people is job one if you wish them to
perform in a prescribed manner. So do it!
The only labor shortage we have is in our thinking and
doing. The people are there. Hire them, train them, and pay them. They will
have the jobs and the incomes to buy your dam products and services. That’s how
the economy works!
Meanwhile, schools, colleges and universities need financial
help to do their work, too. That’s one reason they are mostly tax supported
entities. Imagine that!
August 9, 2016
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