A fine concept. Regulating one’s own schedule. On time,
every time at the place you promised to be. To do the things you promised to
do. Well ordered days with properly expectant results.
Or not when the schedule gets out of whack. By storms, by
illness, by traffic or whatever. Our time is not truly our own. It belongs to
the cosmos and all within it that acts upon the seconds and minutes that
suddenly disappear like a mist. The clock advances an hour we knew not!
Rocky’s surgery went as expected last week. A little longer
than planned but safe and certain the outcome will be successful. The tumor was
bigger than expected and mostly on the outside of the thyroid. Removing it and
the thyroid took an extra hour but all is well.
Healing with age and diabetes complicates the return to full
health. Nurses and tech attendants knew their stuff and watched over Rocky very
well. Northwestern Memorial Hospital
in downtown Chicago
is expert in these matters. And their people are wonderful, dedicated healers.
The where is a complicator. Traffic, parking, narrow city
streets in dark canyons of tall buildings. All conspire to challenge the experienced city
dweller. But add seven decades to your age and watch all of that magnify!
We did it, though. A few more trips than anticipated but now
we are experts. Pros even! Well, let’s not test that boundary!!
Rocky came home a day later than planned. Healing is
slower than thought, but still progress is good. We see the doctor on post op
consult on September 26th. Will learn more of what we will need to do
to return to full health.
Still, each visit downtown sliced off 5 hours of time and
attention. In turn more gas, more tolls, and more cash infusions for parking.
And all of that is time consuming as well. Rearranging dog care, neighbor care
and meals takes more planning. And then sleeping in odd places, recovering from
those experiences, and taking showers at very different times than normal.
All in all this journey has had its unexpected twists and
turns. But the drama and excitement filled what would have been empty spaces of
time. Just waiting would have been awful. But then a new kind of busy-ness
filled my attention.
Just being in a hub of medical activity carried excitement.
So many people, so many ages, so many nationalities. And the body shapes! Oh my
God! Talk about diversity. And of course we added our own to the mix which is
not all that comely in the first place!!
I think we tend to forget how ordinary and quiet our lives
become, especially during retirement. I remain engaged in lots of things so
think on this a lot but even this time I was surprised on how ordinary my
exposure to the world is most of the time. It is the out of the ordinary
experiences that help us see ‘the other’ that is always around us; just not
always perceived or seen.
That’s a large point for us all to think on. There is always
more to life and the world than what we experience for ourselves or even what
we notice. So much more. So much more beyond us that enriches life to the max.
Simple really. It is there for us to see yet often we don’t see. Because we are
otherwise occupied with self.
The odd schedule pushes us out of the ordinary and can
engage us in the unexpected. That is the real value of reading a new book or
author. Or listening to new forms of music. Or meeting new people. Volunteering
involves more than our brain. Other senses are pulled into service and the
world becomes more alive.
I used to get this stimulation from concerts, plays and
other art presentations. Now it is watching people and getting involved in
their lives a little bit. Such a payback for so little an investment of time.
The schedule perplexes. We become slaves to it at times.
Until the unexpected happens. And all is new again in a moment.
Just in a moment.
September 21, 2016
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