Friday, October 7, 2016

Outcomes I Value

Here are some things I believe are important to work towards. I think of them as desired outcomes, those characteristics of and in our society that I think would be very important if we had them functioning fully.

  1. Open access to education for each person to the fullest need that will help them develop into self sustaining citizens who make major contributions to the wellness of our society
  2. Education support that is provided by society without debt on the part of the student. They should be able to study anything that they are interested in and can master. Not interested or earning poor grades gets them kicked out of school. Education is not a baby sitting operation. It is a human development enterprise for the good of the student and the society in equal parts
  3. Education support is life long to match life-long learning goals. If all our citizens were adaptable to social changes then each of us will be able to weather the storm of economic change, career change and shifting trends within our culture
  4. Acceptance of or tolerance for differences among us – race, religion, culture, nationality, appearance, wealth or lack thereof – is a must in an open and peace loving democracy. This outcome is not automatic; it is earned after long, hard earned effort
  5. Attention to aesthetic values. These shape the feel, color, utility and inspirational power of our environment. We live better in surroundings that are designed and ‘arted’ inventively. We respond to such surroundings with rich ideas, feelings and spirits raised
  6. Peace with our neighbors and global partners. This outcome should be a part of our DNA as a society. We are peace loving while maintaining a strong defense against aggressors of any sort who might covet what we have. But peace loving is internal to the spirit and mind and not easily stolen. It does, however, prompt peace from others as a response. We see our enemies clearly in such a mindset and we know then how to deal with them
  7. Appreciation for and protection of our planet and all that is natural within it. Protecting our environment – air, water, soil – against degradation or destruction is paramount to our survival
  8. Appreciation of and for the arts in all of its forms. This not only shapes the immediate environment in which we function but it alters and shapes our brains in response 
I firmly believe – and hope as well – these eight outcomes will make life worth living for just about everyone on the planet. These should be the objectives we work toward in our own lives as well as in our organizations and governments.

Indeed, if our governments are not working toward these ends then they are working against our well being in the final analysis. If politicians utter words to the contrary then I know for certain they are not our leaders but detractors.

And detractors we do not need. They foment unrest for their own advancement and wealth. Does this sound familiar?

Who is building us up? And who is tearing us down. Those within our nation and society who do this are not our friends. Beware their identity on November 8, 2016.

October 7, 2016

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