Raining bits and pieces. A part here. A part there. Here an
indictment. There a guilty plea. There a plea deal. And then court cases
completing with verdicts and prison sentences. And probation. Years of
Many cases pending. Still working their way through the
process. More to learn. More to add to other cases. All building. The crescendo
swells. Sounds beginning. Each legal case related to the others. Each a piece
of one another. All leading to a primary case. A primary suspect. The defendant
We sense who that is. It is a he. Someone who works in the
White House. Someone with vast staff and resources to run the federal
government. It was not enough for him. He needed more money. More influence.
More authority. He feels his muscles and pushes limits. Opens his mouth. Powers
his vocal chords. Words come out. Sentences partially formed create messages
that are questionable. Facts are not fully connected. Logic is a bit
Claims are bold. Stories are told as if history. Not much is
true. Not much is achieved. The platform of the future is but a scaffold. None
too strong, it moves in the breeze and threatens to buckle.
Sad. So very sad. A great nation. A nation with achievement
and reputation. Strong and trustworthy. The capital of truth and honor
well-earned but now misspent. Wasted.
Government is not about one person. Or one reputation.
Government is service to the people for the long-term and
for worthy purpose. It is to be self-sustaining for the people. The nation
shall stand. As one. The one of our unity. Not the oneness of a sole person.
That’s the lesson in all this. The public servant serves not
himself. He serves all of us.
We lead for the good of our community of one nation.
Comprised by millions of smaller communities made up by individuals. But
community is the core concept that holds it all together.
E Pluribus Unum.
December 21, 2018
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