Last evening was our first public discussion of issues that
matter. We had 5 souls brave an ice storm to join the process. We discussed the
how and why of our work. Here’s what we came up with.
This was an organizing
session. More of this work will continue as we turn to discussing topics. We
will meet monthly – First Tuesdays –
and consider increased frequency as the group wishes. We expect the group to
grow as people become aware of Nexus.
Our mission
is to create a safe place in which to speak our minds civilly with others, not at
them. We hope to better understand issues that matter and how to handle them. We
will explore current events to expand thinking, not change minds.
As time goes on other groups may spring from
this one, magnifying the rhythm and tempo of fruitful discussion. Where this
will lead no one knows. Hopefully the outcome will be more civility and logic.
For now we will remain at Trinity Lutheran
Church until a more public space is made available at no cost. At that time we
may move the gatherings to another night of the week to increase access for
We decided to identify discussion topics by group
consensus. Preparation for each topic will be examined on a case by case basis
as volunteers pitch in with these tasks.
We will strive to be sensitive to all who gather
in our midst so that we can hear what they have to say, and they can hear us as
well. We hope to support diverse opinions, thoughts, creeds, ethnicities and
genders that reflect our local and national communities.
Our first topic for discussion: Ageism – what it is and how it works in our society. We chose this
topic to test the Nexus method of group discussion. To participate and/or
witness how we do this, join us on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:30 pm.
The place: Trinity Lutheran Church, 3 S 460 Curtis Avenue, Warrenville,
Illinois. We promise to adjourn by 8 pm.
NEXUS means ‘coming together, uniting and connecting.’ If
this appeals to you, join us.
Until then, peace.
February 6, 2019
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