Friday, March 29, 2019

Jussie Smollett

His fame flame has flickered. He is good looking. He is alluring. And he can act. Just not well enough.

So, he cooked up a publicity stunt that went wrong, very wrong. All the evidence is in plain sight. The police did their job by the book. He was offered comfort, protection and attention. As the investigation unfolded it didn’t look promising for him. Because he attracted attention to his own story – a purposeful act – the police continued to do their job.

The only way forward for the police was to charge him with the obvious – pandering for publicity.

The prosecutor assigned to the case bemoaned the waste of public resources on a case of little lasting value. Serious crimes were piled high on his desk for proper attention. So he took the kind way out of the situation: he dropped charges. Smollett was offered a deal and he took it. The deal: community service of 16 hours to Operation Push already performed; relinquishing $10,000 of his bond money; and a statement that the charges were dropped without proof of guilt or innocence. Simple. Done. For both the authorities and Jussie.

Only it wasn’t. Jussie made public claims of his innocence and how he was wronged by public opinion. That drew the prosecutor in for news interviews. He clearly stated he believed Jussie was guilty as charged but simply didn’t want to waste public funds and resources in a jam-packed criminal justice system. There was more important work to focus on that would better protect the safety of the public. A good call, I think. Practical. And hospitable for Jussie.

Now Jussie is between a rock and a hard place. He got himself there all on his own. It is a pity his career is most likely over. Again, he did that to himself.

Oddly, it was his acting that got him here. It just wasn’t good enough to get him where he hoped to go.

I’ll just leave it here. There’s more that can be said. But let’s let it die a simple, quiet death, shall we?

March 29, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Housing Issues

At 75 my only concern about housing is affordability as I approach the end of life. Well, also access to the care I’ll need when I cannot do for myself. I don’t have funds to pay for any of that, so I’ll live in civilian housing as long as possible. Today we are starting our 6th year in a leased condo. We have a lease for the 7th year, too, all at sustainable rental rates. Barely. But the quality of the space, location and neighbors cannot be beat!  We are happy here!

How many are not happy where they live, and only for the reason the space is in the wrong place, has poor features, is not affordable, or is affordable with ugly features thrown in because of the affordability aspect! Do these unhappy people have alternatives? Are they young enough to repair their financial lives and move up in housing standards?  Do they have a dream of their future life and a pathway to achieve it?

Affordability is one aspect of the housing crisis. Location is another. Quality of life due to housing is a huge issue, and one that contains more sub-issues than we have time and space here to discuss.

The fact of the matter is this: housing quality is what results when a market functions. For good or bad, we get what we get because of demand, supply, fairness, greed, and ignorance. If the market is functioning well, most people are satisfied. Some will not be happy, but they are on a losing end of the financial spectrum and will need help to get proper housing for their situation. The rest of us prosper or not on the market’s health.

The housing crash this decade left a lot of people out of their homes and into rental properties. Rents soared as a result. Rental units grew in number to supply the demand; rental rates moderated. The economy faltered for many millions of people, and they eventually got behind on their rent. They are now being evicted in record numbers, leaving them limited options. Homelessness is one option. Slum properties are another.

Other market forces include changing demographics including age distribution. The younger folk are not interested in owning their own cracker box house. Starter homes are out of favor. Of course, elders may snap those up, at least as rentals, when they learn of their availability.

These forces within the market change the market in many ways over a period of time. how much time is always unknown. A trend may be fast or maddeningly slow. The in-between becomes a trend of its own, but not for long.

Large houses are also out of favor.  Too much expense, too much upkeep and maintenance, too many chores, just too much of everything. Nice but too much. And the market is feeling the pinch in this market segment.

My advice is to plan your next move two years in advance always. If the plan changes because of an unforeseen development, at least you are aware of the important elements of the next housing decision. Options exist. Sometimes you have to be creative to find them and adapt to them.

But then, that’s life’s story. We do what we have to do to survive and make it fun.

Simple is fast becoming attractive. Oh yes! Simple satisfies.

March 28, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mueller Report

The report is in the hands of the Attorney General. He will decide what and how it will be handled. Meanwhile endless chatter by newsies and the twitter chief will continue unabated until actions become clear within the circles of government that have the authority to deal with these matters.

It is not for us to know until it is right to do so. And I have no doubt we will learn much in the coming days, weeks and months.

It will take years for historians to digest the Mueller Report and why it came to be. The principals of this era will be long gone by the time we fully understand it all. If you doubt me, recall the Nixon Era and all the hubbub surrounding Watergate and the call for impeachment. He wasn’t impeached; but he was forced to resign. Political scientists and historians are still struggling to understand all the nuance of that era. The trump era will likely unfold in a similar manner.

For now we must exercise patience as people skilled at this sort of work do their jobs. Patience. Calm. Deep breaths.

My own immediate take on what we know of the report – and that’s very little – is the process provided by protocol, Department of Justice, and the Constitution, will follow a calm, determined path through all of the data, records, findings and recommendations. Others will read much into all of this material, but that only adds to the noise already over-hyped by news organizations.

The Mueller report will not lead to impeaching the president. So political enemies need to stop salivating. Allow the professionals in government to do their jobs. They are trained and able to handle the tasks ahead. This is what a government founded on law looks like. It is the structure behind the structure we citizens see. It is the bone and sinew of what makes the American form of government work. So relax and watch the story unfold. It will. And we will eventually understand the history we are experiencing.

Jumping ahead a few years I think we will see serious prosecutions affecting the Trump family, organization and business empire. I think this will cause cracks in the veneer of their smug entitlement. Supporters of the trump clan will then see what the rest of us have feared – self-serving sanctimonious play-acting.

How much lasting damage this era of our history will have caused America remains to be calculated. For many of us, disgust remains a constant of our vigil to get back to normal. Not hate, mind you. Disgust.

March 27, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Economic Realities

A lot has been written on the dynamic energy of our current economy. Conservatives claim this is the direct result of lesser regulations and lower taxation. Liberals/progressives think just the opposite and fear the economy is headed for a crash landing. Moderates think there is both good and bad hiding in plain sight. The moderates enjoy the good but warn of the bad. I think they have the story right.

The Right Economic conditions: dropping unemployment, emerging new industries, growing household incomes, expanded economic activity and performance, strong stock market values.

The Wrong Economic conditions: full employment, no broadening standard of living for the masses, rising crime and violence, disconnected older workers whose careers evaporate, less access to appropriate housing markets, waning interest in higher education and occupational training. Also, a feeling of stagnation among the people of America. A lot of fight and struggle to live normal lives with a lot of pressures beating them down. Not getting ahead in way they had hoped; yet still OK; just not good enough. To cap it all off, there is little or no investment in: job training; affordable housing; integration of all age groups into the social fabric of our nation [elder dumping is one major issue]; education and research at the nexus of emerging new industries and careers.

Not to put too much shade on it, the sleeping giant among us is the enormous growth of national debt fueled by massive spending during breathtaking tax reductions. Debt is out of control at the federal level of governance. Trade imbalances among global trading partners is a delicate game of balances, but the national debt is something completely different. It also has its own dynamic effect on everything we each do.

Billionaires are doing well. So are millionaires. Their numbers are growing astronomically. However, those are short-term results with long-term costs. The largest such cost: shrinking middle class. This is a key element for the future. The great creator of goods, services and wealth is the labor pool of the masses. They gain good household incomes for their efforts, but little wealth. Their standard of living is good, but they invest in the future for their kids – education, first home purchase help, weddings, and more. All of this activity fuels significant economic activity that feeds more levels of entrepreneurs and workers. At the top of the  economic pyramid owners earn huge rewards. At the bottom of the pyramid are the scrap chasers.

All of my training and experience in economics is warning me of an economy built on a ‘house of cards.’ One good gust of wind will take it down. All of it. That’s why economists are usually careful and light handed on economic policy. Too heavy a hand creates too much reaction and disruption that harms people and families. A light touch provides stimulus and dampening action keeping the economy in smooth transition from one phase to another.

Such is not the current situation. Volatility is the word of the day in economic circles. That should give us all pause. Something is happening that is not fully understood. The vibes are not good.

I am unsettled with the economy. It is not about my not trusting the current White House occupant. It is knowing that the occupant doesn’t understand the macroeconomic facts of life. He does understand microeconomics. The difference between the two looms large if care is not taken.

Care is not a watchword of this administration. So my feelings of gloom are well-earned.


March 26, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

Proactive, not Reactive

Trump provides plenty of material to which we react. But that saps us of energy, focus and work needed to acquire our fustory. Focusing on what we want for the future is the antidote to reacting to the negatives thrown up to block our progress.

So, there it is. Don’t let the negative stop you or us on our journey toward a better future.

It is important for any nation to be realistic about its life. What problems does it face? What work needs to be done?  How do we meet that challenge? It is the story begging to unfold. All it needs are   leaders who will take on the challenge. Problems need to be defined if they are to be solved. And facing the reality of problems proves we are indeed alive.

We should enjoy the present. But adoring the past to the extent of ignoring the future is not much of a pastime. Doing nothing useful today to make our tomorrows worthwhile is the definition of laziness and lost opportunity.

We need leaders; not to claim everything is rosy, but to encourage us to face our future and the obligations in need of our attention. The leader doesn’t do our work; he/she asks us to join the effort so we can all value and enjoy the achievements ahead of us.

That’s being pro-active.

Being reactive is worse than the opposite. Reaction mis-identifies problems. Misleading us to spend time on what does not need doing is wasteful of resources and worse – opportunity.

Border security is a topic worthy of attention, but it does not rise to that of an emergency. The task needing to be done is an on-going management function for which ample resources are available. It is up to the managers to address needed outcomes realistically and in real time.

Social unrest in South and Central American nations is a large international problem. The world community and the United Nations should be focusing attention and resources on addressing this problem. It is not up to the US alone to do this; that assumes we are the only ones interested in a solution. We are not the UN; we are one nation who should be working with other nations in addressing the needs of those nations in trouble. We should not force solutions on anyone unilaterally.

We may just learn how to help Mexico develop its full promise and solve our southern border problems at the same time.

Global warming is a global problem. It needs the help of the global community to find solutions. In doing this all nations benefit, including our own. We may also create new industries to replace dying ones, thus giving future generations career options we didn’t dream of.

The future has its own beginning. Its ending is the beginning of yet another future. What the story will be between the two beginnings is for us all to create. This is the story of the future nearest to us. It becomes our fustory.

The more we argue and play meaningless politics, the more time we waste. Ignore the buffoons hiding behind obscure claims and manipulating public opinion. Take control of our own present and lives and get busy doing the work we all need to be doing.

That’s our obligation. It is also our opportunity.

Proact and see the difference.

March 25, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

Fustory: needed investments

Our story in the future requires many investments for it to unfold in reality. I’m not certain of any of this, but I think the general direction and idea of it is worth exploration.

For one thing, I think we have to have faith in our personal self, that we are worthy of survival and working with others to make good things happen. Just by living this value I learn about myself and the self of others. A lot of work in just that one concept. I think our work toward a fruitful dream, however, starts there.

Then, we move on to having faith in others, so we can work collaboratively with them. Not cooperatively, but much more: collaboratively. This is a partnership that understands we have shared values and hoped-for-outcomes. We focus together on the project we are working on, then produce the results that we can build on for future goals.

The third investment is time. Time to think, plan, research, discuss, and decide in concert with others how to proceed. Time keeps us focused on today and what we can do with that for tomorrow.  Remain connected with the past but live in today for results that we want for our future. One day at a time we build our fustory, the history that will be for the following generations of our people. Time is needed. It keeps us focused. And realistic.

The fourth investment is openness to being wrong. None of us know all things. We must build trust in facts and process the facts to grow new facts. We cannot control everything; only a little – our own time, energy and thinking. We will think wrong things and do wrong things. We must be open to that reality, so we can repair the results of the wrongs and get on track with what is right.

The fifth investment is gratefulness for the efforts of others. We learn something from everybody. We will not agree with everyone or everything they have to offer. But we still need to be grateful that they are willing to work with us collaboratively.

That’s it for now. The building blocks of fustory. If it is to have value, we must make the necessary investments to make it happen. Discipline is needed. Energy, too. But most of all is faith in ourselves and others. That will count for much as we labor on toward a future worth our effort.

March 22, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Story of Want

I’ve been thinking about this for some time. the ideas keep coming but are separated. The logic does not flow. Lately I’ve been getting glimpses of how they might fit together. Just peeks, now and again. Enticing! Even disturbing of sleep from time to time.

So, what’s the gist?  Here are the disconnected thoughts. Let’s see if any of them can be weaved together.

·        Blame; someone is always finding blame for something they don’t like; there has to be a person or persons responsible

·        Past, history; our focus on what went wrong, trying to find the cause of what we don’t like today

·        Group thought or ideology; what are they, and what don’t I like about it or them?

·        Right thinking; what do I believe and why do I think it is better than other thought patterns?

·        How can I/we detract from those people or thoughts that I don’t agree with?

·        How can I/we push our position forward to gain more support?

·        I’m working on problems; how are each defined? What is the core of each problem?

·        Why are the problems ‘problems?’ Why are these important to me?

·        What are the solutions to the problems? Is this a gradual process of repair, or are big steps needed to fix the issue? How probable are the big steps to gain support for implementation?

·        Why fix these problems now? What order should they be worked on? What are their interdependencies? Any at all?

This process of wondering through possibilities can be endless; or at least it appears so! It is this quality of complexity that deters successful management of problems and issues brought into focus.  So what to do? What is the connector?

Perhaps the connector is contained in the word ‘outcomes.’ What I think and support is different in many ways from what others think and support. It is the very nature of public discourse, discussion. Others are always analyzing and poking holes in what others say. It is the nature of our debating society. The juxtaposition of ideas struggling against others for supremacy. The best ideas continue to rise to the top until we as a society have agreed on something.

Well, it doesn’t always work well. The rising to the top often kills off many good, workable ideas; they are offered out of sequence or priority order. The trick is to remember those ideas for later use in their correct order. That must be done so as not to lose the valuable thoughts that are workable. Don’t ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater.’

So, what to do? What is the missing link here?  Oh, right; outcomes.

At least I think it holds promise to help us move forward.

But first, a backtrack.  History. Our story of how we came to be Americans. The ins and outs of that story. It is not all pretty. Some items are downright ugly. No use ignoring the wrong turns we took over the centuries; we took those turns, right or wrong. Most were right, but a lot were wrong. That’s why our history was slow at times. We didn’t make rapid progress. And we still exhibit this behavior of fits and starts. It is time-consuming. And it drains our energy. Of more importance? It distracts us from what is truly important.

What is important? The story we want to represent us over time. What we have attempted to be leads us to today, with all the good and bad. That leads us to ask, “What is it we want our story to become?”

I call this our fustory.  All this work, history, ins and outs, false starts and damaging mistakes have led us to today. What is it we wish it to be?  What outcomes do we think ought to happen if the fustory is to happen to fulfill our dreams of it?

These outcomes will need broad support from most of our citizens.  We need consensus on these broad points if we are to evolve to our dream point.  By the way, we may never finally reach the dream point; but it will always be out there pulling us toward it. It is the nature of a dream. And our story, too. We struggle for it to be better.

Some consensus outcomes I think we already have set in concrete:

·           Equality of opportunity for all

·           Diversity of age, race, culture and gender issues

·           Recognition of our immigrant past, present and future

·          Access to quality life-long education

·          Economic opportunity for workers, risk takers, et. al.

·          Project our values into the global community for their safety and opportunity

·          Recognize we Americans do not wish to be controllers of the planet; but we don’t expect others to 
          be, either; this is a global village of which we are all equal

·          Strive to treat others as we want them to treat us; both here and globally

·          Strive always for peace

·          Work hard to protect our planet home from self-destruction of any kind

That’s my list of outcomes. None will likely occur in perfection; we will always need to work
forward on their progress.

Besides, as generations come and go they must learn these lessons and abide by the consensus  process. That takes experience, time and introspection. And education. And a heart filled with goodwill.

I’m still hopeful all of this is possible. I’m willing to work for this. Are you?

March 21, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fix Obamacare

Why should we fix Obamacare?  Because it worked despite republican attacks and legislative skullduggery. When congressional republicans realized the Obamacare legislation was going to pass, they built in flaws and ticking time bombs to scuttle the program once it was enacted. They continued to do this for over a year. Even in its weakened condition, the program survived.

Then trump was elected. Republicans attempted time and again to scuttle Obamacare. Even then they could not do it.

Like Social Security before it, congressional enemies worked hard to kill the program but instead it survived to become a champion safety net for America’s citizens. A great equalizer.

The same should occur for Obamacare. Why? Because it is affordable and effective in delivering equity and equality in matters of healthcare to a vast nation. Oh, the program has problems, especially now that even more damage to it has been delivered by two years of uncontrolled republican congressional power.

We hear demands now for Medicare for all but, in my opinion, as simple as that sounds, it is draconian in expense. We cannot afford this at this time. It may be a worthy goal 30 or 50 years from now, but not today. Instead, we should repair Obamacare to the standard it was once envisioned to be. Much more effective and less expensive than Medicare for all.

Once this is accomplished, the pressure will be off healthcare costs for a period of time. In that span of time, attend to other fiscal business and strengthen our once strong economy and federal government. Restore tax brackets recently removed, recapture more than $1 trillion in government revenues, curb military budgets, focus on reasonable border security programs while eliminating the need to build a wall coast to coast.

Once we have balanced the budget and begun to lower the national debt, consider the way forward toward repairing access to education, continuous job training, and restoration of individual liberty and dignity in these United States. Much damage has been done in recent years. We have much to re-accomplish.

Focus on some short term repairs now; prepare for a 2020 Presidential Election that will replace the dysfunctional one, and get back to business.

Enough nonsense for two generations. Let’s get on with it.

March 20, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Creating the New

We get a lot of bad news. Every day. A plane crash. Failed new product with horrible results. Economic news that puzzles markets. Declining home sales. School shootings. Weather emergencies with tornadoes, floods, blizzards, straight-line winds, super cold, or super hot. Challenges for us to meet and survive. Negatives to process and integrate to our lives.

They mean something in the moment. Portent of future struggle, as well. Adversity survived and filed away for a future memory, a preparation for another shoe to drop. This is life. We learn to deal with it. We find survival tips in all of it.

Some people do more. They invent a new idea, a new product, a new service. They search for ways to bring the new into being. They invent not just the new, but the how to use the new.

These are entrepreneurs. Whether for profit or not, they dream up creative ideas that solve a problem. Maybe it is useful to a small group of people; perhaps it is for the public good and a ‘miracle’ waiting to be brought to the masses. Entrepreneurs. Risk takers. Thinkers and doers.

Often these creative types do it all by themselves. Other times they turn to others for help. SCORE mentoring is one such place for help. Started by the Small Business Administration in 1962, the idea was to recruit retired business professionals who would then mentor and coach entrepreneurs safely into launching new enterprises. The goal was to support greater job growth.

And this idea comes from the reality that job growth stems mostly from small business formations and their growth.

Today SCORE has over 12,000 mentors nationally. 2018 witnessed at least 100,000 new jobs created from these efforts. SCORE also helps existing small businesses with challenges to help them survive immediate problems and prosper in the near term. No estimate is available on the jobs saved from such work. Surely there are many!

This work, however, deals with creative people working to bring new ideas to the marketplace. The imagination and creative power of these people is legendary. And potent.

As a mentor it is hard to be negative about life when working with inventive souls. This weekend I worked with a small group attempting to start a new nonprofit focused solely on helping at-risk women and girls in Zambia. Their goal is to create safe communities with adequate and healthy housing, mentoring, clothing, food and job training for the poorest of poor Zambia communities. They hope to incubate small businesses as well in those communities, thus providing employment for the women and career options for the girls.  A worthy goal; a heartwarming objective.

In the face of such positive thinking and effort, how can one be worried about our future?

Fresh generations of Americans are on the scene and making good things happen. While some people sit on the sidelines to complain and bemoan the state of the world, others are doing something about it. Right here. In our very own neighborhoods. Everyday these people work to make better days for others and themselves.

That’s what freedom and opportunity achieve. Fresh new futures. For all to enjoy. And participate in.

March 19, 2019

Monday, March 18, 2019

America’s Brokenness

As much as I am a loyal American, I am also a close critic. Blind loyalty is meaningless. Thinking and analysis keeps me honest; in turns, others hopefully will be honest and that keeps the nation on the right track.

Things are not well in America these days. Many issues are evidence of that unwellness. Here are some:

1.      Legal Profession

2.      Court System and Justice

3.      Collaboration in government

4.      Shared values and morals

5.      Election finance corruption

6.      Negative campaigning

7.      Besmirching the free press

8.      Ideology of privilege

9.      Selfishness and greed

That will do for starters. Our eyes are wide open to these faults. Most Americans will agree with me, I think. The problem is too few speak out on these matters; fewer still take action to correct the situation. Lurching toward crisis seems to be the only way our nation takes appropriate recourse. That needs to change if we are to regain our combined health.

Trial attorneys are becoming propagandists, not legal process guides. Their voices should only be heard by the judge and jury in a case. Private discussions with the client should be preserved. Press secretary for the client is not in the job description, nor should it be.

Justice from our courts are increasingly biased by race and ideology. Politics ought not be part of our court system. Sentencing should be blind to racial and cultural diversity. Such disparity is clearly on view these days. Shame! So too are the indictments and legal processes designed to overburden the poor and disadvantaged. Only the wealthy have access to competent representation. The rest become fodder for a system increasingly targeting the poor and innocent.

Partisan politics has been in control of Congress for many years. Campaigns for office are not about ideas that will benefit society, but potential headcounts in the House or Senate that will give more power to one party or the other. Honest brokerage of ideas and solutions seem to be lost forever in the hostile environment of power politics. This is a nasty face of America we can do well without. The same dynamic infects many of our state legislatures as well.

Morals. Values. Say what? Yes, we once stood tall because we knew what we believed in and protected those values. Modern society, however, condones adultery, misogyny, racism, white nationalism, violence, incivility and a bias against education. Science is spurned. So too good manners and kindness. Not all is lost, but the army of people living with and by old values and morals are being overwhelmed by those who do not. Where is the balance? Where is our shared sense of right and wrong? This is not rocket science; we can do better. We all need to stand up to the dumbing down of our nation. And its crudeness.

Elections are bought and paid for by the highest bidders. Finance reform is a losing game and joke. Big money must be removed if the People are to prevail. Corporate funding must be removed. So too private money. Ideas should be the focus, not money. Leadership should be demonstrated, not propaganda.

Negative campaigning should be replaced with policy proposals for something rather than against it. Focus on the ideas – the what, how and why.

The Free Press is the mightiest bulwark protecting the public from unscrupulous politicians and commercial interests. Proper journalism is process and fact-based. Not opinion or commentary. Propaganda dies quickly in the face of factual press power. Sound bite propaganda is usually the identifier of falseness, and the true carrier of treason.

Ideology of Privilege is built on money, fame and ego. It is a poisonous mix that slays humility. Much evil comes from this. With trappings of wealth and influence comes an assumption of privilege. It is not pretty and is the antithesis of what has made America great in the first place.

Selfishness and Greed is the result of all of the above. Just because ‘they’ can doesn’t mean they ‘should.’ Corporations have large PR and advertising budgets. They have interests they wish to protect. They lobby for legislation to gain that protection. They curry favor with powerful influencers and share their wealth with them to affect outcomes of elections. Elections then help to cement legislative outcomes. This is greed for bottom line, monopoly power, and hubris. It is selfish and unamerican. Proper controls over such behavior has always been needed and the reason for regulations in the first place. Nothing has changed to lessen regulation. The greed and selfishness continue unabated.

Knowing the above comes from careful reading, a dynamic press corps, and a well-educated mind and logic. America is as good as its will to do this work. The downfall of every civilization before us has been caused by laziness to do this work. Doom awaits us we if do not take corrective action.

March 18, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019

Bits and Pieces

Impeach or Not?

I don’t care if the president is impeached or not. It is only a legal term meaning ‘indictment’; that means there is enough evidence to hold a person responsible for actions that may amount to cause for removal from office. It is an accusation and a process. It is not a judgment; that comes from the Senate acting as a jury. Because the ‘jury’ is stacked in favor of republicans, it is not likely that the president will be removed from office.

Why anyone would want the nation to go through the arduous and destabilizing process of impeachment is beyond my understanding. However, if the president is a danger to himself and others, or is supporting unconstitutional actions, he can be removed from office by other means. He has protections; so do the people of the nation.

Making impeachment more of a political issue is not wise. Democrats should refrain from such. Nancy Pelosi is correct in her position on this issue; a wise woman and a leader. Others need to take note.

National Debt

Republicans have always shouted NO! to debt. Yet they are the ones who have amassed the most debt over the years. Foolish wars (especially those without end!) cost enormously. Tax reductions seriously undercut government revenues; it is a debt maker in disguise. Tax cuts unsupported by expense reductions also cause rising debt. This has happened under the current administration to the tune of more than $1 trillion.  Increasing military spending and space exploration simultaneously broadens the debt even more. Cutting domestic spending is not the only answer to rising debt. Nor should it be for moral reasons. The party of no debt has proven otherwise. They need to solve the problem other than beating the poor and elderly out of earned benefits they paid for in the first place.

Power Politics: “Nuclear Option” in judgeships; Senate Vote Options; more

The Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, is brewing a method to approve the president’s judgeship  nominations quickly and with less oversight by democrats. If you wish to warp the government and its workings toward your own ideology, then you support McConnell. If you wish our government to be of, for and by the people, you would oppose McConnell. Balance and fairness. Not power and force. The lack of bi-partisan workings of Congress is a scourge on our nation’s history. The ‘we win, you lose’ mentality destroys more than it gains. We need to be very careful. Our form of government is being morphed into something quite ugly.

Evidence of our brokenness continues to mount. This is the Constitutional crisis we speak of.


March 15, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

More on Religion

Finding my way to myself. Knowing me. Understanding me. That is my quest. That is the reason for my journey.

Of what use is life? Why does it make a difference? What does this do for me, or for others?

It is in the asking that we come to know.

Struggling to help another person helps me know myself. Often it is in the doing for someone else that we learn the most. Sometimes it is only being present with them that matters. A ride to the store is a simple matter. A trip to a doctor’s office, waiting with them in the waiting room, is yet another simple matter. Talking throughout the errand is fun. Laughter often greets our time together. A small glimpse of joy during a basic errand.

Often, encountering difficulty is a challenge. To understand it is one thing; to grasp its meaning in the life of others is yet another; and that cannot be done without rubbing my shoulder with the issue.

How would I be affected by this same issue? Aah! That’s the grist of the lesson, isn’t it?

The context of the lesson is important. In the here and now is too often our understanding. But the larger context is ‘all-time.’ How does this instance play with history and the story of mankind on the planet? What is the larger context?

For that we turn to history, to philosophy, to theology as well. What have our ancestors thought about this topic? Why is it important or ought to be so? Surely these thoughts have occurred millions of times before now. What was their weight in those times? Are we anchored in the world’s reality? Or are we strutting the stage as though we are unique in this experience?

Getting outside of one’s self is the means to see beyond one’s self. That is when we learn the big things in life. The useful things.

To be other-centered helps us – me – be open to the fulness of life and its meaning. In this space theology can be helpful. It is the story telling of mankind’s journey on the planet. Origins of being; relationships with others. Linkage to all – people, surroundings, time, history and space. Whether we assign God to the mystery or not, it remains the story of mankind attempting to understand our/my existence.

The greatest thoughts are based in this milieu. We dare to disconnect from the comfortable and imagine more. Much more. There we search for meaning, rock bottom meaning. And the Why.

We value each other. Each has meaning and use. Therefore, I have value and use. Knowing what that use is becomes my personal quest. In time I find it defined as only makes sense to me.

It becomes my guide, my lifelong rudder. With it I find a way forward. It doesn’t change my personality or make me less impatient. Too much to do! Let’s get on with it. A deep breath restores balance, and then onward to fulfill use.

Is this religion? I think it is. Perhaps too mild a definition, but it works for me.

What works for you?

March 14, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

As Time Goes By

Seven years writing this blog; seven years and five months. In my eighth year. Daily, at first every day with an extra post once in a while. Then I rested on Sundays. Then finally I rested on Saturdays, too. Five days per week with an extra post thrown in from time to time. Over 2215 postings. A couple of million words, at least. 250,000 hits. Mostly foreign readers. Italy, France and Germany are the stalwart nations of readers.  A lot in the Middle East as well.

And Russia. Not sure about who in Russia is reading my posts. I thought these were university students but then came to believe that these are government staff gleaning American opinion on a variety of topics. Still don’t know who these folks are, and I probably won’t. For the other readers, I still suspect readers are students gathering American thoughts. Don’t know why this is important to them, but curiosity accounts for a lot.

It amazes me how easy it is to select a topic and write about it. Always a topic looms large. Something worth spending some time on and thinking about. Pondering truth and mystery is a fun pastime for me. Enjoyable. Brain tickling.

Some topics of course are political; reaction to a happening or an obnoxious opinion floated by someone trying to manipulate public opinion. This is a nation of open thinking and expression. We value that freedom. And a lot of us use it.

Freedom to express oneself is a ritual of individuality. In a nation of 330 million, each opinion counts for something. Not all hold up. But each opinion is examined in the open air for validity and logic. And truth. Not all opinions pass muster. Many fail. In time they become obvious. We train our minds to see beyond the surface and question what some think are facts.

Freedom does that. It seeks truth. It roots out facts. It pieces facts together logically and thinks about the context of the happening. This is the gestalt of knowledge. It accrues meaning and validity. But it will need to be tested many times to hold its truth. Shedding unproven ideas is part of the process of learning and accumulating knowledge. Wisdom is what remains. Over time. Over struggle. It takes work.

The process is not for the lazy or sloppy thinker. Rushers to judgment are discouraged from the process.

Many voices. An abundance of ideas. Not all true. Not all worthwhile. But still worthy of our thinking and exposure to air. In time we know the truth. Be patient good readers. Eventually we will know much. As time goes by we understand more.

Mar 13, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Alternates of Truth

Open a newspaper, a news magazine and what do you see? Words. Exclamation points. Question marks. But what about meaning?  Do you find yourself questioning the author’s credentials before reading on? Do you wonder about possible agendas woven into the reporting?

I do. Each and every time.

I also shudder. This is not how it once was. We trusted the writers. We had faith their supervisors – the editors – were supporting the author’s commitment to truth and accuracy. We expected the news organization to employ researchers, fact checkers and grammarians. We held the press to a high standard. They were the arbiters of spelling and grammar. And facts, too.

Today, it is anyone’s guess. And bias. Does this author support my views in general? Do I feel comfortable with his/her expressions and opinions? Or does this report seem slanted and artificial?

I scan the news these days. I feel for a pulse of logic, fact and context. I work at understanding the report from the viewpoint of the writer, not the subject. Then, if I’m comfortable with all of that, I peruse the article and file it into my brainium-data compiler. Later, I may use this item for another writing project, or I may learn of its duplicity and trash it.

Whatever I do with information, I now filter it carefully. This doesn’t mean I’m correct in my analysis or conclusions. There is no guarantee that the input is pure and accurate. A judgment must be made in each case.

How delicate is our world of facts and truth these days!  What is the real truth, and what is an alternate factoid? Who is to know.

All I know is that people in positions of authority we once trusted are no longer reliable. We have no rudder or guide on this twisted journey. Never before have I witnessed such suspension of validity in public life.

So, who do you trust? Who do you rely on for accurate information? Indeed, what do we focus on to be certain we are dealing with reality?

Strange and eerie world we live in today. Up is down and out is in. Even scarier? Positive is now negative, and the opposite, too.

How do we fix this?

March 12, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019

Anti-Hate Legislation?

A bit of bosh in Congress these days. Even more than in recent years. Take the Anti-hate bill recently passed in the House. A young, Muslim congresswoman from Minnesota speaks her truth about abnormal influence peddling in the Congress by pro-Israel lobbying groups. Just saying anything negative about this lobby is taken as an anti-Semitic trope. Really?

I am not anti-Semitic. Never have been. I do question the undying and unquestioning support for Israel when Israel clearly does what she wants while using American dollars. She has often operated in direct opposition to American interests yet we can’t call her out on that?  To do so threatens us with an anti-Semitic trope?

I think the freshman congresswoman is speaking honestly from three reality platforms that give her enormous credentials: a woman; an African American; a Muslim. She has experienced deep discrimination and bias her entire life living simultaneously with all three platforms. That is her reality.

Is she anti-Jewish? Not in evidence. Is she anti-Israel? Not in evidence. Anti-White? Anti-Male? No.

How then is she anti-Semitic by merely stating her opinion? Let us not forget that her opinion is well-formed and researched. Why then is she singled out for a blind backlash?

Simply because she is a democrat, female, black, Muslim. That’s it.

Now there’s a trope to get your head around!

Shame on republicans and blind pro-Israeli bigots. Time to get honest. With us. And themselves.

March 11, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019

Religion in Today’s Life?

Do you consider yourself religious?  Spiritual? Or something else? What defines the differences for you? Do you consider these issues frequently – daily, weekly, monthly, rarely, never?

I’ve been a life-long church goer from an early age. I’ve had lapses when I didn’t attend regularly, usually during moves to new places, and major life changes. However, new on campus for my undergraduate studies, I joined a church immediately in my denomination (Congregational-United Church of Christ). Even joined the choir and was an active member of the church community.

After graduation, I found my denomination’s nearest church, joined that and its choir as well. Became very involved there until I entered seminary. After seminary, now married, I began a new career (not church related) and lived in an exciting urban area in a high rise overlooking Lake Michigan. We were unchurched in those days.

A few years later we were expecting our first child and moved to a suburb. Once settled in the new house (an old place with lots of rehab needed!) we looked for a church home to feel more settled in our community. A Presbyterian church was within walking distance and we thought that would be good for the family; eventually the kids could even walk to church activities. Of note: we never walked to church; the kids, too, never walked to that church. I was in the choir, active in church polity and we remained for nearly 20 years.

Once divorced, I remained unchurched for several years, then found a new church home, this time Lutheran (ELCA). Been there 13 years now. No choir but I cantor the early Sunday service. Active in church polity and program development as well.

All in all I have been churched for all of my 75 years with the exception of maybe 8 years added all together.

My theological stance is odd for a once-seminarian. Although raised a Christian, I maintain an open mind on the ‘divinity’ of Jesus. I prefer to think of him as a prophet, not divine. That flies in the face of most denominations, and would have made me a poor minister of any flock. I just couldn’t see myself being honest with the congregation about my doubts about Christ’s divinity. So I left the seminary and sought other avenues of ministry. Music, service and helping others on a personal level became my pastorship. Still is.

Looking back on this passage of time, church, spirituality and religion have played a strong part of my life. It just has. A natural interest. But there is more, and I suspect for most of us, too.

Questioning the reason for life – Why are we here? – is the primary reason for my life-long quest. Many years later I realized I was on a faith journey – what did I believe, and how central was it to my life? I learned the journey is life-long, takes many twists and turns, and is fueled by question and curiosity.

Over the years I have become comfortable in my own skin. That hasn’t been easy. And the job is not done. It is life-long in my opinion. It takes each day to come to turns with my own existence and what I’m going to do with it. Does this make me religious? I don’t think so. Spiritual, yes; definitely that.

As I ponder the role of religion in today’s world, I realize the same questions I’ve struggled with are the same for each person. Some are able to ignore such questions. I suspect they do so with consequences down the road. Each of us mere mortals have to come to terms with life and the absence of it, and the absence of us from it. It is an immutable mystery that causes feeling, fear, thinking and yes, joy.

More on this later. I just thought some might wish to think on this today. I’m anxious to share more on this topic soon. Meanwhile, smile and greet this day with gusto!

March 8, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Seeking the Next President

As Richard Nixon grew more wounded, the nation writhed in discomfort. The government still functioned but leadership became addled, incomplete. As the next President, Gerald Ford stated after being sworn in as President, “Our long nightmare is over.”

Suddenly we had a new president and life went on. We all got back to work, no longer distracted by a national crisis.

Today we face the same crisis – a leader consumed with controversy, investigations, and legal woes. We are in a constitutional crisis. A major one made more important because of the divisiveness of our times. A nation split among itself on what constitutes fact is a nation much distracted.

We must get back to work. International issues beg our attention. Partnerships and alliances of long- standing need mending. Strong fresh visioning of a functioning global community needs constant ideas and energy. And of course, our nation needs fresh visions to fuel our progress into the future.

Vision. An image of what we hold dear. A picture of the possible. This requires leadership. And acute thinking.

Our current leadership in Washington DC is not thinking future or keen visions of what the nation needs and hopes for. We are distracted. Mired in the muck of partisan politics when we need to be on a higher level of aspiration.

So, who will lead us forward? We need someone, or a team of someones, to find our way forward. Who will that be?

I don’t think it will be someone with a past high level of leadership, or someone of significant age. We will need someone who has energy, vision and fairness woven deeply in their DNA. We need someone who respects the concept of ‘government of, for and by the people.’ We require someone who is undisputedly honest and forthright. We need someone who can feel emotion in the open and demonstrate authenticity.

I don’t know if such a person exists among the people now saying they are interested in running for President.  I do know we have a few old people who may not survive their first full term. I know there are younger persons without the experience or wisdom it will take to be an effective President. So how do we identify the best people for the job? How do we help them become the leader we need them to be?

For one thing, we do not need to be nasty and demeaning. Just honest and factual. Respectful, too.

There are some good candidates in the Democratic Party. Not all of them are suitable for the office. Some are. Others may be but we haven’t yet seen all they can do in the job. Republican hopefuls for the office of President are not in view because the sitting occupant has the presumed candidacy. If he resigns or is removed from office, then who among the Republicans is suitable for the role?

We are living a national nightmare. Nothing is normal. We must find a solution to this situation. How? When? Where will the wisdom and will come from for this solution to emerge?

March 7, 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Subsidizing Corporations

How does the federal government subsidize companies?  Let us count the ways:

1.      Reduced income tax rates; reference the new tax code

2.      Many tax deductions for special expenses, investments, special circumstances

3.      Tax credits from previous year’s activities ‘saved’ for a forward year’s tax bite

4.      Sequestering earnings in foreign lands from taxes in the US

5.      Social programs for low paid employees of the corporation; Medicaid, food stamps, and other programs made available because the wage/salary scales are insufficient

6.      Roads, bridges and everyday infrastructure used heavily by corporations without directly paying for same; or the wear and tear on same

7.      Use of publicly schooled persons for their employee pool when they don’t support the public education program by much compared with a private individual or property tax payer

8.      The list goes on and on

Additionally, corporations are often special ‘vendors’ to government for these industries:

a.      Education

b.      Military

c.      Space exploration

d.      Technology

e.      Communications

f.       Transportation, all kinds

g.      Research and development projects

h.      Banking and monetary system

i.       Commerce and trade system

j.       Agriculture

k.      Food and drug safety

l.       More…

Corporations are often protected by regulations and protocols sponsored by the federal government. They get special treatment. They have protection from competition in many ways. They have product protection and safety, too. All these elements are functions of government, but no direct tax is levied against corporations for this form of support. We all pay for it, we the taxpaying public.

Many of the protections listed above are reasonable, but there is a cost for this. Who pays and who complains?  Usually the corporations complain and we taxpayers pay the bill.

It is time for all businesses to own up to their responsibilities for citizenship in America. They should be treated the same and as fairly as all other tax payers.

March 6, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

NEXUS Tonight!

For local readers this post is important. I don't expect our foreign readers to drop in tonight!

As promised Nexus will meet again tonight – First Tuesdays – at 6:30 pm. Trinity Lutheran Church in Warrenville, Illinois (Curtis and Warrenville Roads) will host us this evening. The purpose of Nexus is to discuss issues that matter in a safe environment. Each participant is free to express their opinion and knowledge about the issue being discussed free from rancor from others. At Nexus we listen to one another so we can learn more about the topic and why it is a problem for many.

Civility is our goal. In a world of back biting, nasty debates, emotions run high and block access to factual understanding. Logic and fairness are bywords of Nexus.

Tonight, our topic is Ageism. We will explore its definition and then the aspects which cause problems in our society. How to address those problems and what to do about them on a personal level will undoubtedly be a part of the discussion.

Ageism is an important issue but not one of the hot button topics creating so much unrest on social media. We hope to demonstrate the Nexus method of discussing and exploring issues. Then we will move on to touchier topics. Give us time to work out the process kinks!

Do join us. For healthy discussion. To explore and understand. In safety and respect.

For questions, please email George Safford at

March 5, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019

North Korea Summit

The first summit between trump and Kim was held in Singapore. I didn’t hold much hope for the results of that meeting. A lot of hoopla with little substance. A lot was discussed but the window dressing informed us this was a publicity event, little more.

Supporters of trump, of course, claimed otherwise, but the rest of us – including the global community – remained to be convinced by actual outcomes that the meeting was effective. We have not changed our mind. Very little was accomplished at the Singapore summit. Connections were made and a platform for future talks were constructed. That is all good. However, actual outcomes have not yet been registered.

The Hanoi summit that just collapsed between Kim and trump, was another window dressing event. Trump is not a stateman no matter how he struts on the world stage. His remarks are empty. His goals unknown. Without benchmarks how can we tell if progress has been made?

Besides, North Korea is not in control of its own future. China and Russia are the props to the Kim regime. This has been known for decades. China provides the economic props for Kim. Russia provides the military hardware and software to give Kim a ‘presence.’ If we are to make progress with North Korea, we must first get the attention and cooperation of Russia and China. That won’t happen soon. It is in Kim’s, Beijing’s and Moscow’s interests that the impasse with the US continue.

The three Asian nations want a denuclearized South Korea. America provides a military reality. We are not likely to cede the point. The stalemate continues. With it is a stability of relations for the rest of the region – Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and all the rest. Meanwhile China continues to press forward with its militarization of the international waters and manmade islands.

Russia chortles privately at the cumbersome handling of these matters by trump. It is in Putin’s interest that these rude actions continue. Effective stasis for the region while he focuses attention on other matters.

Meanwhile at home, the president’s reputation and legal problems continue to fall into pieces. There is no need for impeachment. The trump dynasty is failing and will disappear of its own accord.

His private life does have its moments of solace and peace. Much better than the chaos of international attention on one’s personal failures.

March 4, 2019

Friday, March 1, 2019

Sorting Things Out

Standing before a room of 23 people. Adults of all ages and colors. Interests different – so very different – but the passions ran high. They want to achieve something. They are here to learn how to start a nonprofit agency of some kind. The dream is to fulfill the passion in helping others. The how and why are unasked. Those will come by and by.

The title of the workshop is ‘starting a nonprofit.’ So we know what has attracted them. But don’t know anything more than that.

How to partner with them is my issue. How do I help them find the answers they need? Why are they doing what they are doing? Ask them, of course. Straight out ask them.

Their dreams are so different yet similar. Helping people with specific needs they can’t get help with elsewhere. Why is this so difficult? Why don’t I and a few others get together, form an organization and deliver on the need? Easy peasy, right? No; not easy. And I don’t know what peasy is!

For some reason a nonprofit entity is the answer to most of them. In the final analysis they may be right; or wrong. There’s always a right and wrong answer, isn’t there? And maybe some in-betweens, too.

At any rate, we begin. “What do you hope to accomplish?” I ask. The answers come haltingly but gather speed in the room. Soon the pattern is clear. The ‘need’ to do something no one else is doing; that’s what they hope to accomplish, and a nonprofit is the only means in their minds. They are most likely right on that; but doing the right thing doesn’t always need to be a nonprofit activity. There are other ways.

For now we are just thinking through how to start a new nonprofit. What are the steps? What is the punch list? We go through 8 actions. We discuss why the step is necessary and what authority has to be satisfied to OK many of the steps. Soon we are into the operations of how to set up the actual work we want to do with clients. That’s where it becomes messy. And specific.

I give them my name, phone number and email address. I ask them not to call unless they are prepared to leave a message. I need to know how I know of them, and then their question and how I can respond to it.  So much easier if they simply email me the question. Then I can mull it over and respond intelligently. The work ahead for each of them is custom and specific. I can guide them and suggest actions; but they are in charge of the doing. I get their hesitation. They will need to take the leap and begin. The process will yield to an accumulation of known facts and experiences that will result in a new organization and operation. It will. This is how it is done. Bit by bit. Gathering information and facts. Sorting them through and choosing which to work on first, then which ones later.

In a few months or years they will wonder how they got to where they are. The blur of building something new is exciting and rewarding. The dream of helping others, though, is happening. Only because they cared enough to invest the energy, time and insight.

Oh, some will fail at this but the others will continue on. Each will have learned what they are capable of doing. Each will observe the results of their efforts. The clients – beneficiaries of this effort – will not know any of this; but they will move forward with their lives in safety and result better for it.

Sorting things out works wonders. Many we will never know.

March 1, 2019