As much as I am a loyal American, I am also a close critic. Blind loyalty is meaningless. Thinking and analysis keeps me honest; in turns, others hopefully will be honest and that keeps the nation on the right track.
Things are not well in America these days. Many issues are evidence of that unwellness. Here are some:
Legal Profession
Court System and Justice
Collaboration in government
Shared values and morals
Election finance corruption
Negative campaigning
Besmirching the free press
Ideology of privilege
Selfishness and greed
That will do for starters. Our eyes are wide open to these faults. Most Americans will agree with me, I think. The problem is too few speak out on these matters; fewer still take action to correct the situation. Lurching toward crisis seems to be the only way our nation takes appropriate recourse. That needs to change if we are to regain our combined health.
Trial attorneys are becoming propagandists, not legal process guides. Their voices should only be heard by the judge and jury in a case. Private discussions with the client should be preserved. Press secretary for the client is not in the job description, nor should it be.
Justice from our courts are increasingly biased by race and ideology. Politics ought not be part of our court system. Sentencing should be blind to racial and cultural diversity. Such disparity is clearly on view these days. Shame! So too are the indictments and legal processes designed to overburden the poor and disadvantaged. Only the wealthy have access to competent representation. The rest become fodder for a system increasingly targeting the poor and innocent.
Partisan politics has been in control of Congress for many years. Campaigns for office are not about ideas that will benefit society, but potential headcounts in the House or Senate that will give more power to one party or the other. Honest brokerage of ideas and solutions seem to be lost forever in the hostile environment of power politics. This is a nasty face of America we can do well without. The same dynamic infects many of our state legislatures as well.
Morals. Values. Say what? Yes, we once stood tall because we knew what we believed in and protected those values. Modern society, however, condones adultery, misogyny, racism, white nationalism, violence, incivility and a bias against education. Science is spurned. So too good manners and kindness. Not all is lost, but the army of people living with and by old values and morals are being overwhelmed by those who do not. Where is the balance? Where is our shared sense of right and wrong? This is not rocket science; we can do better. We all need to stand up to the dumbing down of our nation. And its crudeness.
Elections are bought and paid for by the highest bidders. Finance reform is a losing game and joke. Big money must be removed if the People are to prevail. Corporate funding must be removed. So too private money. Ideas should be the focus, not money. Leadership should be demonstrated, not propaganda.
Negative campaigning should be replaced with policy proposals for something rather than against it. Focus on the ideas – the what, how and why.
The Free Press is the mightiest bulwark protecting the public from unscrupulous politicians and commercial interests. Proper journalism is process and fact-based. Not opinion or commentary. Propaganda dies quickly in the face of factual press power. Sound bite propaganda is usually the identifier of falseness, and the true carrier of treason.
Ideology of Privilege is built on money, fame and ego. It is a poisonous mix that slays humility. Much evil comes from this. With trappings of wealth and influence comes an assumption of privilege. It is not pretty and is the antithesis of what has made America great in the first place.
Selfishness and Greed is the result of all of the above. Just because ‘they’ can doesn’t mean they ‘should.’ Corporations have large PR and advertising budgets. They have interests they wish to protect. They lobby for legislation to gain that protection. They curry favor with powerful influencers and share their wealth with them to affect outcomes of elections. Elections then help to cement legislative outcomes. This is greed for bottom line, monopoly power, and hubris. It is selfish and unamerican. Proper controls over such behavior has always been needed and the reason for regulations in the first place. Nothing has changed to lessen regulation. The greed and selfishness continue unabated.
Knowing the above comes from careful reading, a dynamic press corps, and a well-educated mind and logic. America is as good as its will to do this work. The downfall of every civilization before us has been caused by laziness to do this work. Doom awaits us we if do not take corrective action.
March 18, 2019
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