World War 1 was a disaster. How it began, how it was waged, and how it was terminated. The peace was not one that produced lasting peace. It sowed the seeds of World War II.
World War II finally gave witness to the global community waking to stark reality. Isolationism does not build peace. It gives license to those who benefit from war and aggression. The global community came together for common cause. We learned each other’s languages and worked together to defeat a common enemy, then two. Through awful struggle we became one.
A united global village. Millions of lives lost. A horrible price. But one paid for a world at peace.
We knew then that it was temporary. Peace lasts only so long until someone feels omnipotent or horribly wronged. Whatever the motivation, they bully their mood to others and war begins. War as arbiter of failed egos. War as tactic for riches. War as growth of territory.
So much war. So little peace. So much damage, carnage and human misery.
D-Day was a spectacular reality as symbol of the horrors of war. D-Day was waged to gain victory over Hitler. As the world community came together last week to recognize, remember and give thanks to those who perished for our peace, the gathering was truly odd.
Odd. A man who claims the American presidency but shirked war time duty. A man who thinks not of world strategy or world peace. A man who does not understand the word ‘comity.’ This is a man who embodies the bully and the disruptor of status quo. He believes that builds future potential.
Of what? The question begs asking. The answer begs completion. But none is forthcoming.
The emperor stands naked before the world with no plan, no strategy, no mission and no vision. For himself or for his people. This is the very definition of non-leader.
It is also the definition of ‘clear and present danger.’ He mocks treaties, peaceful cooperation, and global village collaboration. To him there must always be a winner. For me as well. But I see the winners as each and every one of us living in a world of peace. It will not come unless we work for it.
And pay the price. The opposite produces no winners; only losers.
And he the biggest of them all.
June 10, 2019
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