Thursday, August 22, 2019

Getting Along with Others

I was taught to be polite. This was a long time ago before I attended Kindergarten. I was told to say ‘thank you,’ ‘please,’ and ‘yes, sir, yes, ma’am.’ I was also taught to listen to my elders, show them respect.

In recent news exchanges with the press, Mr. tRump has reported he was the ‘chosen one’ to wage a trade war with China. He unilaterally claimed that all problems he is now battling are the ones not engaged by his predecessors. He now reports he is viewed by Israelis to be the ‘second coming of God.’ And he explained his cancellation of a trip to Denmark was due to ‘not a nice thing to say’ by the Denmark leader.

It appears Mr. tRump has an elevated view of himself and insists that all of us on the planet see him in the same light. Good luck with that, donald!

If this one day in the news does not inform his supporters that he is a complete lunatic, then there is little doubt about their veracity. Reasonable people do not speak as he does; nor do fans accept such dubious self-encomiums.

The sitting president of the US needs to be quarantined and declared incompetent and removed from office. Impeachment is not workable. Waiting for the 2020 election cycle is too slow. Justice, sanity and good manners require his removal. And yes, the Constitution and protocols provide for this.

Perhaps the institution that he is remanded to can return him to remedial Kindergarten classes. He needs retraining on being a polite and productive member of society.

August 22, 2019

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