Monday, April 20, 2020

Survival of the Fittest

Evidently there are many who dislike quarantine. That’s to be expected. I don’t like it either, but I do it for my own good and for others who I would likely infect were I to get Covid-19. The order to quarantine was a public policy made in good faith to protect health and life of all of us. We follow such orders voluntarily in solidarity with our fellow citizens.

Some quarantine measures were involuntary. Those come with fines or imprisonment if you violate the terms of the public order. That’s as it should be. Please note that no ones want to imprison anyone else; that would only enlarge the threat to the person and the inmates of the prison; and the public employees charged with enforcing the law in the first place.

No; no one likes being quarantined.

On the other hand, there are benefits: family time; personal time to think and meditate; time to chill out; time to read, sleep, exercise, organize, clean and tidy up personal spaces. Some will write poems. Others will write books. Most of us will discover new talents and ideas.

Quarantine does have advantages.

Those who have struggled with sheltering in place, may be feeling trapped or suffocated. They may begin to feel oppressed by others. They may protest being quarantined and find fault with the public order that enforced the quarantine in the first place. These are folks who will assert their right for assembly, free speech, freedom of religion and a host of other personal privileges guaranteed to them by the US Constitution.

They’d be foolish, though. The Constitution specifically grants power to authorities rightfully elected who will protect and defend citizens’ right to life and liberty. Protecting citizens from an uncontrolled plague is a proper duty placed on our civil servants.

If my posture on this is wrong, then I will stand corrected. However, be forewarned, if the plague is as dangerous as reported, Darwin’s Law will still be in force. I’d rather be safe in my home than out and about testing the survival of the fittest.

If I’m right, the herd shall be culled. Survivors will enjoy the fruits of those who foolishly sacrificed their lives.

April 20, 2020

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