Going along to get along. Being nice to others so they are
nice to me. Allowing logic to guide my thinking and my words. Spoken or
written, logic wants to steer the proceedings. Emotions, however, do arise. Interesting
how quickly they leap to action!
Facebook comments most often elicit the response. The best practice
is to skip over the message. Sometimes, though, a graphic or picture draws me
in. Then the purpose dawns and ire, love, pity or support speaks its reaction.
Yes, I unfollow people who seem all too ready to pounce on
those who disagree with their position. This seems their purpose – to attract,
stir up, then attack your reaction. Seems unnecessary to me. Conclusions are
arrived at over time once the mind considers all the options and facts.
helps this logical process. Debate only stirs up strong positions. Note, I stated
strong positions, not logical positions.
Decency is an asset in times such as these. Ellen DeGeneres
asks us to ‘be kind to one another.’ That’s decency in action. It listens to
what a person has to say. It listens to what the person is feeling. It allows
emotion to erupt from feelings and, at the same time, keep logic from getting
mired in emotions. Help the person with the emotions first. Then gently open
the discussion to the facts. Soothe the ruffled feathers so meaningful
discussion can be had.
Scoring a point is debate, not discussion. Finding fault is
a debate strategy, not a logical conclusion. Faults are always part of the
process; they are the tell-tales that perhaps a fact has not been represented
accurately. Faults also broadcast the person’s motivation for the discussion. They
have a point of view they are pressing forward. They are not interested in
inputs. Their minds are already made up. They are out to score big in the
The rest of us, however, are considering all the facts and
attempting to learn from each other. Decency helps the process work. Kindness helps.
Openness to competing ideas is helpful; it constructs layers of understanding
the issues; and the co-dependencies of many issues.
Sorting things out is best done in calm. Strife and contentiousness
clouds logic with emotions. It is inevitable. Best to avoid such competitions.
Unfollowing testy troublemakers is a good tactic to
implement. Let them stew in their own concocted brew. Don’t get sucked in.
Instead, keep on your quest for facts and truth. These work
together for better understanding. It is the critical element of logic.
Decency helps this process work.
July 10, 2020
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