Our money claims we ‘trust in God.’ Our history proclaims America is on God’s side, whatever that is. Our churches have preached that message for so long we tend to believe it is true. Only that is not likely. We do not trust in God.
Instead, we trust in ideas, facts, history, research,
invention and so much more. Of course, that requires us to believe in us, our
abilities to grow, learn and prosper. That is the American Way. Its fruits are
the American Dream.
Believing in that, however, should remind us that we believe
in each other if the Way and Dream are to succeed. No Man Is An Island. We learned
that long ago. It took American military forces to defeat Hitler and Japan in
the Second World War. We did not do that alone. We had allies who had long
before been doing battle with the Axis powers. We joined late but decisively.
And that turned the balance of war toward the Allies and peace.
No Man Is An Island. We stood with our global partners to
wage war and make peace. We need to do that again.
Only this time no military should be needed. Today, we can
do much through service to others and toward other nations. We can do business
with them, help them find the resources to improve their own economies and
resources. We can help build a world economy that relies on each other, not
competes ideologically or militarily. That is a lesson much of the world understands
and agrees on.
Two powers do not agree: Russia and China. Russia is dealing
from a position of weak economy, weak will but strong military. China deals
from a position of huge numbers of people, a large military, and strong
resources. But it suffers internal weaknesses that would be formidable for any
other nation. This makes China vulnerable in so many ways. A military victory
over an expanded region plus Taiwan would be a disaster for China and the global
village. It is too large a consequence to allow China the victory. Better if
they focused on peaceful needs within their own country than seek hegemony over
Russia would benefit from the global village and its shared
economy. However, Putin continues to think that force is needed to win respect.
He misses the point and has for most of his career. Force is a sign of
weakness. If you have to act the role of bully, you have already lost the
battle for minds. Invest, instead, in your people and their standard of living.
Do that and watch your society soar. Now that is something to be proud of, not
the past. Not the military. Not the propaganda.
Mr. Putin: stick your nose into your nation’s business and
stay there. Fix what is broken there. Watch the good things happen. Realize that
military is and always has been a last option to prop up a failing regime. This
is as true for you as it is for America. And China.
We all have enemies in some fashion or other. The problem is
with the other. Don’t fall for the bully routine. Become the nation of hope and
potential that makes your nation impregnable. Then watch the global village
function as it ought.
June 9, 2021
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