Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cultural Compacts

We agree with one another on many planes. In our culture tied to Western Civilization encompassing Europe, the Mediterranean nations, and British Isles, we have a strong influence of religious traditions. Mostly Christian and biblical we are imbued with the Ten Commandments. Of course these apply to Judaic traditions as well because the one was the stage for the creation of the other. That was a story of history – man’s journey on the planet.

That journey embraces many twists and turns of power, greed, egotism, and theology. Philosophy, too, as mankind struggled to make sense of his place in the universe while at the same time struggling to survive pestilence, pillage, and emotional enigmas. Who did what to whom; where did this take place and at what time? What eras were shaping and influencing mankind’s behaviors? Why were some eras more powerful than others, and what drove them so?

While we are at it let us break free of our western civilization ghetto mind and wonder at what was happening in Asia? In North America? In South America. Good Lord! In Africa. What happened there and when that gave influence to the world’s story? Surely our culture is not shaped solely on the European region?

No it is not. We don’t often allow this to show, but we have much to thank the ancient worlds for in enhancing our understanding of man’s journey on Earth.

An old Native American saying gives us this bit of wisdom:

“Honor your elders for they have the wisdom
  to teach what we have not learned yet.”

A good rounded statement with purpose and wisdom. Not all people grow older; they die young. Thus an old Chinese proverb spoke:

            “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.”

And perhaps the two of these are the thinking behind the fifth commandment: “Honor thy father and mother that their days may be long upon the land which the Lord giveth.”

Compacts. Contracts, really. Agreements we have among ourselves so we can go forward in time and rely on those agreements. We base much on these agreements. Entire worlds of laws have been built upon them. Common Law. Religious Law. Canonical Law. Laws of Science. Ethics.

From these we have constructed political science, natural sciences, medical science, pedagogical science, sociological science, the sciences of arts and letters…and the list goes on. Whether each conforms to the strictures of ‘science’ or not, we make of them a formality and body of knowledge that provides the ground upon which we build more understanding of our lives and our universe.

This is not easy work. Nor built upon a straight line of logic and time. It has warps and unexpected shapes that lead understanding astray. Seems logical enough; ‘holds water’ we say. But under pressure of life experience we find we have made conclusions prematurely. Later we learn amendments to adopt. Our body of knowledge, of wisdom, is constantly being shaped. Like the planet itself, tectonic plates shift endlessly while the fire within burns hot and pushes gases and molten rock to new locations. Ever slowly these changes take place. Gigantic energy propelling the movement. Shape shall come. With or without witness. The planet is alive and constantly unfolding.

We are the temporary creatures. We are the adapters  We are the authors of rules and beliefs and laws and understandings – for the long or short term. Wisdom is carved from experience. It is the inevitable creator of conclusions. Trouble is they are short term however we measure them.

Best if we judge little and live a lot. Accept others for who and what they are. And let fresh new compacts take shape on openness and acceptance.

May 2, 2013

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