Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Net Neutrality

This term needs explanation so we know what we are talking about.  Net Neutrality is the term being used in Congress and FCC (Federal Communications Commission). Here’s how Reuters defined the issue on 6/16/14:

“Net neutrality is a principle that says Internet service providers should treat all traffic on their network equally. That means companies like Comcast Corp or Verizon Communications Inc should not block or slow down access to any website or content on the Web – for instance, to benefit their own services over those competitors.

“The FCC, which regulates telephone and cable companies that provide broadband service in the United States, has several times adopted rules aimed at ensuring Internet providers abide by the net neutrality principle. In 2010, FCC passed an order that prohibited Internet providers from blocking traffic. It allowed ‘commercially reasonable’ discrimination of traffic, but rejected potential ‘pay-for-priority’ deals that may have allowed content companies to pay for faster delivery of their traffic.

“But a US appeals court in January 2014 ruled against the FCC in a case brought by Verizon, effectively striking down the agency’s net neutrality regulations.

“Comcast is the only Internet provider that has to abide by the older version of those rules until 2018, because of a condition placed on its acquisition of NBC Universal. All other major Internet providers have said they support an open Internet.

“Why did the court reject the rules? In setting the 2010 rules, the FCC treated Internet providers like utilities similar to telephone companies, which are more heavily regulated. The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that treatment improper because broadband providers were actually classified as less-regulated information service providers.

“What is the FCC’s new plan? The court did affirm the FCC’s authority to regulate broadband, indicating that the agency could use another section of the communications law to restore some of the rules. Based on that guidance, the FCC has proposed new rules that would ban Internet providers from blocking users’ access to websites or applications and would require them to disclose exactly how they manage traffic on their networks.

Under the proposal some ‘commercially reasonable’ deals to give priority to certain Web traffic may be allowed, although the FCC also seeks comment on whether ‘some or all’ pay-for-priority deals should be presumed illegal.

“The proposal also asks questions about potentially reclassifying broadband providers and how the FCC may address so-called ‘interconnection’ deals that are currently outside the scope of net neutrality rules, but which have been in spotlight in Netflix Corp’s recent spat with Comcast and Verizon.

“Why are consumer advocates opposed? Consumer advocates say Wheeler’s proposal would create ‘fast lanes’ for companies willing to pay while leaving start-ups and others behind, which would potentially harm competition. More than 100 technology companies including Google Inc, Facebook Inc and Amazon.com Inc have warned of a ‘grave threat to the Internet’. However, consumer advocates are pushing for reclassification of broadband providers as public utilities, while tech companies in their opposition to pay-for-priority have not supported reclassification.”

Well, that’s a long quote but accurate; so I cannot say here’s the issue in a nutshell!  So let me quote Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt):

“Whether you run a huge website or a small blog, you should have equal access to Internet users without paying a ransom to providers like Comcast.”

That’s succinct. Senator Sanders goes on with this statement:

“American consumers, including the tens of thousands who have contacted my office, have been clear: The way forward is to regulate Internet providers like telephone companies. The FCC is asking for comment and I hope the American people will continue to make their voices heard.”

Seems to me Sanders is correct. Equal access to the Internet should be guaranteed to users. The access is not free. Users pay fees that are equally administered across the board. These fees have been lucrative and continue to be so.

To guard net neutrality and equality, please submit your comment to the FCC as soon as possible. And keep informed on the subject!

June 24, 2014

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