Thursday, August 13, 2015

Core Issues

Yesterday’s blog admitted I repeat themes but only because they remain with us without improvement or solution. Themes, issues, topics, priorities – whatever, these are the issues we need to do something about.

I see them as being of three kinds: personal, communal, global.

Personal issues are those we all deal with: love, birth, death, family, home, financial stability, health, culture, education, philosophy and values.

Communal issues are those that our immediate communities need to deal with, and then those communities farther from our home territory – county, region, state, nation. Such issues include water, sewer, roads, law and order, public health, schools, and emergency services. Cultural services, too.

Global issues are the topics that every human being on the planet needs to be assured will be managed for long term survival and stability. These include: clean water supplies, sanitation standards managed, peace and international relations stability, education, health care, pollution free environment, and stable financial environment.

Some populations do not worry much about these issues. They are in a good and safe place in their lives. Others, however, are on the bottom of good and safe. They are in dire peril of death caused by unsustainable living conditions. Others are living OK but are worried about long term futures, especially peace and safety.

It seems to me that if we each imagined ourselves living on a planet that is being threatened by another planet, we would live differently with each other and rely on a common defense of our planet from unfriendly advances by another planet. It doesn’t take much imagination to do this exercise.

Nor does it take much imagination to realize that our planet is in peril from war, health, pollution and other causes. We are involved in a life and death struggle in so many ways. Why don’t we pay attention to the trends and warnings that inform us that we need to act together as a common humanity to ensure our long term survival?

The peril is with us now. The consequences may be a few years or many generations away from the present. But consequences nonetheless will be encountered. We are the stewards of our own planet. To allow greed to take a toll that endangers the lives of each of us, is insane. It does not matter if this is a hot issue in the USA, or Brazil, or France, or Russia. The issue is with us in many places. We need to handle this intelligently wherever we are. And help others do the same in their regions. It makes good sense for us to think and live in this way.

Why then don’t we? That’s the golden issue, isn’t it? Why don’t individuals stand up and proclaim the need to do something when it is in our common interest to do so?

When we simply gaze over the political conversations occasioned by the early stages of the 2016 Presidential campaigns, we see what the ‘leaders’ feel are the issues we should be concerned about. Are you? Concerned about the topics they are touting? I doubt it.

I’m not concerned about abortion. That’s a personal issue best left to the women involved, the families affected, and the men who may have created the problem in the first place. I’m not concerned about immigration; I’m proud that so many people view the USA as a land of opportunity and freedom that they find ways to enter the country and begin their lives here legally or illegally. The system is broken; so fix it; but don’t stop the flow of freedom seekers. They are us!

I’m not supportive of anyone who bloviates about war and peace and settles too willingly on making war. And financially gains from war as well at the same time.

I don’t think we should be talking about gay marriage. It is the law of the land. Accept it and move on. I don’t think we need more religious freedom. We have plenty and no one is making me believe one way or the other. I’m free to make up my own mind. Such issues are merely distractions so we won’t pay attention to the more important ones.

I’m also not concerned about the Confederate Flag. It is an historical relic and is part of our nation’s history. It doesn’t define a region, the nation, or me. Again, it is a distraction from the more important issues.

So pick the topics that interest you and find a candidate that mirrors your thinking. Now consider the freedom of others; are your positions attempting to remove the rights of others to believe as they want or will? If so, perhaps you should rethink your topics of choice.

Now, let’s get down to a campaign that matters. And track them. Are we easing personal, national or global issues? Which are the more important? Are we being good citizens in these matters? If not, why not? Is there someone who does help us be good citizens and address the issues that matter?  If so, align your support where it counts.

Wherever that is. Whomever it is.

Just do it!

August 13, 2015

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