Monday, January 23, 2017

Fresh Start?

Let’s see where Trump is heading. From his tweets this is what he deems important:

  • NATO is passé and needs to be replaced with something else
  • UN has wasted its potential and needs to be reformed or jettisoned
  • Ambassadors know nothing of the new possibilities so must be replaced
  • His financial interests are the important ones to safeguard so he will
  • The former point means we remain on the oil standard for energy
  • The former point means protection of the planet is not on his priority list
  • Free trade is bad so we return to the rule of tariffs and trade barriers
  • Color blind means only White is visible
  • Education should always be vocational
  • Healthcare belongs to only those who can afford it 
I suspect these priorities will lead to the survival of the fittest. Charles Darwin wins the evolution argument! Trump’s press conferences will channel this going forward.

In a matter of weeks the polarity of all discussions will slip toward the republican format: what is up is down and what is in is out. If we keep these two threads in mind we should be able to keep track of what is being said and pushed forward in Congress. Just remember things are no longer the way they were or logical. A new order has stepped onto the national stage.

Time will tell what the new actors will demand as their ransom for their leadership. This is their time to demonstrate what they have been yelling and whispering on the sidelines lo these past 8 years. Now we will see and feel what it is they claim is best for America and the world community.

Pardon me if I do not show confidence in this form of government. Their ideology has consistently demeaned people and ideas for as long as I can remember. This means women, children, immigrants, history and most religions are up for grabs. Gays need not apply. And forget Native Americans. Their numbers are too few to register on political polls so they don’t exist.

I just can’t figure how they think women are lesser humans when they are married to them, were given birth by them, and received tender loving care for the most part by them. They also have daughters, granddaughters and many nieces, aunts and grandmothers. I guess their focus on others creates memory loss?

From that point to history we can see how the long story of mankind’s struggle on the planet can be forgotten.

My lasting thought is – but can they be forgiven?

January 23, 2017

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