Immigration Policy
Muslim vs Americanism
Business Conflicts of Interest
Lack of Personal Transparency
World Tensions – War?
Beating Back ISIS
Obsession with Lifestyle *
So many topics to address and yet justice can only be done
one at a time. Which to choose? Which one is the most important? Which of the
topics has potency to affect all the others?
The latter point may just be the most helpful idea in making
a choice. Aha! I have it. Obsession with
Lifestyle is the topic for today. And why is that you ask? Well read on!
Scanning today’s news headlines I find a preponderance of
items dealing with films, popular music and musicians, celebrities from the
entertainment industry and the challenges or triumphs they are experiencing. I
also note public interest articles on environment, the animal kingdom, funny
videos that are sure to tickle the news junkie, and many other subjects too
esoteric to go into. Of course there are the diet and health items as well as
travelogues enticing the reader on to consideration of exotic trips to out of
the way places. Of course sunny climes are depicted during our dreary winter months!
The point of the previous paragraph is the amount of ‘news’
items that have to do with lifestyle issues. Wealth and personal financial
management articles are a close ally of this but then, managing wealth makes
lifestyle choices possible. Especially the fanciful options. With all of this
written on lifestyles when do the readers spend time on the truly important
items that will spell whether or not they will have the time or existence
available to them in which to engage lifestyle choices?
This is a critical issue. With the federal government
entering identity chaos, mission and purpose of government have been
redirected. Where exactly is still under examination. The changes underway in
two weeks time since Trump took residency in the White House have thrown most
of our assumptions out the window and policies are now being written that
totally revise how life is to be lived in America. Well, that is an
overstatement because policy does not control life in these united states . We citizens still do
that and will continue to do so until some force enters our homes and
physically changes what we are doing and when. I doubt that will occur.
Policy does shape operations, procedures and expectations.
But policy also is misunderstood by most people, especially those who wish to
make rapid change and are not experienced in public policy. Policy must be
understandable to the majority of citizens. Personal whim does not usually
muster support. So declaring certain nationalities unwelcome in the USA does not
sit well immediately and creates chaos. Chaos, in turn, creates reactions and
counter actions. National and international behaviors change as a result. But
only for the instant to register reaction.
When the full scope of the effect of the policy is plumbed,
the original policy is withdrawn and rewritten to a much milder stance. That
has not happened as yet but will shortly. Just watch.
Declarations will be spouted from the White House or
emissaries to the effect that “this is not what we intended, so the actual
practices will be…” See how this unfolds
and measure how close or far off my prediction is. Either way the original
policy will not stand.
Even the governor of Washington
state has declared Trump an enemy of the state. And of course taxi drivers in New York City are mainly
foreign nationals and are staging work stoppages at airports. How then do
travelers move from airports to cities and back? How do airlines react to
passengers of blocked nationalities? How do their nation’s react to their
people being blockaded from free movement?
Then there are the trading partner relationships being
upset. And foreign policies throughout the globe being upturned. Anger and
frustration turn to mistrust and edginess of military preparations should such
be needed.
It is a small distance from there to actions of war.
And that is my point. If Americans are obsessed with how
they live with shallow feelings and interests in the lives of celebrities and
wealth, how do they absorb and understand the larger issues of life and death
being toyed with from the current White House?
Is this obsession the reason Trump was elected? Too many
people placed their attention away from the important and focused on the
frivolous? Enough so to explain why enough people voted for a person clearly
unprepared and unable to be President?
Attention to details is important. Distraction has a cost. I
fear we are witnessing an exorbitant price of the unthinkable right this
instant. Please prove to me I am wrong!?
January 31, 2017
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