Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Big Oil Awakens to Demand for Electric Vehicles

Well, where have they been? And no, this is not a threat to Big Oil.

I’ve said this countless times before – the oil industry is not in the oil and natural gas industry; it is in the energy business. If they don’t know that, then they should sell to people who do get this primary point.

Energy is energy whether it is in a pipe in liquid form, a gas, or in a conduit with electricity flowing through it. Or a truck with coal ready for delivery to a furnace complex or smelter, or electric generation plant. Hopefully the latter are fading away entirely, but still, the source of energy is a fact. It is not the industry itself. It hasn’t been for at least a decade, probably two.

What does this mean? It means that energy should be accumulated in locations from which it can be distributed to users of that energy. Whether it is oil, gasoline, natural gas, or electricity, it makes little difference.

Solar, wind, thermal and nuclear energy all have their place in the energy resource lineup. Oil, natural gas and coal do as well. One hopes to eliminate coal from this formula unless it can be processed economically and consumed without polluting. Not a likely outcome, so it should face complete elimination.

Fracking and other resource processes used to extract energy from mother earth should be studied for elimination as well. We need to find energy resources that do not harm the earth in any way. That means pollution of air, soil and water is eliminated from the energy equation; or subsidence from removal from the earth. Thermal pollution is another issue that needs studying and controlling.

Clean, sustainable and renewable energy resources are the primary outcome we need to pursue. Relentlessly. Until it is fully true in our lives.

Fighting change, technology, and science does little good. Facts should be the basis of our consideration and decision making process. Observe how Illinois legislators bankrupted the state over pension shenanigans. They goofed and willingly so. Theirs is a criminal act but not likely to be punished. But in energy discussion and solutions, we need to use fair and just methods relying on facts and accessible methods to produce energy supplies reliably.

If the oil and gas companies can’t handle this, nationalize those corporations and put them in better hands for managing the public’s energy requirements for the coming ten decades. If the oil and gas companies are on top of their game, then allow them to continue in ownership and management. But the end results belong to the common good of all people on the planet, not the owners of these churlish, greedy companies.

I think we need to call a spade a spade in times of duress. These are such times. And we need to do a better job managing the outcomes of mankind. Now.

July 18, 2017

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