Thursday, February 8, 2018

Inner Voice

Each of us has an inner voice. It is the logic voice we speak with to ourselves. Silently. A conversation occurs. The conversation multiplies and begins a dialogue, rich enough to become a narrative.

Narrative – a telling of tales and logic strings that make sense to me. Thinking through complex issues, or one at a time, to discover why it is important to me, or may become important. Why is this issue on my inner radar? What makes it interesting to me at this moment?

Narrative. An ever-budding line of thought that becomes more and more a constant in my life. Was this how my personality and personhood formed? Is this what makes me, me? So many questions; so much thinking; so much narrative. Who would think by looking at me that such ‘conversations’ are taking place? Silently and deeply.

But then those others do the same, don't they? You and they have inner narratives bubbling along just like me. These are not ‘voices’ heard like a psychotic. No; these are logic phrases forming within the mind. They are communicated and registered within the mind in some fashion. In my case it is this narrative thing.

You, too? When did you become aware of this? Did you know about it earlier or just now realize you have a narrative?

How did it begin? Was there a moment you recall when it began? Or was it tied to a person who had an impact on your life? Maybe it was something you read, or a movie that caught your imagination and helped you expand your personal universe.

Whatever it was, you and I know we have an inner narrative. So do all people? The question really is, “Is the narrative healthy and expansive?” or, is it negative and destructive? Good questions to explore.

Take people living in poverty or backward societies spread around the globe. How do narratives form for them? How expansive, helpful and healthy are they? What becomes a usual narrative for them? What is usual? Is that the same as normal?

Are narratives hopeful? Maybe gloomy? Fearful? If violence, crime, chaos and ugly surrounds them, how do their narratives form? Are they healthy and constructive? Or are they violent, ugly and chaotic like their surroundings?

In our own country, what narratives form in neighborhoods of differences? White, brown, black or other? What do the kids in these different neighborhoods think? What becomes of their narratives? Are they thwarted or distorted? And by whose standard?

Think of abused kids. What is their narrative? Can we have an affect on their narrative? Help them acquire a good inner voice? Or are they left with anguish and negativity running through their minds?

How much of all this is programmable or repairable? Who knows these things? What can be done about them?

I don’t take life for granted. I just hope we can make life better for others. Doing that makes life better for us.  And changing narratives may be the way to make those lives better. But how?

February 8, 2018

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