Thursday, April 26, 2018

Keeping On Point

People Kill Not Guns.  People Kill Not Cars. Etcetera…  That was yesterday’s post. Today’s post is about sticking to the point. If we discuss an issue, please let us remain on that issue so we all have a better chance of understanding it.

Specialists live within our society. In fact, our society has gone to great lengths to make certain we have specialists educated and willing to take on the research of specialty fields. From that investment come many benefits for the rest of society.

This investment in human potential is done in hundreds or thousands of fields. The investment has developed into an industry of education in and of itself. A good thing; this industry keeps pushing the known boundaries of countless fields of study forward and outward. We learn more about our world each day.

With that knowledge come skills to work with the world. That work involves recognizing problems and then finding solutions to implement to solve the problems so identified. In this manner we have learned how to predict or forecast weather, take precautions for severe weather headed our way, and build better buildings to withstand severe weather.

We also spot pollution that harms the earth’s environment and find suitable actions to address the issues. We have done this for generations, now, and we aren’t stopping that progress.

Oh, there are political points of view that thwart ecological progress, but that discussion is not over. We the people support environmental protection. Other people in other nations support environmental protection as well. This is a global issue; this issue has global support from we the people.

Some politicians may play games with issues for their own gain of power or wealth; usually this is in response to powerful, wealthy people who will gain more power and wealth if the politicians do their bidding. However, there is a foil to this power play: we the people are that foil. All we need do is stand up, be counted, and take action to remove those offending politicians.

Yes, America has a wealth and power problem. Those with great sums of money attempt to control outcomes based on power and money. They have bought politicians for votes on issues of interest to them. Some of these wealthy people have been able to swing elections, policy formation, and counter legislation very successfully. In fact, some have even bought enough politicians to affect policy positions of an entire political party.

That is a problem for America. It does have echo effects elsewhere in the global community. But it is temporary. We the people will be heard in time, and the power belongs to all of us. Not the politicians. This is our government, our nation, our global community. We will prevail over time.

Keeping on point helps We The People win our point in time. It also challenges politicians. They are very temporary and must win election and re-election continually to gain and retain power. It is our job to make that difficult.

Sticking to the point we wish to address is one way to win the point. Do not allow distractions to thwart the articulation of our discussion. We have time on our side. We have educational resources on our side. We have research capabilities on our side.

Politicians have little depth to counteract what We The People have.

So, stay the course, understand the real issues, and vote in every election.

The utter nonsense of today’s news cycle will disappear and along with it the corrupt politicians who have lost their way in a true democracy.

Patience! Carry on!

April 26, 2018

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