Playing with words makes for odd meanings. Perhaps anti-meanings?
For example, the trumpster claims the Democrats are
responsible for children being separated from their parents at the border. Do
you know why he says that?
Because he says he has offered a solution to immigration
problems by building the wall. If he gets the wall, he will agree to many items
on the immigration list: DACA youth, for one, would be given extensions to
become citizens without being deported; another is, kids remain with their
parents even if the parents are suspected of bringing their kids to America
illegally; third, each and every effort Obama established to benefit immigrants
and that trump has overturned, will be re-instated (or many of them) as long as
congress approves building the wall and funding it.
Of course, we only have trump’s word he will do what he promises.
So far, his word doesn’t amount to much. But you do understand, don’t you, that
this is how trump makes deals – he upends the status quo and creates havoc;
then offers to ease the problems as long as he gets what he wants? Now do you
understand the ‘art of the deal?’
I call it bullying. On the school yard or in congress,
bullying is bullying. Innocent people get hurt by those who threaten harm; this
raises concerns to fix the problem created by the bully so he gets his way.
This is no way to run a country, any country. Most of all,
this is not America’s way to run its business, morals, ethics or promise of
hope for the long-term future. Period. This is a hoax perpetuated to earn
credit for doing something for his own aggrandizement and power. It is all
window dressing. Only one person gains anything of value. Others are made to
suffer for the ‘good’ of one other person.
What nonsense this thinking is. But I’m not the one who made
it up. The trumpster did. And it is clear for all to see.
The last five presidents have wanted to repair the
immigration system. None were able to move the needle one iota. They tried to
do this behind the scenes and without fanfare. Congress, however, would have
nothing to do with it. They blocked all progress. Leaders all wanted something
for themselves or their supporters. They did not consider what was good for the
country, or what was good for the immigrants, or anyone else, for that matter. They
wore their blinders in order to wait for higher bidders.
It’s a shame, isn’t it? Is this what you think America is? Is
this what America stands for?
If you don’t think so, then why have we allowed this status
quo to continue? It has not been in hiding. We have had other issued to contend
with; others have distracted our attention from immigration time and time
again; and so we lose sight of the problems until they pop up once again and
embarrass us.
Isn’t it about time we held our elected officials
accountable to us? For what they have not done? And make them hurt because of
it? If so, then let’s do it. Right now!
Meanwhile, each of us can help immigrants in their time of
suffering. We can empower organizations and individuals to deliver help to the
suffering refuge seekers. This is not impossible to do.
A huge benefit is demonstrating to elected power that we,
the people, have the real power and will use it. I think now is the time to do
just that.
Who’s with me on this?
June 19, 2018
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