Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Mueller Report

Long hours spent reading major sections of the report. Reading commentaries from trusted researchers and legal minds. Looking for core findings, not anecdotal notes. What’s the primary meaning of the report? And what is its likely impact?

I’ve followed the Trump Administration from its beginning. Not much of it was supportable. Clearly all efforts were made to make Trump look good, even when the facts did not support that. For proof, inauguration day reporting was spun, puffed up and laughably inaccurate. It was clear for all to see that a marketing job was in full bloom. We wondered if this would become the normal method of operation of the administration. It did. It is.

The independent investigation by Mueller was welcome if for no other reason than it would put to rest the nonsense and establish factual bases for reporting all matters of the administration. To the extent that it could, the Mueller Report does just that.  It doesn’t establish court-legal issues, of course; those must still be processed through Congress and the courts like any other matter. The seriousness and likelihood of successful prosecution of those matters, is well supported. That is the nature of an indictment. The report is not an actual indictment; it is the precursor to one and only needs the acquiescence of the DOJ to make it a reality.

Now, on with my review.

1.      Campaign irregularities: Russian interference with our election was identified. It was then real and remains so to this day. Russia was sanctioned for it by the Obama Administration. That did not deter Russia from pressing forward with their shenanigans. They chose Trump as a candidate they could work with better than Hillary. So they created blogs, computer hacks and a host of other forays into American life to disrupt it, twist it, and propagandize it. The proof is there from the CIA, FBI, Mueller Report, Wikileaks and Microsoft, Facebook – all investigating what had happened, and how to control it from wreaking havoc on American society. Trump’s campaign knew this was going on. They abetted it (Manafort) and encouraged it. They knew they would benefit from this interference more than the opposition. So, they allowed it to happen and progress.

2.      Cooperation with investigation: the administration said they would cooperate and did make their staff available to the investigating team. At the same time, however, Trump did everything he could to disrupt and throw doubt on the investigation. He attempted to fire key people, so he could control the outcome. Such firings would also create more tension among staff, so they would be guided toward a common message of loyalty. It did not work. Mueller’s team saw through that quickly and documented it. Did it rise to the level of criminal obstruction?  Yes. But indicting a sitting president for that unless it is egregious, is folly, time consuming and a distraction extraordinaire. Best to keep on working.

3.      Treatment of DOJ: at every turn suspicion was dumped on the Department of Justice and all of its working parts. Personal attacks were common and frequent. Embarrassment of key people went on for extended periods to encourage resignations. The smoothly operating machine of the DOJ was challenged in major ways many times. Propaganda was created to magnify the damage. Twitter accounts of sheer opinion and nonsense were shared many times a day by the president himself. Obstruction? You bet. Impeachable? Yes. But the process of impeachment is horribly disruptive. And costly. Might there be another means to achieve order, truth and stability?  We shall see.

4.      Presidential behavior: well, the behavior we have observed since his inauguration speaks for itself. It is neither principled or presidential. It is his behavior, so it is Trumpian if not presidential. Bloviation is the base of all propaganda. It is what it is and plain for all to see. Just because it is common in this administration does not make it a norm for the nation to follow.

5.      Lies: documenting lies is the function of fact checking services. They have been hard at work ever since Trump was nominated for the office of president. Nearly 10,000 lies factually proven to be actual lies have been laid out for all to see. Then the Mueller team went to work and noted the same with respect to the specific arena they were charged with investigating. Over and over again the report lists the lies. Intentionally and misleading to the max. The man and his staff seem intent on creating an image of the nation and its challenges – its agenda – counter to a factual representation of reality. Theirs is an ‘alternate universe.’ Scary but true.

In the final analysis the Mueller Report is an indictment of a president’s administration. It has failed the American people. It has failed American allies. It has disappointed expectations of decent people – both citizens and immigrants. To some Mr. Trump seems an outspoken critic of ‘business as usual.’ To the rest of us he has acted the role of a boor and hollow man. He has no plan for the nation, just play acting.

The issues of our country remain unchanged. Healthcare fairly available and affordable to the masses. Education and personal development supports to the extent each needs to live fully both for the self and society. Economic development that is long-term and sustainable. A focus on the health of our planet so it, too, is sustainable for generations to come. And finally, to recognize that America’s promise is its diversity which truly makes it a great citizen of the global community. To address these issues takes research, collaboration among many disciplines and the leadership resolve to make good things happen for all of us. That is the secret to peace and long-term quality of life. All of us, working together on the things that matter. Chosen by democratic voice in an open society. So that One from Many can live its fully potential.

E Pluribus Unum.

April 23, 2019


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