Monday, April 15, 2019

Thinking. Thinking.

Discrimination. Exists. Raw. Hideous. Against women. Against gays. Against immigrants. Against gay women immigrants. We don’t see this readily. Now and again we catch glimpses. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, or that it is so minor that it doesn’t matter.

Mostly our society confronted these ills. Not all the time. Not great enough to erase discrimination, but we worked at eliminating it all the while reducing its effects. It didn’t work totally. Tried, but failed.

Generations have repeated this work. They, too, failed. Discrimination continues to be. Those who are in targeted groups, know this. It is their reality, their truth.

Those who have resisted continue to resist. We write, speak up, donate time, effort and dollars to fight the fight. Heartbreakingly we continue to observe the stubborn social illness that debases human spirit. It remains in the hearts, souls and brains of countless tens of millions.

Ask a woman if she agrees with that statement. Ask an immigrant, too. Of course, ask a gay if you find one open enough to be identified. In the America of 2019 nasty business is everywhere.

Two new congresswomen serve perfect examples of this. They are immigrants. They are women. One has a religious heritage that many believe to be evil; those people are wrong because they make conclusions without facts or understanding. Just knee-jerk reactions to someone who is different.

Today these two women are being targeted with death threats. For standing up to entrenched views that have been disproven over and over again. Political manipulation is played out. False accusations are leveled at them.

Yes. Democracy is messy. Untruthful in the wrong hands. Dangerous and threatening as well.

I believe we can do better than this. Thunderous support for these two women should be evident constantly. I mostly agree with what they are saying, but the best part is they represent a view not heard often enough. That’s their beauty. They speak their truth. And we all must hear it. And champion their right to do so.

Civility. Hospitality. Welcome. Those are characteristics that we hope to give everyone. We withdrew those social graces from others only if they proved to be unfriendly and threatening.

We have an entire political party allowing this to happen. And an administration that glorifies it.

I hope the court system is up to the load that is coming. Further, I hope American voters will vote the rascals out of office. Meanwhile, we have much work to do.

April 15, 2019

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