Friday, September 27, 2019

Outcomes Desired

I’ve said this before, in this space, probably several times.  Basically, this is the message:

Dream the outcome you hope for. Define it well. Then figure out how to make it come about.

That statement is the core of all successful strategic planning. It is difficult – if not impossible – to figure out what needs to be fixed and then do it if you don’t know where your going in the first place. The destination – the outcome – is the target, the goal. What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you want your organization – church, company, school, nonprofit, government, society – to be like 10 or 15 years from now?  What is your/our dream of the future with regard to something specific?

I often use the example of the challenge proffered by John F Kennedy: “Let us place a man on the moon by the end of this decade (1969).” And we did just that.

We didn’t know how to do that, not then. We knew where Earth was, and the moon, and we had experimented with high apogee rocket shots into space, but we hadn’t sent a man into space at the time. We knew our target was the moon, but we still had to invent our way there. And back, keeping the crew alive and well in both directions of the journey. And then be able to do it again and again.

We were inventing the future then. We are still doing that today, discovering new facts, processes, materials and science. We are making things happen.

What we are not doing very well is identifying goals that are challenging and worthwhile for mankind. Oh, some of that is going on, but a lot is not. It would be great if we truly defined one goal to be peace on Earth, goodwill toward all mankind. We have played around with that one for a very long time; made some progress, but we always seem to lose our way and slip back to ground zero.

If we don’t define what we want, it is a certainty we won’t obtain it.

It should go without saying that what we want needs to be a positive thing for the benefit of a whole lot of people. This should not be a selfish goal. Greatness comes from unselfish visions. Tyranny results from selfish visions writ large.

It will pay us well to consider visionary goals. They will contain the most value. Here are a few that come to my mind:

·        Healthcare for all regardless of ability to pay

·        Education for all dependent only on ability and desire

·        Eco-friendly environment healthy for all

·        Goodwill toward all mankind

There are others bouncing around in my head, but these will do for starters. Good ones, too, I think. These will affect a quality of life for all that makes so much more possible. Imagine the exciting new careers and industries invented by the above? Think of the possibilities. Know that money saved in negative endeavors will be used in positive ones.

Knowing what we are aiming to accomplish enables us to invent a way forward. We will build new platforms from which to launch fresh futures. We will unlock the unknown to a world of fresh possibility.

All we have to do is envision, define, and try.

I’m ready. Are you?

September 27, 2019

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