Monday, September 30, 2019

Tired and Disgusted

Lies. Storytelling. Fabrication. Corruption. Power brokering. Money grubbing. National and regional sordid deals. International dirty deeds.

Is there no depth of dishonesty this president and his team won’t stoop to? Republican allies – senators, congressmen, Republican National Committee, donors and elder statesmen in the GOP – go along with this? No one’s feet are held to the fire. No responsibility or accountability is exercised.

Yes, I am disgusted. Yes, I am profoundly disappointed and embarrassed in our reputation as a nation. This simply is not what defines us. I know that. Most of you know that as well. Yet anytime someone stands to raise an objection they are shouted down. Political cat calls are tossed back and forth. Party labels and politics seem to hold sway. And always the disguised threat of violence. Fear.

But, this is America. This is your country and mine. I speak in defense of American ethics and honesty. Our basic values are solid and good. Of course mistakes have been made. Some people are too weak to do the right thing when called upon to do so. Others take advantage of situations to gain more power or wealth or fame for themselves. Like Mitch McConnell. He used to be honest and trustworthy. No more. He does nothing but buttress the defenses of the GOP. And his own bank account. He is a very wealthy man these days. So is his wife. Very wealthy.

Same for most senators, democrats, too. What is it that builds their wealth? Their salaries are not that high. Their benefits hold them mostly harmless to rising costs, in medical care, in vacations, in sick time, in travel, in gifts and emoluments that go uncounted. They have expense accounts and free offices. They have budgets paid for by taxpayers to hire their staff to do the work of the nation, only much of that work ends up padding their own resumes and investments.

I’m tired of politics. I’m tired of labels. I’m tired of little getting accomplished while huge problems roar off the tracks. Who is in charge of this mess?  Certainly not the White House. Not the Congress either. Nor the Supreme Court. I’d say pretty much the government of the USA is not working for the people. Yet it is we the people who own this nation lock stock and barrel. It is we who have the say in all things. all power and wealth come from us.

Don’t forget that.

This is in our states too. Illinois just came out of a dark and dirty era where nothing much got done. Voters finally tossed most of the bums out and new work is being done. It will take years to repair the damage. Years. Costly and slow progress to emerge from the depths of political despair. And foolish waste of our birthrights. All for what? For the power and wealth of politicians with little morals.

With gridlock in state houses and in Congress, it’s time to discuss whether our system needs renewal. Current political organizations are not working. My personal belief is the republicans and the conservatives are mostly to blame for what ails us. But liberals and democrats are not blameless. It takes a lot of people to get this much dark work accomplished. Dirty, selfish and demoralizing.

What will it take to undo this? What tools do we the people have to take back our country and live up to its dreams and vision? Surely there are enough of us willing to do the heavy lifting to accomplish a great turnaround. Surely?

Please tell me this is possible.

September 30, 2019

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