Saturday, August 29, 2020

We Are Better Than This

The world leadership model is broken. Trump didn’t accomplish the goals his rude changes introduced; in fact they produced the exact opposite. Wanted China to stop intellectual rights theft? Hasn’t happened so far. Wanted China to buy more American goods? The opposite happened from the tariff war. Wanted the world to pay for climate change programs? Not going to happen just because the US is not participating in the treaty. Wanted Iran to stop nuclear weapons program? Nope; the opposite has occurred. Same in North Korea. Wanted peace in Middle East; so far nothing accomplished but more hostility.

So, clearly trump’s international forays have been unmitigated disasters. Now what?

Whoever wins the White House in 2020 – hopefully Joe Biden and team – the global village will need a changed leadership format. We cannot go back to the old ways. Those have worn out their welcome and it is time for a change. At least trump proved that point. His problem: he didn’t have a plan for what comes after.

So, what do we want to be known for? What is ‘better’ in America? Here are some things I want included:

1.      Justice for all; a fair and just attitude in America regardless of a person’s race, gender, religion or sexual orientation
2.      Policing that truly serves the needs of the community; minimal police shootings while aiming to disarm, not kill
3.      Open markets that competitively serve their customers; inventive products and services; prices that allow accessibility
4.      Global connection in commerce, values and governance
5.      Reduction of hostilities and violence; wars
6.      Building peace among friends and enemies; meanwhile sharing the burden of military realities
7.      Access to education and personal development for all within the global village
8.      Access to healthcare excellence throughout the global village
9.      Known for celebrating humanity and their community

These shared outcomes haven't changed from before. How we obtain and serve them is what we need to work on.

Power is not about muscle and military. It is about intellect. The brain is not just a storehouse but a creative marvel. Use it for good for as many people as possible.

Sound utopian? Maybe. But wouldn’t it be great if humankind focused on the good in the universe? We aren’t aiming for perfection. It would be helpful if we at least struggled for progress.

August 29, 2020

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