Conveniently both trump and Rand Paul blame leftists and
democrats for the violence in Kenosha. Probably Portland, too. While we are at
it, how about all the rest of the violence across the nation since George Floyd
was murdered by Minneapolis Police?
No facts exist to build a convincing case, let alone a
successful court case, that democrats or liberals are causing or doing the
Most likely the opposite is true. Who benefits the most from
civil unrest? Well, conservatives, republicans, trump and Rand himself. Never their
problem is it? It always belongs to someone else. The always anonymous ‘’they.’
No. Violence comes from several sources, all of which have
been foretold by centrists and liberals in our society. Justice, fairness and
lack of racism is the salve that will calm an upset populace. Fan the flames of
the opposite and watch who lifts their arms high, usually armed with guns, to ‘protect’
themselves from that which they started.
The pattern is classic history. Start civil unrest, fan it,
keep it going until it spills over. In this day and age, especially during a touchy election, the boiling point for spillover is quite low. It is easy to
cast blame in such chaos. I’m not such a sucker to accept just any old
explanation. I look for motive and credibility.
The white house occupant has none of that credibility. So,
my conclusion is easy. Best if I simply ignore him. We mute his utterances on
the news. Have for months.
Violent people have complex reasons for what they do. They
are clearly not Black Lives Matter folks. Violence is their enemy. It is not
So who else? Who is trying to make this a wedge issue for
this election. Why none other than DT.
And his cronies and supporters.
September 5, 2020
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