Thursday, April 15, 2021

Biden’s or Our Problem?

Will Biden give you another stimulus check? Will Biden tax the rich and the corporations to pay for improved social services and replace crumbling infrastructure? What about this border crisis of Biden’s?

Well, enough. This is not Biden’s. This is political propaganda.

In our country we do for ourselves. We make decisions about our future. We take charge of what’s going on around us. And yes, our government is doing our work for us, whether we agree with some of the methods or not. It is the outcomes we are aiming for that matter.

And our form of government does not belong to Biden, Trump, or McConnell. It belongs to us, We The People. Stop calling anything that the government works with as belonging to one person.

Under Biden’s current watch, the southern border is experiencing a large influx of unaccompanied children from Central American nations. They are escaping horrible living conditions and, in many cases, certain death. We would escape those conditions, too. Under Trump’s watch the border situation was worsened. The situation under Biden’s watch will continue to be bad until our whole government gets its act together and solves the problem holistically. 80 years and counting is a long time to let any problem fester. But that is Congress for you!

And stimulus checks? They were not Trump’s nor are they Biden’s. They are the result of our government realizing the need for stimulus actions to help people horribly affected by the pandemic. All of us suffered in many ways, some much worse than others. Stimulus action was and is necessary to bring the economy back into full balance. That will take some time. Some industries will continue to fail and be replaced by others. Employment patterns will decline in some arenas and improve in others. This will take more time to train people for career shifts.

Continually manufacturing an ‘Us versus Them’ dichotomy is false and time wasting. And dangerous.

Please Congress, get down to business for the American people. Not for your power or influence, but for the good of the American people. Such behavior is long overdue. Shame on you for dragging this out for so long.

April 15, 2021


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