Monday, November 23, 2015

Alternate Universe

I get it that people are on edge about terrorism. I get it that recent terrorist attacks in Paris bring the specter of this happening on American soil all too real. And of course our mind recaptures the horror of 9/11 in an instant. But I don’t get why people have given into their fear so much as to shut our nation off from the rest of the globe. We refuse Syrian refugees? We specifically label all Syrian refugees as potential terrorists and thus ban them from our borders?

Yet these same people, who ban refugees, do not ban foreign goods, sending our jobs to foreign lands, accepting internet orders for our goods to be delivered to foreign lands, or accepting foreign students to our universities and colleges. We even accept foreign workers with skills in short supply here at home.

So evidently not all foreign matters are taboo. Only those we are told to fear by politicians campaigning for public office or politicians who wish ill on sitting presidents and so brand him with the blame for the world turning sour. There are 54% of the republican party stalwarts who fall for this line. One wonders if they truly believe the propaganda or are merely following the dictates of their party?

This seems like what it would be like to live in an alternate universe! We can see them through the scrim but somehow they do not communicate with us or recognize our presence. We are somehow within visibility of sorts with them but not in contact. Yes, that just about explains the feelings of these days! The scrim of separation is but millimeters yet a world apart.

Others are living in a manner that simply does not compute or connect with the same manner in which we live. Being of different opinions is one thing but being polar opposites at the same time within the same context? How can that be?

I guess if a person trains their mind to be critical of everything they are positive about very little.

I can understand that. What I don’t understand is how a person can live with such negativism so much of the time? What gives them hope to arise in the morning? Or go to bed of an evening knowing all will be well? Such anxiety must be pernicious: moods, mindsets, outlook, making plans, and so much more.

The more I think of it the more pity I have for them. Such unhappy lives they live. So disconnected from the reality and joys of others where life truly resides.

I guess ‘the other’ and alternate universe are truly different dimensions.

Well. That’s a relief!

November 23, 2015

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