Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Stock Market Volatility

Fascinating. The markets are up one day and down the next. Seemingly in parallel motion and of similar numeric measure. Swooping markets, really. Up a little or a lot, reversing directions of stock prices, jittery buy and sell orders, volumes enormously inflated, what do we call that pattern?  Market Volatility!

It is caused mostly by skittish buyers and sellers who nervously watch every indicator for a cause of the swift changes. Might it be unstable financials from Greece? Or maybe the market gets spooked because China mumbles something about being upset with the West over cultural differences? Maybe it is caused by rattling of military equipment by Russia? They soar a fighter jet over Sweden, the UK, Germany, Ukraine, wherever. Other nations squeak their disapproval over such rallies of military power, and the market drops like a rock. Or maybe the market soars on the same information. Games. Volatility. Which action is real and which fake?

The rhyme and reason of market movements become less predictable. That’s volatility.

Of course there are people in the market who follow the phases of the moon, horoscopes and other biorhythms that only they can hear (or feel?). They add their own oddities to the market. Mysterious vibes move the market, too! It is not all science or order. Chaos theory does operate in this environment. Volatility however construed remains our experience nonetheless.

Short traders don’t provide healthy movement in the stock markets. They create chaos and upset. I think some big, institutional traders intentionally upset the market to manipulate it. If they can spook other traders, especially the small guys, then they have movement they can trade on and make money. They can position their balance sheets in small ways that will boost quarterly earnings significantly. Manipulation. It is done by the big, savvy traders. Frequently. Bonuses often depend on these manipulations.

And so it goes. Week after week, month after month, and in some instances years of such folderol. Patterns belie randomness. Such volatility is engineered by manipulators. The only reason they are not prosecuted is due to the sheer numbers of the players and enormity of the stakes. Perhaps there is a more sinister side to this argument as well – manipulation serves the ends of many people guilty or innocent of skullduggery. But the rhythm interrupted would spell incalculable harm to many others. So it is allowed and even curried by some governments scattered across the globe.

I prefer honest markets. I also prefer honest discussion of facts that build honest industries, commerce and foreign affairs. Markets can be built on those facts. Those markets would be a true representative of the values at work within the markets and reward risk takers who actually accomplish something in the business world.

It is not about money. It is about product and services. Money is just a language among the players, and a math that allows them to keep score – who is winning the wealth, and who is losing it?

Markets are arbiters of value. They always have been. I think they always will be. But preferably only if they are open, free and honest. Today’s markets cannot bear that analytic truth.

When shall it?

June 30, 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015

Gay Pride

It is not that gays are proud to be gay so much as they are proud to be themselves like everyone else. It is assumed to be normal. When you are not included in the majority you feel it. The separateness. Like women do in American society or Middle Eastern nations. Somehow they feel the vibe that they don’t count as much as a guy does. This is wrong of course. But tell that to the ladies!

Same for African Americans. They know viscerally that they are not treated as equals in America and in many other nations as well. They have a long history of experiencing discrimination. They teach us all about it. We can’t very well teach them.

As Americans we tend to take a lot for granted. One thing is sense of self. We are mostly white, educated, own our own home, drive two cars or more, have plenty to eat, plenty to wear, and travel when we wish on vacation. We are privileged whether we feel so or not.

But be different from others? Oh the wealthy feel different and act different and very much are different. They have an entitlement to feeling that way. They have the money to pay for it. Once they even paid for it in taxes, but not so much anymore. Their guys in elected office saw to that.

No, be different in a way that others define as inferior. It’s not that we feel inferior; we sense others are feeling superior to us and assign the inferiority to us. Of course we don’t have to accept that feeling. When we don’t we label ourselves as having pride in being whatever.

As a gay person I have felt the superiority of others directed toward me. I see in their eyes and hear in their voices that they think I am perverted. For decades my culture informed me of that. It took some time and struggle to understand what I know to be true and thus I don’t feel inferior now. I don’t accept someone’s sense of superiority as either correct or a birthright. I now can see and know the truth.

Evidently so can the Supreme Court. Not all of the justices, but a majority. You know which ones, the ones with vision, perspective and worldview history deeply ingrained in their minds. The other justices, well, maybe one day they will catch up with the others and know the decision on Friday, June 26, 2015 was one for the history books where right won out.

Gay is not a decision. Gay is an inborn trait. The bearer of the trait has no control over its existence, only how to live with it. A priest must make a decision on celibacy; a gay person doesn’t have to and ought not be required to do so. Gay people have the right to live their lives as normally as possible, their normal, not the assigned role by those who do not understand the situation.

So the politicians, conservative churchmen and raving ideologues have it wrong. They are free to believe what they want. They are not free to act in a way that is harmful or denigrating to others based on their beliefs. There are consequences of such. They must be willing to bear such consequences if they act improperly. Your church is not required to recognize gays or serve them. You do not need to marry them in your church. You can continue to be as discriminatory in the future as you have been in the past.

And yes, Mr. Roberts, gay marriage is covered in the US Constitution. The pursuit of happiness and equality for all is not for you to define for the rest of us. The Constitution was not written for and by Christian church people. The founding fathers believed in God and recognized him in creation. They did not make God a part of the Constitution or the government of the United States of America.

The Constitution does not define marriage either, nor does it deign to make marriage between one man and one woman. Subsequent laws made those designations. But nowhere in the Bible does Christ mention homosexuality or anything related to it. Or gay marriage. He was silent on this point. Silent. So must we on our narrow minded proclamations? What think you now Mr. Roberts?

We just finished viewing Imitation Games, the true story of Alan Turing, British subject whose mathematical genius cracked Hitler’s Enigma Code and helped the world defeat Hitler two years or more before schedule. Doing that ended the war. Doing that saved an estimated 14 million lives. Yet the dirty secret all along was Alan Turing was homosexual and the British government convicted him of indecency (gay acts between consenting adults). He was given a choice of two years in prison or chemical castration. He chose the latter so he could continue to work on his ‘machine’ which became known first as Turing Machines and only later as digital computers.

Yes. Alan Turing was gay. In a time when such was not understood, Turing was prosecuted and persecuted. Alone, misunderstood but still a genius, Alan Turing took his own life because he was so alone, and so misunderstood.

A hero yes. But a dead one because he was gay.

Today we celebrate Gay Pride Month in America. We celebrated Gay Pride Weekend this past weekend. Countless Gay Pride Parades were staged throughout the world this past weekend. And on Friday, June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that Gay Marriage was OK. It is legal.

Alan Turing is OK as a dead gay hero. But now it’s OK to marry two men or two women in America. How times have changed.

Still, 38% or more of America is dead set against the court ruling, the religious anathema they feel Gay life is, and they have announced a fight to dissent in this matter to the end.

The only question is ‘to what end’ might that be?

It is too bad that narrow, stubborn minds entrap themselves in such poverty of spirit and intellect. Especially when the opposite yields such riches for mankind. Pity really. Pity.

June 29, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thought for the Day

From Abraham Lincoln comes this quote:

             “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.
Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”

Still true. I wonder if the conservatives, liberals, republicans and democrats understand this?  I doubt it. They are too busy feathering their nests.

June 27, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

More Bits and Pieces

A sampling of issues that have appeared on the world stage of ‘news’ lately:

Spying and Snowden

We all know spying goes on throughout the world. Not all countries do this but if they have interests to protect they will protect them! However they do that is open to many options. One of those options is spying on other countries or power groups who are perceived to hold an interest in ‘our’ interests. Competitors maybe. So some power groups are trade cartels, crime syndicates, or nations.

Russia feels uncomfortable with the ‘West’ and so spies to determine the scope of the threat to their interests. They have done this for many generations. The more entangled with world affairs they became, the more spying they engaged in. Same with the United States. I suspect we have been spying on the world powers for many generations as well. Although some of the spying was focused on balances of power of nations, spying has undoubtedly taken aim at advancements in education, technology, and space know-how. Of course military assessments required spying.

With world terrorism on the rise, especially following the 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda, spying has become huge business.  Edward Snowden has blown open a lot of spy files stolen from the CIA data base. Along with Wikipedia’s distribution of secret files amassed by the US government, the spying establishment is on notice that what they do and find and document will eventually find its way into public view. If what our government does in our name embarrasses you, then you (and I) have a duty to tell them to cease and desist.

I tend to be one of those people who believe government has a need to learn secrets that might harm our nation. I think we should find out who means us harm and who doesn’t. Just because other nations do this does not make them enemies. So Germany, take note; communications and dealings on a global basis have an impact on everyone else. We will learn such data sooner or later; best you prepare for truth and ethical dealings. Spying only monitors this. And no, German, the US is not your enemy. Nor are you ours.

With spying assumed to be in full view, maybe we can now deal more forthrightly with other nations, both friendly and not. Direct communications is a good thing. Maybe we should have been talking plainly from the beginning.

As to humongous communication processing and spying on everyone at all times, I say no. We should not be doing that. Freedom of speech, of press and all the other ‘freedoms’ guaranteed to us require an open and trusting environment in which to live. TSA spying regimes are not American. So, cease and desist please.  That means you Uncle Sam! 

Taliban and Afghanistan

I’m not an historian so don’t know the full history of nations assisting Afghanistan. However, I hazard the guess that not one of these monumental efforts has worked for lasting effect! The French couldn’t do it. Nor could Britain. Russia failed miserably. And now it is America’s turn to fail miserably in Afghanistan.

I’m thinking the nation is not governable. Too many special interests. Too many power centers. Too little national pride to protect. So individuals get away doing what they want. The Taliban takes what it wants based on pure power and greed. It has nothing to do with religion. They claim it does but their own religion does not support their behavior and tactics. Activity without morals is terrorism. And that pretty much describes the Taliban, ISIS and Al Qaeda. No religious principles would support such nihilistic behavior.

Since Afghanistan’s leaders have always fallen to the lows of doing the bidder of the largest financial contributor, there essentially is no governance structure in place. The Solution: burn all poppy fields to destroy the drug crops; keep doing that until there is no drug trade and revenue flow to the greedy within the borders of the nation. That’s when the people will rise up and take back their country if there’s anyone left to do so! That might be a leap of faith! 

Euro$ and Greece

Greece has been an unreliable and unprincipled partner in the European financial markets. Also global markets. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) bolstered by huge outlays by America’s treasury, has supported Greece. But no more. They are on their own. And the managers of the Euro should do the same. Greece will have to sink or swim on its own power. It has fed off international generosity for too long. Enough is enough.

Too bad, really. But greed should not be fed continually at the expense of innocents abroad.

When one looks out over the entire global community and spots problems that need fixing, it is maddening to have to spend time, money and attention on the above issues.  They are recurring endlessly. When do we say enough to all of them and focus instead on the true issues: global peace, common good of all the world’s residents and justice?


June 26, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Housing Clusters

I keep thinking that housing trends are changing. I also feel that they must change. When I let my mind range freely over this topic here’s some thought blasts that emerge:

  • Neighborhoods will remain a strong concept
  • Diversity of residents will grow; age, marital status, kids/no kids, etc.
  • Ethnicity diversity welcomed
  • Commuting considerations big on site selection
  • Convenience shopping nearby
  • Transportation issues major component
  • Urban/suburban dichotomies merged 
There are other powerful themes to explore but these resonate frequently with me as common focal points. Let’s explore them a bit more.

Neighborhood is a central concept for defining ‘home’. People are social beings. We need connections to feel we belong – to others or to site. Gatherings of people to a site, especially where they nest 24-hours a day, support relationships, friendships, knowledge of private sectors of people’s lives – illness, hopes, dreams, physical desires, marital comity and discord, and so much more. Intimate knowledge of this type gives people reason to help others in time of need. And to celebrate in times of joy and achievement. Want to know what’s going on in the ‘hood? Ask a neighbor. They know. Because they care about each other. This is true in city or town.

Also, neighborhood is where we leave from to further our career and return to at the end of the work day. Same for education. We leave home for school and return after classes, study and research. Some educational forays require leaving home for months or years before returning back to the nest.

Diversity of residents is another measure of health and vitality for a housing area. Whether a small knit neighborhood or a larger region of an urban community, diversity of age, income, singles and marrieds, with kids and none, diversity keeps the fabric of the community interesting and vibrant. It is not a boring ghetto of similar people living lives of cookie cutter sameness. Diversity pulls us out of our own center and opens the world to our mind and senses.

It is valuable to witness life in its many dimensions happening simultaneously with our own experiences. We grow in self awareness, life calling, education, relationships and marriage. We grow through parenthood and all the phases that brings to us. We experience empty nest syndrome as the kids leave the home en route to their own lives. As well we must face our retirement and end years of failing health.

Each person experiences these phases of life in ethnic centers of cultural heritage, age, financial circumstances, illness and other-centeredness. This is diversity. This is multiplicity of perspectives that enrich lives. It is denied to us only if we seek safety in sameness. Diversity ought to be a far ranging goal of housing decisions.

Ethnicity is a broad area of diversity to be added to the pot before stirring! I won’t say much more than what I said in the previous section, but we need to know this: ethnic diversity speaks of world cultures and helps us be sensitive to the self images of those outside our understanding if we are to build commonality and global peace. We must accept and understand ethnicities in the broadest sense.

Commuting to work and education sites is a life-long activity. If we are to build neighborhoods of great interest and value we must also locate them or provide them with transportation grids that make sense getting to and from work and school. Without this support the neighborhood disintegrates as residents seek more cost effective and time saving transportation pathways to and from the daily ‘grind’. It is an elemental consideration for selecting a neighborhood.

Observe urban transportation corridors for work day commutes. I think you will see communities of diversity and rich experiences where commuting support is evident. Other diversity follows and further enriches the community. Now add in education commuting. The neighborhood swells with even more possibility!

Convenient shopping investment should also be evident in successful neighborhoods. I refer here to the everyday marketing needs – food, restaurants, laundry and dry cleaning, convenience marts, service outlets for auto and home (repair shops, etc.) and personal services (medical, hair salons, barbershops and tailor). Clusters of shops with convenient walking patterns in addition to car access and parking will develop in successful neighborhoods. Not all conveniences have to be within a 10 minute drive as in most suburbs! Major shopping outlets and specialty stores ought to be accessible in surrounding regional transportation grids. These are regional assets, not neighborhood ones.

Transportation really means connectivity to other neighborhoods and regions separate from the home neighborhood. If our neighborhood is to be of significant value, we must be able to easily transport ourselves to other areas. The reverse is also true. We want others to be able to connect with us from the outside as well. Especially true for scattered family members and life-long friends. And business associates who might transmute between more than one focal point of our lives.

Regional connectivity is a huge issue. It is also very expensive. If mass transit is to work well in all of our lives we must face the investment of building it. Overworking it by stretching it to far flung areas is unnecessary if we make full use of what we have and maintain sensible networking of existing communities and neighborhoods.

Urban/Suburban dichotomies exist. It is a reality to each of us. Some of us prefer the simpler life of a suburb. Even those differ greatly: some are urban flavored while others have a decided rural taste! Whether a small town or village, or a buoyant urban suburb with colleges and universities, each suburb has a role to play. It is a larger role if the urban area surrounding it also commutes to it for needed access to amenities. Such would include art, concert venues, educational sites and medical specialties.

Urban centers for commerce and industry require a large pool of specialized, talented labor. Those labor pools rely also on educational centers where skills and talents are honed for the labor market. Regional, national and international markets are also served by many bustling urban areas. Chicago is the commodities market of the world. Agricultural commodities are not the only commodities traded in our region, but also steel, iron, aluminum, ores and minerals.

The life of an urban area feeds the suburban areas. Neighborhoods are a part of each. Either in the city or in the suburb or in farther outlying towns and villages, people gather to live their lives. And housing options are broad enough to support each decision maker. Constancy of living patterns – home, housing, transportation, child rearing, education access, arts involvement, shopping and career commuting – are all living patterns that must be addressed. This is best done in stable, meaningful pods.

Housing must address this natural experience and adapt to it rather than pulling communities farther out from core urban areas to agricultural lands. Urban sprawl is ugly, wasteful and unnecessary. If only enough fertile minds would focus on this simple fact.

Might current financial circumstances aid in building this elemental future for America?

Time will tell!

June 25, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Vision of the Future

It is fun to think of things that might be. It is even better when thinking these thoughts we actually grasp a tiny picture of what that future can be and most likely will be.  After all, thinking of the future is a way of making it happen. I suspect that this is so because thinking of it prepares us for it and helps ease its way into being.

I have long been a futurist. That’s a person who peers into the long-term future and wonders how things will unfold and become a reality. It has been a career as well. I’ve actually earned a living being a futurist. My consulting career was in long-range strategic planning for organizations. Mostly non profit organizations, but successful ones! I like to think they were successful because they did dare to look into the future and dream where they would like to be one day and become a more successful organization.

Dreaming can lead to being more than what you are right now. It really can.

So, come along with me and dream a little of things that could be. Ought to be is a part of dreaming but pulls from an ethos that may or may not be well formed as yet. Values are often in flux and need exercise to give them form and shape. Just like planning for an organization. We plan to give hope to new possibilities and potential.  Here are some dreams we might aspire to…..

  1. As a global community 
I dream of peace among all nations. I see a global community in which we work to meet the needs of all peoples. These needs are in health care, housing access, food supplies, clean drinking water, educational development and economies that provide a good quality of life. This dream can only become a reality if we are at peace. With safety we can invent solutions to so many problems. In doing that we demonstrate our love and respect for each other. But first we have to get along. Can we?

  1. As a nation of justice and courage 
I dream of justice and acceptance of diverse peoples and beliefs. Courage is needed to make this dream come true. We must sense others do not mean us harm. That takes courage. All of us deserve to be valued as an independent human being. Living in a manner to make that happen – for self and others – is an act of great courage. But that is the baseline of justice in our society. Diversity of talent, wealth, ethnicity, color or religion enriches us all in so many ways. It ought not divide us. But first we have to have courage. Do we?

  1. As a community of neighbors 
I dream of towns and villages and cities where we co-exist peacefully with one another as neighbors. You know, neighbors, people who share a cup of coffee from time to time, or a spare egg or cup of sugar. Neighbors watch your home when you are away. They water plants and lawns, they feed your cat, and they collect mail and newspapers to make the home look lived in while you are away. Neighbors also help when  we are ill or recovering from a physical disability or injury. They drive us to the doctor or make a run to the emergency room for us. We care for them in return. Gladly we meet their needs. And we become well known to each other as a result. We trust them because we know them. We are not little islands of lonely people but connected to one another in commonweal. But first we must trust. Can we?

  1. As a family of deep worth 
I dream of families that support each member of the clan in all of their varying degrees of need. Young or old, ignorant or fully educated, hale or ailing, each person is able to aid the other to a wellness appropriate to the situation. And all situations are different, aren’t they? Do we allow aging gracefully? Do we celebrate successes of others generously? Do we hope for achievements by others? Do we notice them and their specific hurts, needs, and attainments? This is the path toward loving each family member. Or do we compete and degrade these opportunities? First we must notice each other. Do we?

I wonder. I dream. Do you? Can these thoughts become real for us?

June 24, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bits and Pieces, Again!

So many news bits that beg for a reply. I know you are thinking them. Maybe you agree with the principals involved, but maybe not. Here’s my take on recent snippets:

Confederate Flag, South Carolina Style!

The confederate flag is religious and historical artifact in the southland of America. In South Carolina even more so. So they fly that flag on their state capitol and elsewhere. Even with many people demanding the flag not fly, champions of that flag insist the flag should remain. And it does. But it shouldn’t. Not in America of the new millennium.

We have fought the horrible Civil War. For a lot of reasons the war was waged. Not just to abolish slavery. Not just to weld two sections and cultures into one unified nation. But principles of human decency that spelled equality for all mankind within our borders. That is not an easy concept for everyone to grasp. It is especially difficult for those who have an economic investment in keeping things unchanged.

But in the long run of time people deserve to be treated well, to be treated as you want to be treated. You know, the Golden Rule. The Rule most of us spout whenever basic principles are discussed. I want you to treat me with dignity and equality. I want to treat you the same way. If we both treat each other in this manner, we will feel accepted, welcomed, embraced. That’s a good thing.

The Confederate flag is a symbol when our nation did not truly support the Golden Rule between two regions of the nation. A war was fought to settle the issue. More issues were raised by the war than settled by it, but the war was fought, is now over, and it is time for true peace.

The Confederate flag is an historical relic. Let it be such. But not on display as a living symbol of what a people once yearned for. That would only keep resentments and yearnings alive for another day. And that day would not be one we would wish for. [Note: it looks as if the governor of the state will remove the flag from the capitol building.]

FIFA & Moon Walk! It’s a Match!

So Russia will host a World Cup soccer tournament. It ‘won’ that appointment from FIFA which was found to be guilty of international bribery and site-selection fixing. Russia paid for its hosting rights. But the competition among worthy hosts was not an honest process. FIFA leaders have resigned in disgrace. Management of the organization has been fired. Legal cases will settle the actual facts eventually but the organization and the sport will be in tatters.

The interesting thing is that Russia was caught with its hands dirty in this matter. And to cover its embarrassment, Putin has accused the USA of faking its moon shot program of the 1960’s. It claims the USA owes the world proof that they actually landed on the moon and returned our astronauts safely to their homes. They are rattling the cages of propaganda once again to cover their tracks of failure.

Trouble is multiple failures are on display using this propaganda technique. First is Russia never made it to the moon. Second, they have a war machine in Crimea before and after the last Olympics. Third, Russia’s adventures in Ukraine were ill-advised, ill disguised, and continue unabated as we write and read this sentence. Fourth, Russia’s leadership has been uncovered as bankrupt of ideas for global harmony and peace.

So it dabbles in outrageous dishonesty hoping others won’t notice. Not true, Vlad. Not true. Your wardrobe is missing; another naked emperor on the stage of history! How trite your methods!

Rick Perry: Charleston Hate Crime was an Accident:

As a republican, Rick Perry cannot utter the race word. As a Texan, Perry cannot demonstrate a policy that might suggest control of fire arms owned by citizens. As a conservative, Rick cannot be viewed as a wielder of government policy or rule that would bring order to a free market of ideas and behavior.

Trouble is hate develops naturally and people are harmed and even killed. Strong words you think? Just read the headlines, please. I don’t write those. The public reads what headline writers provide.

So in conservative Texas republican territory, hate crimes based on race are accidents of…what exactly, Rick?

Santorum: Charleston Hate Crime was against Religion, not Race:

Yet another republican, conservative, too, who feels race is not the issue in the Charleston church slayings. Rick says it was an attack on religion, not race. Well, no, Rick, it was all about race. The shooter says so, acted so, and wrote a manifesto so stating that. He wants another southern led civil war to place white people on top of the natural order of wealth, leadership and political power. If this is a new religion, then I have not heard of it. On the other hand, history is replete with racist chronologies that will keep you reading for more than a lifetime, Rick. Please spend some time researching the issues before you bark out your ignorance!  Please!

Jeb Bush? Oh Please!

And another Oh Please! Jeb Bush does the same republican dance. Don’t speak the R word for fear the party will be labeled white loving over black acceptance. Let’s see, what other label could possibly be used in its place? Why, religion, of course!

I’m a believer in religion, Jeb. I go to church each Sunday. Have for many decades now, even during the times it was not popular to say so let alone do so! I’ve spent some time in seminary and many years being active in my churches. So I know what the religious thing is all about. And it is personal, not political, not national, not constitutional, and decidedly not a republican thing. Religion is for each of us. Like person, don’t you know, Jeb?

The Charleston church attack was a racist attack by a mentally ill white young man who was never challenged to really understand the issues. He just felt delimited and side tracked by others in society. Somehow he felt this was the African-American agenda against all whites, or at least him. Perverted thinking, eh?  Yes, most likely so.

The shooter is mentally ill, a racist, and not a good example to follow for anyone on the planet. What do we do about such people?  Well, removing symbols of past distorted thinking like the Confederate flag would help. Establishing effective gun controls would also help. And actually demanding people keep their religious beliefs out of their political and behavioral speech! Those three changes would help the rest of us live more peacefully.

Do you think?!

June 23, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015

Racism in America

Just to be clear about is, IT IS NOT OK TO BE RACIST. Now or ever. Regardless of the targeted racism, it is not OK.

Many people feel uncomfortable with people who are different from them. This has been true since the beginning of time. Wandering through the forest primeval, one ‘being’ came across another ‘being’ and wondered if it meant harm. That was the beginning of racism. Period. End of story.

But wait! Mankind has advanced to accept people of different race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender orientation. Good Lord! We have even come to accept democrats and republicans. And middle of the road ideologues along with the liberal and conservative variety of nut job ideologues. Old people and young, and every age in between is also accepted these days.

Or at least that’s what we say officially. But the truth is something else.

We allow people to get away with negative feelings about other people merely because they don’t ‘like’ them, feel better than the other person, or whatever nonsensical difference they choose to make about themselves and others. We let them do this. Officially we claim ours is an open, accepting and loving society.  I don’t think it is truly that way, however.

We have violence. Unconscionable violence. We have guns everywhere uncontrolled. Everywhere. Unlicensed guns. Unlicensed gun owners. Gun owners who are mentally unstable who go unsupervised.

I don’t mind guns or your right to own one. But do so responsibly. Also insist that gun ownership be regulated in such a manner that violence is lessened significantly in our nation. Please help this process along. Do not stand in the way of it because you don’t trust others will administer the regulations well or fairly. It is not about you. It is about everyone. And we all give a little to gain a lot.

In this case it is public safety without fearing unregulated gobs of guns among us. That is a mighty problem. It has to be solved. You are part of the solution. So do something about it. Tell the legislators in your state, and in congress they must stand up to the NRA and other lobbyists on this issue. It is the NRA and the lobbyists on guns that are in violation of the public conscious. They have a voice and a right to that voice. They DO NOT have the right to endanger my life and the lives of my family.

With uncontrolled guns mentally unstable people (I include democrats, republicans and tea party people here!) are able to walk into black churches and shoot people dead. Unstable people are able to walk into shopping malls and slay many people in one spray of an Uzi machine gun. Or an elementary school. Or a college/university campus. Don’t say this doesn’t happen. It does. And everyone knows it.

And nothing will be done about it unless you and I step up and demand solutions. Some people will not be able to get guns because they cannot prove they are capable of controlling themselves with a gun. So let that be. That is the cost of gun control. You want a gun to hunt? Fine. Just not an AK47, an Uzi, or an automatic rapid file pistol designed to kill maximum numbers of people. People are not game. Animals are. And then there’s some issue with your mental outlook, in my opinion, if all you want to do is kill, kill, kill. Check yourself for that uncontrollable urge. Sport with guns is entirely something different.

Now, if you feel unsafe in your home or on your neighborhood streets, a gun won’t help you. Supporting local authorities will help control safety problems. Local government can be trusted. County governments can be trusted. State governments can be trusted. Oh, they don’t all work as well as they ought, but they can be trusted. Same for federal agencies of the government. Some of these entities don’t work well, either. Just look at INS and the IRS for starters. They have lost their way and are drowning in political rubbish for policies because politicians are gumming up the works!  We need to fix those problems.

In the meantime, let’s find solutions for violence, gun ownership, government trust, demagoguery, and political skullduggery. 

There is a lot to do. Luckily, there are a lot of people who care and will work to accomplish much.  Give it a chance. Better yet, to trust the process yourself, get involved.

Now, racism is a problem. Has been for a long, long time. Denying it doesn’t make it go away. It just helps sick people grow sicker until they commit crimes of violence against their targets.  Whether it is racism against black, Hispanics, Jews, Gentiles, the old, women or youth, racism is racism. Hate is hate. When will we all say enough is enough and stand up for solutions, not blame?

I think the time is now. Are you ready to take the next step forward?  Are you?

June 22, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Thought for the Day

A gift from Maya Angelou to ponder this weekend:

"I find it interesting that the meanest life, the poorest existence, is attributed to God's will, but as human beings become more affluent, as their living standard and style begin to ascend the material scale, God descends the scale of responsibility at a commensurate speed.

I know why the caged bird sings.

If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning Good morning at total strangers."

Now let this change your life!!

June 20, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Entrepreneurial Trends

Much has been written in the business press claiming formation of new businesses is soft, down, maybe kaput. I beg to differ.

From where I sit there is an endless line of people with exciting business ideas wanting to form their own business. How to go about that is their daunting question. Well, daunting, maybe, but not paralyzing! These people push forward seeking advice, doing research, and making a series of complex decisions in a chain of questions, options and decisions. They are doing this in spite of negative news in the business press. They see their ideas as an opportunity to achieve a lifelong dream – Owning their own Business!

They are budding entrepreneurs willing to risk their time, talent and treasure to form their own business. They are found in libraries across the nation asking pertinent questions. Libraries have formed special services for them calling it the Business Library within the existing library. Business Librarian positions have expanded to meet the need. Local colleges and universities have lent their expertise and support as well.

Another partner in this trend is SCORE – Service Corps of Retired Executives. Founded over 50 years ago, this volunteer organization is a non-profit entity of the Small Business Administration, an agency under the US Commerce Department. The SBA created SCORE as a means to reach out to individuals with the ideas and energy to form new businesses. The SBA wanted to lend a helping hand to those people. And thus SCORE was born with a mission.

Today, 11,000 mentors volunteer their help across the nation to help both budding entrepreneurs as well as existing small businesses in need of assistance to expand their business operations or fix a sticky problem that has been holding the business back from major successes. In 2014 alone, SCORE’s work helped create over 47,000 jobs in this sector of the American economy.

As a SCORE mentor we see – yes, I’m one of the mentors! – clients for free. We nurture, educate, organize thinking and suggest processes to follow in launching a new business. It is exciting work. We witness raw client excitement as they explain their ‘idea’. We see the passion behind their dream.

As we work with each client we also are a party to some amazing realizations on the part of the client. Many times a client’s face will transform with wide-open eyes, a dropped jaw, and cry of surprise as they capture a moment of understanding. Getting it is their job. Helping them ‘get it’ is our job. And it is fun and rewarding work.

Yes we volunteer our expertise, time and experience so others can find success in their lives. We sign an ethics statement and contract agreeing not to make money off of these ideas and to maintain client confidentiality so their ideas are not stolen out from under them. We also steer them in the direction of SBA lending programs to get start-up financing and advise clients how to acquire additional funding in alternate venues when and if they need such assistance. Our job is not to do the work of the entrepreneur but to encourage them to push through to a successful launch of their business.

Later we are available to help them expand their vision and business to new heights.

Yesterday I helped host a roundtable discussion with 10 people. Most were already in business, others were contemplating starting their own firm. Together we shared ideas, thoughts and fears. Together we discussed simple ideas that would help each of them. Each of us – guests and hosts alike – shared ideas with one another. We were not in competition with them but one with them to help them see fresh ideas and opportunities. During such discussions (we meet monthly for 90 minutes in libraries across the nation) we witness transformations among the attendees. Facial expressions alone tell us people are getting the help they need to succeed.

And then they come back month after month for more of the same. Attendees change over time as new people find us and join in the discussions. Word spreads and more roundtables are organized.

This is important work. It empowers citizens of every stripe to reach for their own futures. They want to build their dream and they do so. From where we sit the supply of entrepreneurs is huge. Maybe even endless?

Might you be harboring a dream you should dare to give life to?  Contact www.score.org/ for information on a SCORE Chapter near you. Email mentoring is also available for those in sparsely populated regions.

Entrepreneurs feed on ideas and passion. As long as the latter two exist the former will too!

June 19, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Who Wants to be a Billionaire?

That’s a B folks, not an M! So now that we have a self professed billionaire running for President, I guess campaign finance reform is dead. Just like the governor’s race in Illinois last fall, a billionaire self-financed his campaign and bought the election. Will America allow Trump the same result?

I certainly hope not. Trump is not a normal billionaire. He’s gone bankrupt a few times and taken assets belonging to other people with those failures. He has borrowed his way to ownership of several big real estate developments, and because those properties are worth a lot of money, he claims primary ownership and asset value. Trouble is there is a left side to his right side thinking.

Debt is a leverage The Donald has used many times. Failed at, too. But yes he has succeeded. But wait!  What is the NET asset value of his holdings? That would be all the assets minus the liabilities. What’s left over is his equity in his enterprises. Is that anywhere close to a billion? I kind of doubt it. He doesn’t, after all, file financial statements to the American public. Time will tell if he is a true billionaire.  Until he comes totally clean on the details, I will count him as being a person worth less than one billion dollars.  Still not a bad position to be in.

Still the question remains: Will Trump buy the Presidency for himself? I hope not. He has very little character or personality to sustain a presidential demeanor. Besides, the last war hawk in the White House (George W) and his cohort Dick Cheney, stomped their feet in the face of the foreign community and waged war twice, at least the ones we know about! Those wars didn’t accomplish the objective. But we wasted now upwards of $3 trillion dollars. Truth be told, we could not afford the Bush/Cheney duo. Nor can we afford what would be the debacles of Trump!

So please voters, do your research and make up your own mind. But be very wary of a guy named Trump. He might just trump the elections. Woe is to us if that becomes true.

Now, what is a billionaire and how did most of these folks become so? Here are a few tips and guide stones if you are keeping track.

First, the Buffet model is a good one. Very progressive in his ideas, Warren Buffet watches market growth in various sectors of the economy. The ones that are demonstrating significant growth probabilities are the ones he pays attention to. He generally avoids fully developed market sectors and their component major companies. Those sectors are tapped out for profit growth. They will eventually deflate unless major innovations are on tap to revitalize the specific industry.

Buffet watches the ebb and flow of markets. Never buy on the high side; try to buy on the low side before the next surge in the sector’s cycle is probable. That’s a good method, eh? In the long run Buffet has won more than he has lost. And he keeps parlaying his winnings into new investments following his method.

Another side to Buffet’s investing. I’m not sure this has gone on throughout his career, but one thing evident in recent years is simply this: Warren Buffet is a well-grounded citizen of his communities and nation; he has beliefs and values he invests in.  Local newspapers are his latest gambit. And what a lovely value oriented investment this is! Yes, Mr. Buffet believes in the local press for many reasons – watchdog on local governance, pulse taking of a community’s health, social interaction of a localized region, and human caring clearly visible in the local press. Small town papers are the glue of many communities. They deserve to be saved and nurtured back to health.  Thank you Mr. Buffet!

My second example of a billionaire is Kirk Kerkorian, recently deceased from California. His real story, however, centers on Las Vegas and how he built it to what is today’s Las Vegas. He was the largest mover and shaker in that town but he never claimed the spot light. Meanwhile, Kerkorian amassed billions of dollars being a shrewd and powerful takeover artist. He was not always kind. He did not always succeed in buying his targets, but he left those industries jazzed and rethinking their potentials. Today they continue to prosper, well, with the possible exception of Chrysler!  Who knows what ignominy that company has left in its future?

Some billionaires use their wealth to do good. Others use their money as power to wrest control for themselves. Others influence outcomes with their wealth, normally for their own benefit. One can only wonder for a short time to determine what kind of billionaire Trump is, if he is one at all.

Tsk tsk! Save us from Trump. Please!

June 18, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Non-profit? What’s That?!

Doing charity work has its rewards and challenges. No better an example than the work many of us do to mentor small businesses and entrepreneurs. Our work would appear to be clear cut. It is anything but! For example, most of our coaches/mentors are capitalists who have successfully retired from careers that achieved great things. They now are paying back to the system what they felt they received from it. It is sort of a ‘paying it forward’ philosophy as well.

Doing this work has uncovered an interesting divide in group thinking. Entrepreneurs make businesses to make money. But where then are the entrepreneurs who build non-profits? Are there any? And why specifically a non-profit?

The simple answer is important needs exist and beg to be served. A lot of those needs are of the human dimension variety. Think housing for the disabled or unemployed veteran. Think also medical care for the helpless. Education for people with promising abilities but an empty bank book. Think beautification of public spaces that taxing agencies don’t wish to pay for. Think of people with life-long illnesses who will always need some form of help to live their lives quasi independently. And then think of the families who want their loved ones to live happy, purposeful lives sustainably even when the parents and siblings have passed away.

Important needs based on people, their values, their promise and what they mean to us as part of the human community. We care, for each other, and that enhances who we are. Work to empower those themes is just and powerful. The work is not always ‘profitable’ by business standards. But needed just the same. And so we build non-profit entities to do this work.

In my volunteer community of mentors and coaches, caring is very evident. But as a pure business proposition it is another thing entirely.

I guess one of the differences is the profit motive. It is not entirely a greed thing, but it does have some dimensions of greed: the bottom line is important; making money for self and family is a strong motive; being fair in compensation to staff of our business is also a consideration for long term, sustainable success of the enterprise. And the enterprise will accrue value I can benefit from in the future along with my family.

Not so with a non-profit. Such organizations are in business to perform a mission that has nothing to do with personal financial return. And that makes such work in my setting more than a bit odd!

Yet when we do the organizational work necessary to maintain a strong coaching and mentoring entity, personal values are quite evident. We work in the non-profit environment to make profit models work for other people. It is not for our financial gain but for others that we do this work. Oh, we are rewarded in feelings and satisfaction in the doing of this work. Plenty of that for each of us. That’s why we do it. This is our way to say – Much is possible for each of us if we try. Our system works.

One of our clients is a quadriplegic as a result of a serious auto accident. His dream is to operate a gym for paraplegics and quadriplegics that will empower them to whatever level of healthy activity they are capable of. Another client has written a book about growing up in an alcohol and drug addicted family. Her book needs to be distributed to help other youth and surviving adults of such environments move on with their lives while shedding the poisoned memories of past family life. Still another client wants to establish group homes for adults living with epilepsy. Another client wants to establish a low income day care center. And then there is the young man who wants to create a manufacturing center employing ex-convicts who have rehabbed from drug addiction and the legal woes stemming from those woes.

Society does not provide all the answers to these areas of needs through government sponsored programs. Charities do. So do communities, churches and neighborhoods.

Non profit organizations fill a lot of these needs. They are still businesses, earning income streams to pay service costs to the targeted beneficiaries of the organization. Net income, however, is rarely the goal. Net income, however, must exist if the entity is to survive. So donations are accepted, grants are curried, and modest revenues are sought from product sales, too. All of these contribute to the sustainability of the enterprise. If successful, the mission and vision of the originators of the organization will be fulfilled. Not just once, but for many years to come.

Oh the needs are everywhere among us. Not all is done by government, or churches, or charities. A lot of this work must be done by each of us if the needs are met. And in our society, our American Society, that’s a big thing!


June 17, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

More Bits and Pieces

The Sun Shines! The Midwest US has had rain recently. A lot of rain. Two to four inches yesterday, an inch or two Sunday, and God only knows how much in the previous two weeks. Our water table is high. Our lawns are green and our shrubbery and trees verdant. Also growing are our streams, creeks, rivulets, and rivers. Detention ponds are overflowing. Streets are full and closed. Area road construction projects are awash and delayed.

Tornado warnings were present through much of yesterday afternoon and last night. That seems to have passed without tragedy in the region. But flooding will persist as the water shed sheds! Streams, rivers and flood basins will fill and roads will continue to be closed. At least our area is not dealing with a drought! That’s a good thing and we know our blessings when they come our way.

Putin – again! So NATO expresses a concern over Putin’s war rumbles on his western borders and in eastern Ukraine. NATO is laying plans to install some war materiel in abutting areas to support 5000 troops if the call becomes necessary to move them in. This is all defensive moves to protect Ukraine, Poland, Eastern Germany and the Stans of yesteryear’s Soviet Bloc. These are peoples who do not want Putin’s presence. And they ask the world community for help.

NATO is there. Not the USA but NATO. Stop the propaganda, Putin. This is not about America. This is all about you and your bellicose manners. And poor they are. Shame on you. You rattle your swords to get a reaction and then raise the stakes when we say boo! Pardon me? Where exactly did your parents fail you in your upbringing? Manners, Vladimir. Manners. They still count.

While we are at it, FIFA scandals are not international politics. You and other nations ‘won’ world cup rights for future years but FIFA sold those ‘rights’ to you. You didn’t win them. So don’t count on hosting yet another propaganda event. Those days are well over for you. FIFA is dirty and needs cleaning up. America really doesn’t care. Others do and asked for legal assistance. Last time we checked, that wasn’t a political issue!

Global Warming and…: The globe is encircled by jet streams, air movements, atmospheric pressure zones and resulting oceanic currents, temperature water massing and the resultant coastal wind patterns. These movements above land and sea, and under sea as well, make weather patterns throughout the globe. Normally these patterns are just that – patterns – and they behave somewhat predictably. However, warming trends at the poles have shifted air and ocean current movements enough to change all of the usual patterns. Resulting upsets are droughts, floods, hot weather, cold weather, in season and non seasonal. The upsets themselves are evidence of global warming. The length of the patterns is another piece of evidence. Even more evidence is shown in rising ocean levels and coastal flooding. Whether this will persist is anyone’s guess at this point. But a trend of global warming is well and properly documented.

This is not a political statement. It is a statement of fact based on science. If we residents of the planet can do something to ease the situation, then we need to do that. Such actions will save lives and maintain healthy living conditions for tens of millions of people at the very least. If the warming pattern persists, a billion lives will be affected.

We need to collaborate for the good of us all, not debate endless political dribble. Enough!

Ah, Respite: As I gaze out the window at a green world lit by a rising sun in a pastel blue morning sky, I sigh! Many days that view has been gloom, rain, wind, mist, and yuck. Days and days of this affects mood. The body slows and slogs through each day. Wonderment yawns toward future days and perceives nothing but clouds and rain.

But the storms are past for this day. And we have respite from nature’s fury. All we need do is avoid puddles and watch for rising rivers and washed out roadways. But that too will pass. We take our rest and peace when we can these days.

Ah, respite is a golden prize at this moment!

June 16, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

Fear – The Sky is Falling

Chicken Little remains a popular child fable. It teaches the simple lesson that saying something is so doesn’t make it so. Indeed, when the sky is actually falling, no one will listen because Chicken Little claimed the fact when it wasn’t the actual truth. Just like crying wolf too often, or yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theater leads to disastrous results when no actual peril exists.

Now modern day media presents itself. Pick up any newspaper or news magazine, and note the headline. Does it conjure fear? Is the Boogie Man on your doorstep? Quick, look inside and read the article to learn the facts!

Meanwhile your mind and energy is taken from the real world and its perils while you are lured into a false story to satisfy someone else’s desire for your time.

The real perils we face daily are for us to see and realize. We don’t need others to warn us. In fact if we rely on others to warn us about every little thing we will lose the capacity to see for ourselves and actually determine or discern what the real matters are. We become stunted.

So, two criminals escaped from a New York state prison. A dragnet has been launched. For several days a detailed search has not found the escaped convicts. For a week the northeastern United States has been under a terror watch for these convicts. Stay indoors. Beware all strangers. They are likely armed and very dangerous. You may be their next victim. Lordy, Lordy, the sky is falling. Stand where you are and quake in your boots!

Now a word from our sponsor, advertisers and owners of this newspaper, magazine, radio station, web site or TV station. Be sure to remain where you are and read/hear/see our ad in its richest detail. Please ignore all other media channels. They are not as good as we are!

And that’s the real message. It is about the media and its revenue stream. It is not about the news that the consumer really needs. But you knew this, right? Why then are you paying attention to those news outlets? Why do you, and we, continue to tune into the 10 o’clock news (sorry, 11 o’clock news for you eastern time zone people!). As we pass a newsstand our eyes casually scan the headlines of competing newspapers and we catch what’s hot in the news. How tempted are we to stop and buy a paper at that moment?

Remember when we listened to weather reports so we could prepare ourselves for rainy weather, or a snow storm? Actually, we listened to the forecast to better determine what we needed to wear for the day! I know I did. You too, probably. But recent technology gains makes weather forecasts much more accurate. Twelve to twenty-four hours in advance, we have a good idea of what to expect.

So we listen when storm warnings are broadcast – tornadoes possible; hurricane forming off the Florida coast. Mass evacuations being considered. Early damage reports from foreign islands – Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico – you know the drill, as reports ramp up to build the suspense of what is coming at us.

Forecasts of wind damage, possible injury and death, property destruction, flooding – the whole gamut of horrors from such a storm front. It is the news of the day and for possibly a few days. Then the hour comes when the storm is nigh. And it whimpers through our neighborhood with barely a whisper. All for naught the warnings. We were prepared but the worst case scenario didn’t happen. At least we were warned. I guess that’s a good thing.

Whether escaped convicts, destructive weather or serial rapist, the news is about what could be. Fear is used as a tool to build interest and following, ratings. The fear is only news if it is based on actual fact. To sell papers or build TV audience is not a proper use of fear.

Well, that’s my opinion anyway. How about you? Why not just wait to read or hear the report of what actually happened. You know, listen to the whole story from start to finish. Instead we are tempted to listen to the ‘uh oh’ over and over again. Trouble is repeating this over and over makes us more susceptible to misleading. Like crying wolf. Or fire! Or claiming the sky is falling.

How many Chicken Little’s are there? Really? How many? Inquiring minds need to know!

June 15, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thought for the Day


Something to ponder.

I am silent on the subject because of necessity. I have friends in both places.
- quoted in Mark Twain, His Life and Work, Will Clemens

When I reflect upon the number of disagreeable people who I know have gone to a better world, I am moved to lead a different life.
- Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar, 1894

Both of these quotes from Mark Twain give us both humor and something to think about. Enjoy!

June 13, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015


Growing up we were taught how to act right in public. You know, stand up straight, smile, stay neat and tidy, and above all else, don’t whine or complain. Better yet, keep quiet!

With those instructions fresh in mind we were taken to church and told where to sit in the pew. When to stand and when to sit were the next lessons taught. And above all else, when to be silent. Well that was easy; we were not to make a noise. I think I got the idea that any noise might disturb God and make bad things happen!

There were all those other people in the pews, as well. Most of them were all dressed up. The ladies even had hats on! Although some of their dresses were flowery – lots of colors – a lot of them were black and some dark gray. My grandmother visited from time to time and she wore those dark, somber clothes, too.

Now the men wore suits, of course, with dress shirts (white, there were no other colors!) and ties. Their shoes were polished and I noticed this because my dad almost always polished shoes on Saturday afternoons. His were always fresh and shiny for Sunday mornings at church.

I liked the singing. I also thought the organ was fabulous! Although the prayers were sometimes interesting, the sermons never were! In fact, I remember sermon time as the only time we were allowed to draw on our church bulletin. Mom shushed us but smiled at the meaningless scribbles on the bulletin. She turned her attention to the sermon but I could tell she wasn’t really interested in it, either.

Sometimes the sermons were special because my grandpa was the minister giving the sermon. I didn’t understand what he was saying, but everyone else seemed to. I do recall his voice droning on and on. I wondered when we could leave and go home to dinner. That gave me a reason for sitting still. I could even smell the roasted meat and dark gravy! And the table cloth, silver and crumb tray. We three kids always fought over who’s turn it was to wield the crumb tray and crumb knife. That was fun duty!

Back to sermons. I remember the focus on the Bible and its stories. I guess the minister was teaching the congregation things he thought they should know. I heard words like sin, forgiveness, witness, and tithe. I didn’t understand that last one but I came to understand the others a bit over time.

The witness thing was a struggle. Most ministers said something like living your life like a witness to what you believe. Hmmm. Wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but I knew court rooms had witnesses and they talked under oath so it must be important. If you witnessed, you spoke the truth and swore to it. We were taught not to swear so I wondered about the oath business. Must be like some church thing. It you were told to do something in church it must be OK. Same in the courtroom.

Anyway, as years passed this ‘witness’ word and ‘forgiveness’ stuck with me. In high school I didn’t pay attention to the sermons but I sure was into the music. Later, in college, the same thing happened but then I began listening to the sermons more closely. They weren’t much different from lectures. Seemingly nearly an hour long, one person talked a lot about a subject, I took notes, and tried to make sense of it all back in the dorm. Eventually I did. Same with church. Sermons began to make more sense and I came to listen closely to them.

After college, sermons were much more important to the church experience. As an adult I came to know the ministers, too. And that alone made listening to the sermons easier and more interesting. Later in the morning we were encouraged to discuss the sermon if we wanted to.

Again, the term ‘witness’ cropped up over and over in the sermons. Finally I got it. We were to live our lives in accordance with our religious beliefs. Religion was to help us live our lives more fully. Our behavior and actions were to be guided by our religious beliefs.

We were told to love others and to give witness to that by being kind, pleasant and helpful to others. Just like we’d want them to treat us! Well that was neat and easy to understand. Oh, and we were also to give money to the church so its work and missions would be supported. I got that but not so much!

We were also supposed to live as though our religion was real. Demonstrate your beliefs, the ministers told us. Be honest and truthful. That is a witness action. Be charitable and loving. Helping others and donating money to good causes was a good example of that. But I was stumped beyond those two examples.

How was I to live a life of witness in the church? Now after 7 decades of trial and error, I think I understand this issue better. (Slow learner, you know!)

Here’s what I’ve come up with. Being a witness to what you believe is mostly done outside the building we call ‘church’. It’s a general way of seeing and acting in the world that is positive. In the presence of others I try to do what is right, not what is comfortable. Sometimes it means I rebuff idle gossip. Other times I share facts I have learned that would help others understand an issue better and discuss it better.

If a community evidences a problem, doing something about it is a good way to give witness. If a family is in financial trouble due to a health crisis, fire or storm damage to their home, we gather friends and neighbors and give that family direct assistance – clothes, food, paper products, help to clean up their home, or find temporary accommodations.

To fight hunger we donate food to local food pantries, or answer the invitation to work in preparing meals for the hungry, or even spend an evening or weekend at a soup kitchen.

Helping a community understand itself and nurture its own ability to organize and work for improvements is another form of witness. Sometimes that is speaking up at a city council meeting, or getting involved with youth work at the park district, or at church, or being an active member of the PTA at the kids’ schools. Other times that might be sharing a news note with the local paper. Or even writing for the paper regularly. Or helping others create and sustain a local newspaper for the good of the community.

The more I thought about it the more I realized that witnessing is really being active within the community and lending my hand to good works. Helping make good things happen is the theme of that work.

How simple is that? You don’t have to be in charge or turn over your savings account to someone else. You just have to spend time and attention with others making good things happen. Doing my part. Taking responsibility for a small task. Spending time with others thinking what a group could accomplish by working together. A joint exercise of mind and body. In time good things come from this interaction.

How conscious are we of this simple fact of witnessing? Do we make more of it than we need too? Does this prevent us from taking action? Or are you and I practicing and getting into the thick of things in our towns and villages?

I’ve found it makes my life exciting and much more meaningful just being involved. That’s reward enough. I don’t need to be in charge. My ideas to not have to win out over others. No, I just need to be involved and breathing the same air and passions as other people.

It’s been a fruitful time since I came to understand witness in this manner. Maybe my experience will help others gain the same experience?

June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Twenty-Somethings Avoiding Marriage?

Time magazine reports new data is available proving Americans in their twenties are not getting married at the same rate as in the past. The long held past. Wonder what may be causing this shift in behavior?

Certainly hooking up with the opposite sex is not the problem. Plenty of that is evident in everything – entertainment, movies, TV programming, internet dating sites, You Tube, Twitter, Facebook – you name it and young people are doing it. With themselves, with either sex, with both sexes together, in threesomes and foursomes, and oh my! Plenty of that going around.

So it is not sex. Even gay sex is widely discussed so that is not deterring marriage, unless you are gay, in a committed relationship and living in a state that does not yet recognize same sex marriages. But that will change in time. At least that’s how I see it from my perspective.

Well, let’s see then why deferred marriages or no marriages may be gaining statistically.  It could be from any of these reasons, I think:

-Divorce is emotional misery and very costly short and long term. Kids who have witnessed this are not as quick to jump into a long term relationship as they once were, and this includes marriages as well.

-Educational goals were once interwoven with marriage. Remember ‘married student housing’? Every campus had housing alternatives for married students. But in those days tuition, housing and fees were not as costly as they are now. The result: students are putting off marriage until desired degrees are obtained. Some degrees go on and on for years – think law, medicine and several other professional degree programs. Many of these programs require serial commitment before taking time out for weddings, kids and so forth. Such students often put off weddings until their early 30’s as a direct result.

-Career investment goals are another wedding date deterrent. Getting the right job out of school is one thing; getting a stepping stone second and third career job or promotion is another set of circumstances that put off marriages. These people are committed to both education and career in order to realize long-held personal goals. Such youth may be 38 or even 40 years old by the time they take wedding vows.

-Economics is a huge factor in wedding plans. If a student exits college with a wonderful diploma but can’t find a job, there is no financial stability upon which to base or plan a wedding, let alone a marriage. Taking that first job sets a lot of factors in motion – the city or state of residence, housing opportunities and affordability, lifestyle restrictions for family life based on training and travel requirements of the job, and so forth. That first job, if it is truly the best first stepping stone to a desired career, carries with it many life changing factors. It may not be wise to get married until this job is explored and obtained. Of course there is the issue of educational loans. Many students enter their careers with a debt load of $50,000 to $75,000 dollars. Some exceed $150,000. It takes time to work those balances down. Meanwhile weddings will take a backseat, so too, buying a home!

-Trailing Economics is another factor affecting marriage plans. If the cost of living is high, household incomes suppressed, and social obligations of the career involved, marriages may not survive. Waiting for more experience and maturity may be the best tactic to build a base for a lasting, successful marriage.

Today’s youth are not dumb. Or stupid. They see and reason. They do not want to burden themselves with education, financial stressors, career jobs AND a bad marriage. This profits no one, including the employer. It is wise to wait.

Some of us put off sex until marriage. That is passé. Today’s young people do not put off sex for marriage. They just put off marriage.

Meanwhile they are learning and exploring the things that are important to them and of lasting consequence. They are focusing on getting those things right before leaping into marriage.

See? I told you they were not dumb! Nor are they avoiding marriage. They are just prudently waiting.

June 11, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Putin’s Trust Issues

The G7 is meeting. That’s the top global economic powers group. They have learned to cooperate over the last few decades. Cooperation to maximize economic balance of the global markets so good things happen to poor nations as well as wealthy ones. Keeping the balance healthy for as many people as possible.

Of course the collaboration is good politics for individual nations, too. More jobs, more stable economies, support for growth markets keyed to national strengths, and whatnot. More than the whatnot, however, is healthy balance of power among the nations.

Balance of power: which nations have a healthy condition within its borders? Which ones don’t? Which nations are likely to have problems governing their people and regions? Which of these difficulties will spill over into neighboring countries. And what of peace. That would be PEACE. An all-important issue for the entire family of nations. Peace is good for economies both local and foreign. Far flung or not, nations are mightily upset by war and small skirmishes anywhere they occur. Lack of peace is a problem for all to be concerned with.

And Putin knows this. Attempting to rebuild the image of strength and leadership in the post Soviet era without the soviet gulags, has been a large task for Putin. He rallies his people through propaganda and manipulation, shielding them from the facts of an open media and news industry. PR and propaganda are his replacement for news. And so he crafts an image of Russian power.

He follows with rattling the cages of peace/war throughout western Europe, eastern Europe, and the minor players on the eastern Asian region of Burma, North Korea and other smaller players. He allies himself with Iran and the mullahs. He performs war games throughout northern seas and buzzes his planes over Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Ukraine.

Worse, he wages war in Ukraine. Once wooing the world through the Olympics while he grew his invasion force to the Crimea, he spent that capital of goodwill for a cheap takeover of a cheap, non strategic land mass. But you see, it was a land mass that positioned him for his next target, Ukraine.

Poland, Ukraine and all of the ---Stans (Uzbekistan, Kaza….) are in his gun sights. And the G7 Powers know this well. They will take a stand for more economic sanctions targeting Russia and attempting to draw the bratty kid into adult behavior of responsibility and partnership.

Putin states that the West does not need to fear Russia. It can trust Russia. We don’t fear you, Putin. Far from it. The powers and artillery of the global community do not fear you because it has enough strength to beat you into the middle ages. And you know that. We won’t do that. Because it is a waste of time. For the time being you have nothing anyone wants. You could. You could sell your energy supplies, your culture, your art and your education prowess to the rest of the world. But instead you play childish games that demean not only you, but your own people.

They deserve better than that from you Mr. Putin. Much better.

If you are serious about trust, stop supporting North Korea, Iran, Burma and the Stans. Also, begin collaborative efforts with the West, China and Russia. Build peace Mr. Putin. Build PEACE.

You can do this by removing all Russian forces from Ukraine. While you are at it, restore Crimea to its rightful independent national status. It is not a Russian province. This is not the Soviet era. It is the era of Peace.

If you persist in this foolishness, your economic woes will get worse. You will further isolate yourself to a smaller and smaller corner of the globe. And you will find yourself without friends except for the weak and despotic tyrants. China will not talk with you. Why they even bother with you now I don’t understand. You are weak and are growing weaker. You know this. You know the lies you have told your own people to garner their support.

One day they will know the truth. Woe to you when that happens, sir. Woe.

Meantime the G7 will do its duty. Best you pay attention and act responsibly. No one wants to beat you over the head. No one wants to wage war. No. All the world community wants is to welcome you and your people into collaborative balancing of economic powers and political stability so we all can set about the business of building a stronger global community focused on improving quality of life for all. 

That, Mr. Putin, are the benefits of PEACE. You can thwart it, or you can enjoy it by joining with the rest of humanity. But will you? Only you can answer that question, sir.

June 10, 2015