Friday, March 25, 2016

Southern States Still Battling Gays

North Carolina has passed a law unanimously in their Senate to ban all municipal gay rights laws passed outside of the state’s direct supervision. It started because squeamish politicians felt a transgender person ought not be allowed in a public bathroom based on their claimed sex rather than their gender at birth. So a man now identifying as a woman and for all the world to be viewed as such, is forced to walk into a men’s room instead; can you imagine the confusion over that? Same for a woman who is now for all the world seen as a woman but dressed as a man must enter a woman’s restroom.

Such folly. I hope those fools understand it is straight people with hidden cameras taking illicit photos of unsuspecting ‘normals’. Do they understand that pedophiles are almost always opposite sex straight people molesting both boys and girls? You understand that, right?

Pedophilia is a straight person’s problem, not a gay person’s pathology. Of course a person would have to be open to research and actually reading it to receive this message and understand it. But no, Congress has legislated no research on such. And southern states are following suit.

There are times I wonder if the year is 2016 or 1416. the medieval mindset seems to be well implanted in some areas of America; most notably southern states. That would include Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas and Arizona. Arizona? Well, there is just no figuring out that state. But Texas you have to admit is consistent with its discrimination and passe social thinking. 

Georgia will lose the Super Bowl if they don’t change some discrimination laws currently on the books targeting gays. We shall see if the state is amenable to such a solution.

I still marvel at the hilarity of southern intellectuals. They seem to think that gay rights and abortion rights are values given by God and thus are protected by the US Constitution.  It is precisely because they think it is granted by God that makes it religious credo and thus exempt from the Constitution. Protected practice, yes; but not protected enslavement of others not believing as they do in the name of their religion.

Please, you can avoid gays all you want, and avoid temptation of abortion. But the rest of us are not subject to your beliefs. We’ll leave you alone with those just as long as you leave us alone with our beliefs.

Freedom of religion? Or freedom to enslave others to your belief system?

Gays are harmless. They may be different from the norm. That does not make them pathological unless discriminated against so continuously and illogically that paranoia sets in.

Oh Lord, save us all from these weirdos!

March 25, 2016

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