Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Where Are The Adults?

It takes a village to raise a kid. Yes, it really does. A family alone can do wonders, but the next door neighbor helps, too; so does the crossing guard, the teachers, the church people and the childhood friends. All play a role in raising a kid. Simple facts of life.  

But all does not go well. Kids run awry of norms all the time; it is part of testing and attempting new things; some of those things lead to great self-discoveries; some do not. Rather, some new things are perilously dangerous and lead to crime, violence, drugs and death. This too, is a fact of life. If you don’t believe me shadow my steps working with teenage drug addicts. The story comes alive in an instant. Scratching your head like me, you will ask questions and wonder how to solve their problems. Without help they will crash and burn. No doubt in my mind.

So, how could we have helped avoid this problem in the first place? I’m not sure we could have. It may be a sign of our times like bath tub gin in the flapper era. But we can try to make a difference in the outcomes that will surely occur without our help!

It will require some adult thinking and acting. It will take mature perspective to help the situation. Parents need to get involved in their kids’ lives. Know where they are and what they are doing. Sense what they are struggling with. For God’s sake, ask them what they are thinking about and what questions would they like help with? Love them unconditionally as well. That’s the best first step anytime!! They need assurance that you will love them and support them through thick and thin. I know this is difficult. Been there; done that! Not easy when you are juggling expenses and income, home maintenance, careers, commuting and hopes and dreams of your own. But now you are a parent; dive in and experience it and enjoy it. All too soon it will have passed by and you will solemnly wonder where it all went; and when!

The kids have much to say and need to say it. Best it be heard from someone who loves them and has the motivation to protect them and help them in their journey of maturation. It is hard enough; remember your own? Give them what you ached for when you were their age.

Now, if we have this loving, kinder nation developing, we will be able to better solve other omnipresent issues plaguing our nation. Like equal access to excellent education; access to excellent medical care; access to continual learning and career development; access to a caring and loving society.

No this is not Pollyanna or a pipe dream. This is the real thing and we humans can do this. It takes sharing and caring. Get it? If we all pulled our own weight in these matters then our perplexed political leaders might be able to handle their responsibilities better. Just a thought.

And a hope, too. I know that expecting much from our elected leaders is a leap of faith, but at least give yourself credit for having the talent and genius to help solve some of society’s largest problems. If we don’t, who will?

Don’t look for other adults until you look in the mirror yourself and assess the request. And then answer it with your blood, sweat and tears. Joy will result; I promise you that.

Yes. I promise you joy. First you have to give of yourself and get out of yourself.

Try it. I am confident you will like it!

September 20, 2017

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