I write about the debacle currently moving through congress
at lightning speed – the federal tax reform legislation. First the House
proposed its bill and rammed it through without hearings, analysis or public
debate. Then the Senate did the same but the bill was much different than the
house version. On a strict political party vote, both houses of congress
approved their bills with unanimity of republicans and no democrat support.
The measures now must be reconciled and a final form of the
bill agreed upon. The vote will need to be taken in each house on the
reconciled bill. Will it pass then? Most likely; such things are usually still
the strange animal of partisan politics. No compromise. No intelligent discussion. Certainly no public input in this particular case.
What angers me the most is simply this: we have experts
in the nation who, for the most part, are employees of the people. These
experts are researchers and faculty members at prestigious educational
institutions from coast to coast. Bankers of the highest caliber can do a
creditable analysis of the legislation and offer the public their opinion
and calculations as to the effects of the legislation on the body politic,
consumers all, if the new bill is passed.
Economists of several stripes can also offer
their opinions, expert analysis and projections of the effects of the
legislation. There are other academic disciplines which could easily analyze
the legislation and make good sense of what it is, what it means, and what its
impact will likely be on the lives of 330 million Americans.
Do you recall any such sharing of opinions from these
people? I don’t. The fact is the media did not seek this expert input to the
public discussion on the subject. All the media did was express disdain for
important legislation being shoved down the throat of the county strictly along
party lines. Ideologues and pundits shared their opinions that the bill was
flawed and should never see the light of day. But the media only chose to
report on what politicians were claiming and saying.
You do know that politicians are not experts in much of
anything, don’t you? They are not academicians, researchers, economists,
bankers, investors, social workers, theologians or anything else. They are
professional politicians with some background in a career, vocation or
profession they abandoned to take on the mantle of the politician. Not a good
basis from which to report on a complex matter of tax reform.
And because tax reform affects the lives of all 330 million citizens,
it would be appropriate if congress had sought some input from us, don’t you
We have a very serious problem in America. There is serious
disbelief and distrust among the people for their own government. And, of
course, there is a matching disbelief and distrust by our elected officials of
the American public. They don’t think we know enough to govern our own country.
In turn, many of us don’t think many elected officials are capable of governing
the nation.
It is not a standoff. The Constitution gives the elected
officials the authority because we elected them to office to implement the
constitution. Most of those elections, however, did not involve people who
understood the people, the issues or the authority of those they were granting
power to. That’s our bad; the American people can and need to do better. If you
vote, you must study the issues and vote accordingly. If a politician doesn’t
understand the issues they should not be elected. And if the choice among
candidates is poor, then we, the electorate, need to ensure good people are
encouraged to run for office for all of the right reasons. If they break their
trust with us, then we elect them out of office next time around.
This is hard work. To vote is an important duty. It requires
understanding the issues. And it requires we know and trust the person for
which we cast a ballot. If we can’t do that, we should not vote in that
I dread saying this, but I fear we are experiencing a
massive failure on the part of the electorate to do their work. Crooks and
self-serving people currently hold most of the offices on the federal level of
government. That is very bad for our form of government. A democracy needs
serious voters.
With that failure, government is failing the people. It is
also failing our culture, values and history.
Think of the people who gave their lives so we have the
freedom and liberty to live our lives in a free society. Do you honestly think
they would be proud of us and our nation today? I doubt it deeply.
I’m embarrassed for my nation. I am uncomfortable facing the
rest of the world community knowing that we have failed them, too. America is
no longer the home of the free and brave. It is the home of cowardly, ignorant
people who see themselves better than others and making certain they get their
pot of gold before anyone else.
It’s not pretty. I feel shame for my country. And I shudder
at the work and cost our kids and grandkids will have to struggle with to fix
this mess. It will take at least a generation, probably two to repair America
to its once proud position. I hope this work will be done. But I no longer feel
certain that hope is well founded.
Meanwhile, where is the media in all of this? Why did they allow this epic fail to occur without a clarion call?
December 6, 2017
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