Thursday, March 14, 2019

More on Religion

Finding my way to myself. Knowing me. Understanding me. That is my quest. That is the reason for my journey.

Of what use is life? Why does it make a difference? What does this do for me, or for others?

It is in the asking that we come to know.

Struggling to help another person helps me know myself. Often it is in the doing for someone else that we learn the most. Sometimes it is only being present with them that matters. A ride to the store is a simple matter. A trip to a doctor’s office, waiting with them in the waiting room, is yet another simple matter. Talking throughout the errand is fun. Laughter often greets our time together. A small glimpse of joy during a basic errand.

Often, encountering difficulty is a challenge. To understand it is one thing; to grasp its meaning in the life of others is yet another; and that cannot be done without rubbing my shoulder with the issue.

How would I be affected by this same issue? Aah! That’s the grist of the lesson, isn’t it?

The context of the lesson is important. In the here and now is too often our understanding. But the larger context is ‘all-time.’ How does this instance play with history and the story of mankind on the planet? What is the larger context?

For that we turn to history, to philosophy, to theology as well. What have our ancestors thought about this topic? Why is it important or ought to be so? Surely these thoughts have occurred millions of times before now. What was their weight in those times? Are we anchored in the world’s reality? Or are we strutting the stage as though we are unique in this experience?

Getting outside of one’s self is the means to see beyond one’s self. That is when we learn the big things in life. The useful things.

To be other-centered helps us – me – be open to the fulness of life and its meaning. In this space theology can be helpful. It is the story telling of mankind’s journey on the planet. Origins of being; relationships with others. Linkage to all – people, surroundings, time, history and space. Whether we assign God to the mystery or not, it remains the story of mankind attempting to understand our/my existence.

The greatest thoughts are based in this milieu. We dare to disconnect from the comfortable and imagine more. Much more. There we search for meaning, rock bottom meaning. And the Why.

We value each other. Each has meaning and use. Therefore, I have value and use. Knowing what that use is becomes my personal quest. In time I find it defined as only makes sense to me.

It becomes my guide, my lifelong rudder. With it I find a way forward. It doesn’t change my personality or make me less impatient. Too much to do! Let’s get on with it. A deep breath restores balance, and then onward to fulfill use.

Is this religion? I think it is. Perhaps too mild a definition, but it works for me.

What works for you?

March 14, 2019

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