Saturday, August 17, 2013

Thought for the Day

Losing sight of the goal: Employers are reducing hours of employees so they don’t have to pay for health care coverage. They think this is retaliation for Obamacare.

Little do they know the result they curry?

Under-insured workers in America undermine the faith and trust they have in their employer, their industry and their nation. They will be unreliable for the long term because they will seek employment elsewhere for benefits fairly paid and earned.

For most of my working life employee benefits were viewed as a part of compensation. Employers provided these benefits to be competitive in the market place, and to attract new workers and new talent. Benefits were viewed as part of keeping the workforce happy and productive.

Today they are seen as a burden and no one should mandate them.  Funny. The market mandated it in the past.  For decades. And it worked quite well.

Now? Who’s the enemy. The employer? The worker? Surely not the government that is attempting to solve a huge social problem – 46 million uninsured people in our nation of 320 million!

This is not a fairness issue. It is a justice issue. Universal coverage has not been mandated. But perhaps it should?

August 17, 2013

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