Not a nice title for today’s blog, but frankly, it’s about
time someone said these things.
A lot of talk today is in error of fact. This includes religious
and political views as well as opinions on a multitude of topics. Much of this
talk is not factual. It often is not accurate theology or even factual by
academic standards. Church people who believe the Bible is literally true and
therefore offer their profound judgments on everyone else when the Bible and the
church specifically preach no judgments, is an example. Even the new Pope asks,
“Who am I to judge?” With those words
behind us here are the issues that become settled:
- Abortion is an act of conscience and most private; you live your life according to your beliefs and allow everyone else to do the same. This means no laws restricting abortions or the private lives of women and their reproductive rights.
- Marriage is both a matter of religion and state concern; both institutions (religion and government) have the right to sanction marriage; only the government has the authority to license it. Thus, churches ought to continue marrying whomever they wish, but government of, by and for the people ought to license marriages between two people who love one another and wish to build a life together.
- Governments license auto and gun ownership in addition to many other activities. These licensing regulations are designed to promote public safety and restrict ownership and use by those unfit for such. Therefore, gun registrations should be strictly designed and restricted to those people who are capable of handling the responsibility. Because death and disability is the design of guns, restrictions on them should be extremely heavy and meaningful.
- The US Constitution serves Americans only. It was designed to ensure freedom, equality and equal access to all. Along with those freedoms abide responsibilities. Freedom of religion is not to be construed to restrict other people to live and act in total accordance with your religious beliefs. Religious Freedom means you are able to practice your beliefs in privacy of home and family as well as fellow believers. Refer to items 1 and 2, above, for clarification.
- Freedom of Speech is yours to practice, however, be aware of consequences of your speech. No one else is obligated to believe your ideas, just respect your right to state them. If your ideas are hateful or incite public violence, you will be held responsible for it. Duck Dynasty does not have the right to enter private homes on public airwaves and do damage to public peace without paying the possible price of losing one’s job. Beware of your tongue and public civility!
- Political Speech is speech just the same. It carries no special truth. It does carry the burden of keeping civil peace and order. Thus political speech needs to be scrupulously truthful or silent. Rhetoric of conservatives, Tea Party-ers and political parties will be discounted or silenced if civility and truth standards are violated. Voters ought to keep score to eliminate such fulminators from future discourse.
- Being against something requires you to be for something. Criticizing is OK provided an offering of a reasonable alternative is promptly given. Else tongues should remain silent. Engage thought and innovation; then discuss and critique. But only then!
- Sexual orientation is a matter of biology and psychology, perhaps other academic realms as well. No one knows for sure. It is not properly a religious issue, nor one of government policy other than constitutional guarantees of freedom and equal access to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If you don’t understand homosexuality, then study and research the topic before offering your opinions. Otherwise keep silent on the topic!
- Economics is not math. It is social science. It affects and is affected by public psychology, emotion and action/reaction. Understanding how economics works is important before you or any policy maker in government circles makes an edict. Nearly every statement concerning economics is in serious error. No wonder so much nonsense is spewed in public on this topic. Know your stuff or keep your mouth shut please!
- News organizations using public airwaves or public infrastructure must pass rigid standards of truth before issuing their reports. ‘Obamacare’ is a pejorative term meant to politicize the debate over public healthcare insurance access. Forcing public attention on Sarah Palin is an oxymoron. Same with Rand Paul. Just because they have public followers does not make them newsworthy. Get over it and get serious. The news ought not to be for sale or for ratings.
With these important improvements to public discourse I
expect civility to be massively better. May we all experience this quality of
life standard in plenty during 2014.
December 31, 2013