I’m not referring to Social Security or Medicare. Both of
these programs are trust funded for generations and we all pay into them
consistently. We pay ‘premiums’ for future service, and take the benefits we
earned accordingly. The trust fund is under the management of a board of
directors consisting of 535 elected congressmen and senators. They are not all
on the same page, nor do they make business decisions regarding the trust fund
based on business logic; no they do so with political logic. Ahhh! Now there’s
the rub!
I’m thinking of different entitlements: those that people
believe they have a right to because of ideology, religious beliefs, or wealth
protection and defense. They seem to think entitled to make others believe as
they do, or at least live according to their tenets. Else they have been
discriminated against. Not!
Here are some quotes to illustrate my thinking:
“No, Republicans – Harry Reid didn't suddenly turn into a bully. He and the Senate Democrats finally got sick
and tired of being bullied for no reason other than vindictiveness.” ~Author
“Millions of Americans now have
new healthcare, healthcare costs rising at the lowest rate in 50 years; DOW
Industrial Average doubles since 2008; closes over 16,000; Deficits cut in half
since 2008; unemployment rate below 2008 levels. This is the Obama Economy.” ~Anonymous
“There’s something wrong with
-Passed health care reform
-Passed the stimulus plan
-Passed Wall Street reform
-Ended the Iraq War
-Drawdown on the Afghanistan War
-Eliminated Osama Bin Laden
-Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
-Saved the US auto
-Saved the US banking
-Saved the US economy from a depression
-Improved America ’s image
-Boosted fuel efficiency standards
-Dramatically cut oil imports
-Invested heavily in renewable
energy technology
-Increased support for veterans
-Passed credit card reform
-Improved food safety system
-Improved school nutrition
-Expanded hate crimes protections
-Advanced women’s rights
-Got an agreement with Iran on nuclear
-Got an agreement with Syria
on Chemical weapons
-Avoided going to war
-Cut the deficit
And his presidency isn't over…but
the republicans say it’s a ‘failed presidency”…
Aren't you tired of the republicans yet?”
Aren't you tired of the republicans yet?”
“Let’s get real
When President Obama took office in 2009
amidst economic freefall, Republicans resolved to obstruct everything in Washington and prevent
any effort to fix the economy, hoping to turn all of that anxiety into victory
against the Democrats in 2010 and President Obama in 2012.
Even today they continue to
impede our nation’s economic recovery, hoping that Americans will blame
President Obama in 2014 and 2016.
Don’t let them get
away with it. Vote them out in 2014!
“When Obama first took office and
the DOW Jones was under 8000 points and gas hit $4 per gallon, that was all his
fault and he should’ve been impeached.
But now that the DOW has hit
16,000 for the first time in history, literally doubled under his presidency,
and gas prices have plummeted to $3.20 a gallon, when are republicans going to
credit him with saving our economy?
Don’t hold your
breath. ~www.occupydemocrats.com
The entitlement I’m nailing is that of ideology, political
gamesmanship, religious tomfoolery, that sort of thinking. Just because someone
can create chaos is not a reason to actually do so.
No. The politicians in Washington
DC should be working toward
similar goals that benefit the nation and all of its citizens. They need to do
this because it is their responsibility to do so. It is their constitutional
obligation to do so. To impede in any way progress common to the nation and its
well-being borders on treasonous behavior. Political party ought not to have this
much sway in the commonwealth of our people!
When the Obamacare website allows
the worst terrorist attack in American history, starts two misguided,
mismanaged, and unfunded wars, presides over an economic collapse, and shuts
down the government, then it might approach your standards for ‘train wreck.’
Until then, why not try helping the American people instead of obstructing
every effort to make things better?”
Andy Borowitz provides us with some perspective with this
simple thought:
“We may not like waiting online
for health insurance, but we’ll risk death for a flat screen.”
We need to label things as they are. Abortion foes need to
understand that they can and should live their lives as they believe; just
don’t force others to live by your beliefs. Taking care of people less
fortunate is not just a religious value; it is also a logical means of
protecting people and society to survive for another time. It preserves our
well spring of ideas, labor, and creativity!
The pendulum of public policy is constantly in motion. It is
a natural phenomenon. Just don’t let it swing too far or do too much damage
before we bring it back in another direction!
After all, I’m entitled to my ideas whether you agree with
them or not! And I am entitled to a secure healthy present. Aren't you?
December 6, 2013
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