Monday, December 30, 2013

Finding Peace

This season of year-end is a time to pause and find peace among the noise and chaos of modern life. Or any life, for that matter! From a website entitled ‘Lessons Learned in Life’ comes this simple but profound statement:

“Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.”

Good advice, right? How often do we think forgiveness is an act of our generosity toward another person who we think has done us wrong? In fact it is us being generous to ourselves! We are letting go of the resentment we have felt. Getting to the place where we can let the matter drop completely from our obsession is that place we finally find peace, at least from that matter! There is much more to forgive. Forget. Let be. Only then will you shed those cares which burden without value.

Of a similar vein and a natural benefit of forgiveness is this thought:

            “Appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had.”
                                                ~Solitary Reaper

Memories are one aspect of life. Hopes are another. One is in the past and the other is of the future. But the present; what about the present? It is with us only for a moment. How do we treat it? How difficult is it? Comparing it with the past or the hopes for the future? Do we allow the present to be, just BE? Taking pleasure in the now is wonderful; learning how to do so takes patience and ‘training’.  We are not aware of either – patience or training to appreciate the present. Were we ever taught these things? I doubt it.

Contemplating the present calls forth a list of things we are dissatisfied with: our incomes, or the unpaid bills, or the repair awaiting our time and attention, or the chores left undone, or…well, you see what I mean. Will we find that perfect blouse, or shirt, or pair of shoes? Will we be able to attend that family gathering? Will I be healthy enough to enjoy the play, or concert or outing we have planned? Will I let go of the tensions so I can relax and enjoy the moments ahead?

This is hard work. It takes conscious effort unless you are one of those people who are carefree and happy go lucky. There are those who naturally live in the present. They are very fortunate.

The rest of us usually are obligated to plan and prepare for future happenings. Perhaps it is just our schedule so we have the time to fulfill another obligation; or maybe it is preparing for retirement, or saving for the kids’ college education, or buying the best health insurance so proper health care is never far away. Planning and preparation are good things to do. But they can become obsessive to the point that we forget the present.

Longing for the past is another obsession to shed. Value the past is OK. Longing for it, adoring it, is quite another matter.

So much of what matters in life are simple things staring us in the face. We make such a big deal over other things that we miss the best things. Right there in front of our noses. Like character, really. Have you ever thought how we have striven to build character either in our selves or our children? When all along, character is something else entirely.

This quote was on the internet the other day:

            “Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.”

Basic. Down to earth. Easily measured.

How do we treat others who can’t do anything for us? Do we ignore them? Do we see through them as apparitions? Or are we reminded that someone in need is a neighbor we need to care for? Just as we would want them to care for us were we in need!

I heard something like that before in my life! I just wonder were it was, or from whom I heard it? Do you suppose I’ll ever remember?

December 30, 2013

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