Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Border Racism

I think I finally understand this issue about borders. Our southern border is with Mexico where there is land – terra firma – on the other side of the border. The rest of our southern border is ocean. No landed barriers to erect. No one to stop unless they are in boats or swimmers. Even then, if they are immigrants they must be mostly Mexican or South or Central American peoples seeking refuge in our land. Hispanics, you know. Evidently we don’t want them? Really? If you go by what’s on TV and radio newscast, you’d think the scourge of illegal immigration is only focused on the south of our nation. Right?

After all, we have one other land border related to the USA. That would be Canada. You know, the huge land mass to our north inhabited by people who look just like us?

Well you know where I’m going with this don’t you. You are the clever one!

Yes, to the north its OK to have an unguarded, unwalled, unfenced border. With white people. People like you and I.

To the south it is not OK.

Well, let’s expand this border thing to the west and the east. Oceans. You know, very large oceans. The Pacific on the west. The Atlantic to the east. Lots of water. No dikes. No walls. No fences.

Why is that? Why do California, Arizona, and Texas have a problem with our border? Is it really about their land lying in peril of trespassers? Is it the lawlessness they don’t like? Is it the principle of the thing? What exactly are they afraid of?

Seems to me illegal immigrants are everywhere in America. They live in my town of West Chicago, Illinois. They are in Warrenville and Wheaton as well. Yes, for 44 years I’ve lived with illegal immigrants. They don’t only reside in Texas and Arizona. They don’t kill, rob or rape me or my family or my neighbors. They are perfectly law abiding, cultural enriched people with excellent minds and wonderful spirit.

Illegal immigrants are among us because they want to be here – in the land of opportunity and freedom. They left nations that did not offer them that. Or security. Jobs, too. But freedom most of all to be themselves with a long term future. The same for their families.

I like immigrants. They make me understand that I am living in a desired nation. I see that as a good reflection on us. It is not something to be afraid of. Why exactly are we afraid? Tell me about it. I need to know what this is all about. So far I don’t get it.

If illegal immigration truly represents a problem, then why isn’t someone doing something about it? Seems to be that task would belong to Congress, but because they haven’t decided to call this a problem, no wonder nothing has been done about it.

Interesting!  Perhaps the issue is only a make believe issue?  I wonder why? Is this a border issue or a racist issue? Are we finally willing to face that ugly fact?

July 14, 2015

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