Shutting Down the
Government – Again! It seems
republicans think shutting down the government is the only way they can get
attention on the things that matter to them. Unfortunately, they haven’t really
identified what those matters are. There are so many of them they gripe about.
Spending? Entitlements? Illegal immigration? Government regulations? The list
goes on and on.
The frustrating thing is each of these issues has been in
republican control for many years. They funded them endlessly. Then they
claimed they were over the moon and needed to be reined in. To do that takes
administrative budgets for manpower and implementation. But budgets are not
provided to do that, so they continue to complain. They made the problem; they
point out the problem; they block the work to fix the problem.
The party of can’t; or won’t. That about sums it up!
Meanwhile, government services and operations which cannot
be shut down continue with a lick and a promise that the salaries and expenses
will be paid for sometime in the future. We are talking about things like: air
traffic control; FEMA safety and security at airports and other hot spots
throughout the land (border patrol, immigration regulations); police, medical emergency and fire protection; national defense
systems and the standing military forces; social security check printing and
distribution; and so forth.
And the cost? Last time the government shut down the net
cost was calculated at $24 billion for lost revenues and costs to run the
country on a back burner of an old camp stove; and lots of overtime. What we lost in
opportunities is not calculated in this total expense. Just think of it
all! What a waste of effort, intent and
No one wins in this tactic of political gaming.
I guess for many people shutting down the government is fun
to watch on the news. The world turned upside-down is entertainment for them. Clearly
it is not governance; rather it is non-governance, something the republicans
are turning into an art form.
They think their antics will get attention on problems so
they can be fixed. But wait! That requires them to offer up their own solution
to the problems. Where are these solutions? When was the last time you heard a
cogent presentation from them on how to fix a problem?
All they do is throw a tantrum and hold their breath,
turning blue. Perhaps we should let them
continue with that until they pass out and expire. Treating them like the
kids they are might just turn the tide. After all, kids eventually quiet down
and come to the table for a meal!
Meanwhile I think we should dock the pay of all
congressional people – elected and hired – to reflect the downtime of the
government. That means they have to do without as well. While we are at it,
their government provided benefits ought to be removed and replaced with those
the rest of us get from the premiums and taxes we paid for all our lives.
Congress needs to live on what they feel is fair and abundant for us. It won’t take long after that happens for
them to fix what obviously needs fixing!
If congress acts like kids voters should treat them like
kids. Time outs; corner time; early to bed; no treats; and no TV or computer
I wonder how long it will take them to come to their adult
senses? Or perhaps they lack these? We shall see.
November 13, 2015
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