Russian Airliner
Crash: Everyone has been cautioned not to draw premature conclusions
surrounding the Russian airliner crash in the Sinai Desert .
Yet already, without scientific analysis concluded, an executive of the airline
has stated that the plane’s crash was caused by external factors. This was not
weather related, pilot error, or aircraft operating condition. No, he claims an
external factor was to blame. Of course he has not named that factor. The only
logical conclusion is that the factor was devilish use of a bomb or missile. An
unfriendly act by people unnamed. Of course. Cast blame where unsettled
political ramifications can prosper. Thus also cast blame away from you and
your organization.
For all intents and purposes the flight was routine and
normal. The plane was in excellent condition and expertly crewed. Yet the plane broke up and crashed 23 minutes into its flight. In a hostile environment of
arid sands stretching for hundreds of miles in every direction. What could have
possibly gone wrong?
Well, of course. An evil hand took the flight. I wonder who
that could be? Perhaps we should give experts time to analyze the data and then arrive at a helpful conclusion.
Tarantino Controversy:
This issue perplexes me somewhat. Tarantino is an outspoken and creative
artist lauded broadly. But he is a native New Yorker who feels compelled to
speak out on police power and possible brutality. He feels recent deaths
involved in police action are actually murders. Well, now; that is most likely
an overstatement of the facts, but still, people died involved in police
action. Was the action warranted? Was the action invited by the ‘public’? Were
trouble makers at fault for their own demise? Or were police too willing to
escalate violence with horrible results?
In my mind trouble makers need to own their actions. If they
are provocateurs, then they must know that an unpleasant result could await
them. On the other hand we law abiding citizens expect police to manage
themselves to protect the innocent and control the law breakers. The balance is
hard to maintain. It can change in an instant and allow unwanted results to
occur. It is as simple as that.
I think Tarantino’s statement is a warning to authorities to
be sure their house is in order and to be certain that citizens remain free to
voice their complaints loudly and clearly.
I appreciate what police and fire staff put up with in their
routine duties. The perils they face daily are not on view by the public.
Yet the public holds these same people to an impossibly high standard of
performance. Their lack of appreciation hurts, too.
The police and the policed owe a duty to each other. We are
to keep one another safe and healthy. If strife is at hand we owe it to each
other to work tirelessly to avoid the strife and find peace. If we can’t we
cannot expect the same from others either here at home or abroad. There is too much to lose to not trust one
another in these matters. Tarantino is
asking us to consider all of that!
Large Hadron Collider:
Argonne in Illinois , Fermilab in Illinois , both atom
smashers and particle physics research tools extraordinaire. Both funded by
federal dollars and managed by sterling universities dedicated to research and
discovery of new frontiers.
Then the super-collider was brainstormed and planned; however,politicians
directed it to be built in Texas ,
home of the then US President, George H.W. Bush. Although $1 billion was
budgeted, $4 billion was spent before giving up the project due to fire ants
and sandy soil that would make building the collider in Texas impossible . Illinois sites were considered and favored.
After all the two preceding colliders of old technology operated successfully
there. And land was available. Soil conditions were perfect. Large and
successful universities were available and willing to continue their
administrative oversight of a truly international research tool.
But no. Politics spoiled everything. And America was
blamed for delaying the start of this deeply needed research tool.
International leaders took the reins and decided on a European site. The Large
Hadron Super Collider is the result. And Argonne
and Fermilab colliders are shut down, probably for good.
Research goes on in those locations. Just not super collider
experiments. Too bad; politics made
another decision that was bad for the nation. One wonders if congress can be
trusted to do even its most basic of duties?
Rabin labored to put in place tools for peace. Negotiations
would last for years, maybe even generations, but his lasting hope was to
capture peace eventually so the Palestinians and Israelis could live in peace
with one another.
Netanyahu has been elected now two times, maybe three, and
continues to spread his brand of fear and suspicion of all things non-Israeli.
That garners him votes. But it loses everyone their peace. The promise of
Rabin, and the hope, has been dashed by Netanyahu over and over again.
Thus no peace is gained. Only death, suspicion and military
strikes. When, O Israel, will you turn your face and cheek toward sunshine and
peace? When?
November 3, 2015
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