Well, I guess it makes a difference who you are. In the America of 2016
one thing is certain: everyone is free to be a bigot. Then too, everyone can be
stupid with impunity. Also, each of us can be rude, crude and lewd. There are
costs to being all of these things, but those who need to feel superior to
someone do have the freedom to be an ugly American. In time they may understand
why they shouldn’t act as such, but for now they are free to be themselves.
Individual states – Mississippi ,
Texas , Alabama ,
etc. – are free to make their own laws, ignore their own laws, enforce their
laws or not, all in the name of States Rights. But they do have to cooperate
with federal government standards, laws and protocols if they expect to benefit
from major budgetary help, outright giveaways and cooperation in countless
other ways.
Like storm damage; they can go it alone and rebuild homes,
highways, public buildings and the like on their own dime, or they can request
help from federal authorities for disaster funds. Or they can let their public
schools run every which way but when individuals are discriminated against,
federal authorities can revoke public school funding assistance from that
state. Same with public standards in health, safety and policing. Discriminate
against women, ethnic minorities, people of low income or disabilities, and
those states will feel some financial pain. Like the wayward spouse who has
sexual affairs while married, will lose the kids, have to pay alimony and lose
value of some assets. Whether it is the husband or wife who dallies, they will
experience loss for their exercising such freedom.
There is order within each community. This order is a form
of values shared within the community. Violate them and order is fractured.
Consequences will follow. Simple.
Imposing your values on others when they do not represent
justice or fairness is the same as stripping freedom from those who don’t
believe as you do. Adopting your value as a religious value, does not earn you
the right to impose your value on the other person. That is not religious
freedom just because you say it is.
In the America
of 2016 there are millions of people who believe that Satan resides in abortion
and in homosexual behavior. They often believe that poor people choose to be so
and feed at the public trough.
These people work hard to levy blame, harm and penalty on
those they look down upon. They insist this is their religious belief and thus
insist that they are allowed to behave accordingly as an expression of
religious freedom. Unfortunately for them they cannot claim such freedom with
the force of law.
Public schools are open to all citizens. It is American
value and philosophy that all people are afforded equal access to education as
a means to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The same can be
said of equal access to health, jobs and opportunity. These are the means to
build life, experience liberty and pursue happiness.
Achieving happiness is up to each of us to do for ourselves
and our loved ones. But our well being is based on the ability of our society
(community) to help each access the same as best they can based on their
abilities and desire.
It is not in the community’s best interest to keep good people
down, poor and sick. Nor is it in the interest of our society to maintain an
under-educated populace.
We work hard for everyone to make of life what they will
without harming others while doing so. Order is thus established and
maintained. We have the rule of law not the rule of mob. And we have freedom to
practice our religion as much as we have freedom from having religion foisted
upon us, especially religious beliefs and practices with which we do not agree.
Your religion is yours. Mine is mine. Even if yours or mine
is the absence of religion. That’s OK in America . You don’t have to agree
with me, believe as I do or do as I say. You can’t harm me. I can’t harm you.
Abortion doesn’t harm you, or me. It is a serious, heavy
issue. It is one which is difficult to live with and understand. But it is not
for you or society to impose a belief on me. Abortion is not murder; it is not
the taking of innocent life. The fetus is a fetus and not a live human being
capable of breathing on its own. It is a phase of life prior to birth. To
believe it is a living, breathing human entity is a belief that some people
hold. I do not.
I promise you I will not have an abortion (I am male; I am
over the age of reproduction) and I will not force another to have an abortion.
That is their choice to make, labor over, and discern minutely. I have done my
thinking and discernment. I do not believe abortion is something to be
legislated about other than for the safety and health of the mother. As a male
I have no right to make this decision for a woman or for another human
The same is true about sexual rights of individuals.
Allowing religious perspectives to control the discussion over transgender or
same gender rights is inappropriate. If you don’t believe in gay marriage, gay
sex, or transgender policies, then separate yourself from these issues. You are
not involved in this unless you choose to be. But for what reason? These are
not your issues.
Gay people do not pose a threat of any kind to you and your
family. They are not predators. You may fear they are but that does not make
them so. It is your fear. Own it.
If individuals usurp from you directly the means to pursue
life, liberty and happiness, seek legal recourse. You probably have such
available to you. But if these people are not bothering you directly, then you
do not have any recourse. They are what and who they are. They believe as they
do. You believe as you do. You are who and what you are.
The best solution: live and let live. I can’t stand the way
you vote or drive your car. But you are free to do both without interference
from me. Break election laws and the rules of the road and the police will
knock on your door. Otherwise you are free to live your life.
Now let others do the same. You don’t agree with them. Or
me. Fine! I will live with that. but you do not have the right to impose your
values and beliefs on me.
Hiding behind a legislature or policy maker doesn’t make
truth truer, or falsehoods more false. It just demonstrates the moral
bankruptcy of the followers, unhappy as they may be.
As for moral outrage, whose right is that?
April 7, 2016
Sadness reigns ...