Monday, May 2, 2016

Yearn and Reach

It’s funny but the simplest terms often draw forth the mightiest ideas. The kind of ideas that fuel introspection, aha! moments and sometimes meaning from the mundane.

The other evening I watched some young people (14 to 17 years of age) think about what they were interested in. That’s all. I asked them to tell me what interests them now. Compare that with a year ago; is there a continuity of the interest then and now? Any connection whatsoever? And looking ahead just a little, maybe 3 to 6 months, do you want to take that interest with you more and work on it? Develop it?

I watched their facial expressions mull over the assignment. I could tell who was interested in doing this and who wasn’t. even that helped me see into their personal space a bit more.

Those who were interested in this minor exploration of thought were animated and willing to talk about it in a group setting. Their language was hopeful and demonstrated a sense of yearning, wanting something more if only a better understanding. From the yearning-sort-of-thing I watched as these same people attempted to reach out for more words on their area of interest. Yes; they were reaching toward something. All I can say at this moment is that their reaching was aimed at gathering in more of something. I suspect it was understanding or meaning of the basic interest.

I came away from this experience realizing that most people do have core interests that fuel their curiosity. They ‘like’ something and pay attention to anything that comes along that might be connected to that ‘like’ and soon they are building a mass of data in their minds about it. They are thinking and fabricating an understanding, maybe a point of view, perhaps an interest that will cause them to think more on it, maybe even write something about it, or perform it if it is an art form or musical element.

Reaching forward, wanting something, yearning for a broader view or touch of something that holds meaning for the self – that is a motivating element in the life of a person. No matter their age or education, they have a purpose of the moment and use it to fulfill something more in their life. How can we be more aware of these things in the moment and nurture exploration by those we think are otherwise uninterested?

How many people do you come in contact with that you wonder if they are vitally alive and aware? Or do you feel they are idling through life unthinking and unfeeling?

I know a lot of young people seem that way to me until I ask them a question and they perk up. They respond. They respect me for the question and the attention. The connection is affirmation for them. They respond to that affirmation. Without even thinking about it the two people have engaged one another. At a basic level to be sure, but still they are engaged.

On that one can build. Perhaps that is what teachers do everyday in the classroom. Consciously or not the teaching process is one of engagement. It is a two way street. Both directions must have some manner of activation if a connection is to happen.

Like reading a book. The author has something to say. The reader passes the words before his eyes. Do they mean anything? Does the mind search for the meaning? If not the words and the book mean nothing. The author’s message is missed. No connection has been made. Yet, the words sometimes tickle the reader’s mind enough to form a question about the text. What is the author saying and meaning? With that small tic the reader begins to piece together the logic of the words and uncovers the meaning.

Now whether the meaning is the same between the reader and the author is another dynamic altogether. But just the same meaning is flowing.

Dealing with people is best when connections are being made. Discovering the common language is the first step. The rest will flow from that. Perhaps the motivation to connect has a lot to do with finding what the other person yearns for? What does he want? What does he wish for in life? Is this strong enough to cause him to reach for it? And for how long?

Lives follow this path I think. Basic. Simple. Moving forward bit by bit until patterns form and meaning assembles. Bit by bit. We yearn. We reach. We yearn some more. And then we grasp!

May 2, 2016

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