Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit Shmexit!

It is unfortunate that Britons voted to remove themselves from the European Union. They are European. Like it or not they and history are united at the molecular level. Period. Their futures are linked. The European Union was and is a worthy goal. It is the basis upon which commerce can be coordinated more easily and fairly, and compensation and currency matters can be transacted smoothly. Without EU membership, Britain faces the threat of isolationism. And worse.

The same isolationism America is threatened with by Trumpism. The two are similar and share the same disaffection with government, history, facts, and logic. Their grasp on reality is absent. From that much chaos can result.

Will it? Will the chaos occur?

Oh there will be immediate reactions felt in the first several days but I predict calm and order will be restored by cooler minds. I also predict that a reunion of international brothers and sisters will be sparked much larger than the EU and NATO will result.

Ours is one world. We have no hegemonous powers among us. There are many who will say America is the one super power. I would say that is true if America accepts the moniker. But it won’t. America wins nothing by being the lone superpower. It must be a sharer to make the future work well for future generations. That is how peace is built. War avoided because more is gained from peace. The resources devoted to defense and offense of borders can be invested in people and standards of living. That is the cement that will sustain peace globally.

If Brexit brings this about although unintentionally, then perhaps the chaos will be worth it. But I do believe that we have much to gain by working together as we live together through all of our differences and cultural discomfort. We really are one people within the Human Race and the sooner we realize this the faster our combined futures will change for the better.

Utopia? Not! Just logic and goodwill. We should try that for a while rather than the fear mongering and disinformation so rampant on the news these days.

Buck up everyone! There is much to do. Doing it together is much more fun and rewarding.

June 27, 2016

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